The Greatest Showman

Chapter 869: Witch trials

First it was "Entertainment Weekly" and then "U.S. Weekly". The hot spots and black materials of this year's awards season were really exciting time after time. The crowds who were watching were so excited to scream, even Christmas was not so exciting. .

After forty-eight hours of gestation and precipitation, this time the special report of "U.S. Weekly" has caused even greater noise, which far exceeds the far-reaching influence of "Entertainment Weekly".

First of all, on the official website of "U.S. Weekly", the number of visitors in the form of rockets increased sharply within twelve hours. Previously, the average number was less than 40,000 per hour, but now it has directly increased to 5 million per hour! Even though "U.S. Weekly" learned the lessons and prepared the server early, it still caused the system to crash, which lasted for a full 14 minutes.

Within twelve hours, Gavin Hunter’s report attracted 50 million visits, easily refreshing the historical record created by Entertainment Weekly not long ago; and the amount of reposting of special reports was also It has broken through 100,000 times, and it is almost a geometric multiple of the growth rate, sweeping the United States by storm.

On Facebook, on Twitter, on the photo wall, on the Yahoo community... even on IMDB, and even on China’s Weibo, the news spread vigorously, with North America as a foothold At this point, Asia, Europe, and Oceania have already begun to be fully popularized, and the discussion has really reached its peak.

From a concert to the entire awards season, from the North American continent to the whole world, no one expected that this news event actually created such a powerful wave—from the side, the secret of entertainment to death, once again Glittering, people are not concerned about Lan Li's own innocence and the truth behind the negative news, but the entertainment effect of the entire news event.

Secondly, the physical magazines of "U.S. Weekly" sold 500,000 copies in one go. Even the editor-in-chief of "U.S. Weekly" was frightened.

"Entertainment Weekly" has just sold 400,000 copies, which has astounded the entire North American paper magazine-related media. Everyone is amazed. Under such a background, it is incredible to be able to sell 400,000 copies.

When "U.S. Weekly" decided the print circulation, the editor in chief had tossed and turned for an entire afternoon, biting his teeth and cruelly, and only then decided 500,000 copies. If the decision fails, he may be fired directly and assume the responsibility of the group. The loss; but who would have thought that the first printing of 500,000 copies would have been sold out!

Later, "American Weekly" printed another 50,000 copies. Still all sold out. This has also become a classic case of the best marketing strategy for a print magazine in 2012.

From the standpoint of an onlooker, the attention paid to the two entertainment magazines "Entertainment Weekly" and "U.S. Weekly" and the benefits they have reaped, it is not difficult for people to understand: why are they planning malicious hype, and why "Entertainment Weekly" "Still biting on news events, why the entire news industry is chasing explosions and gimmicks, and why the spirit of entertainment to death has penetrated the bones of the entire Internet age.

Hidden behind entertainment to death, after all, interests are paramount.

So, who is lying about "Entertainment Weekly" and "U.S. Weekly"? Who is the hype? Since "Entertainment Weekly" can continue to instigate incidents to hype news; then why not "American Weekly"? How much can be confirmed in this news report by Gavin Hunter?

Also, why didn't the key witnesses be mentioned in the special report?

Suddenly, the whole network was full of turmoil, the grass and trees were all soldiers, and the doubts were endless. Everyone was participating in the discussion, but everyone was unable to convince others. In the midst of heated discussions and debates, the most authoritative and serious media in the United States, "The New York Times" once again spoke out.

This report was not written by entertainment reporter Bradley Adams alone, but by Bradley in collaboration with a social reporter and a sociologist.

"The Witch Trials in the Age of Entertainment to Death", this report is not like news or editorials, but more like an essay, citing classics, explaining in simple terms, combining news events, and analyzing the ills of the entire era.

The so-called "witch trial" was one of the methods of persecuting pagans by Christianity in the Middle Ages. Most of the victims were women. The purpose was to maintain the authority and rule of religion and eradicate heresy.

Before the Middle Ages, women had always been respected in Germanic traditional cultural areas, especially women who were pharmacological, medical practitioners and literate. Later, Christianity developed in the Germanic region. According to the Christian transaction, women should absolutely obey men. As a result, the church began to belittle and vilify women, fabricate images of women, persecute women, and even burn the so-called "witches" to death.

This frenzy lasted for nearly three hundred years. The vast majority of women were innocent ordinary women. After being framed as "witches," they immediately beheaded and burned their bodies. There are countless souls under the sword. This is an extremely dark chapter in the entire European history and the history of human civilization.

Now, the "witch trial" is widely used in the news industry, specifically referring to those who fabricate, forge, slander, and slander innocent people in order to achieve their goals without compromise, which in turn triggers public opinion and frenzy, causing the parties to fall into arrogance. Michael Jackson is the most famous victim of a witch trial in Hollywood history.

In this article of the "New York Times", a detailed analysis of the Internet age, fast food culture, entertainment to death, and interest-oriented associations and connections. Driven by sufficient interests, even ordinary people can become news selling points. , Even vicious crimes can become political/government methods, and even behaviors that touch the bottom line of morality can also become targets of hype.

It's like "hype door".

The beginning of the incident was actually just a simple and normal phenomenon in the entertainment industry: publicity and hype.

In essence, propaganda and hype are actually the same thing, just different methods and methods. Propaganda is an upright official act, while hype is the act of using different means to continuously renovate and interpret the same event. It can be understood that hype is exaggerated propaganda.

In the era of the popularization of the Internet, "the fragrance of wine is not afraid of deep alleys" is no longer feasible, and publicity and hype are necessary means in the process of business operations. Not only the entertainment industry, even the presidential election is no exception.

Barack-*** is known as the first "Twitter president" in history; the White House and Capitol Hill also admit that the feedback on Twitter and Facebook is extremely important, and it has also become important for them to promote their self-image. platform.

In Hollywood's vanity fair, the competition between fame and fortune, publicity and hype are originally part of the bone marrow; and the entertainment industry and the media industry have always been mutually beneficial and mutually beneficial.

However, "Entertainment Weekly" singled out special cases and lashed out, accusing the other party of "malicious hype." This behavior itself is actually a hype from the media. If it is carried out by the parties and the media, it is a malicious hype; but if it is not, this is the way the media tries to create focus, create gimmicks, and create topics.

It's like a witch trial. For a specific purpose, fabricating and distorting facts, using the media’s leadership characteristics of public opinion, revealing a specific part of the facts, leading the public to enter the wrong cognitive field, and then completing the act of "Trial Witch". In the final analysis, it is to achieve one's own purpose. :

Entertainment and benefits.

"In the current Internet age, the lives of public figures are gradually becoming more and more transparent. Every public figure living under the spotlight may become the next witch. This is the characteristic of the entire era, and it is also the cancer of the entire era. .

Today’s victim is Renly Hall, but tomorrow’s victim may be "you" who is reading this special report. "

The entire report of the "New York Times" is absolutely professional. It only uses the "hype door" as an introduction. It analyzes and discusses the entire country, the entire culture, the entire society, and the entire era. The obscure language and rich knowledge truly Demonstrating the rich background of serious news, with a professional and serious attitude, serious and serious criticized this phenomenon, and expressed deep concern.

As an entertainment reporter, Bradley’s step ahead of his peers in the industry has left aside most of the media’s concerns itself, as well as the "Entertainment Weekly" itself that the "American Weekly" pays attention to. Through the phenomenon Looking at the essence, the root and cause of the whole thing have been really discussed, and the motives and trajectories of "Entertainment Weekly" are clearly presented to the public.

In other words, the "New York Times" went a step further than "American Weekly". In essence, "Entertainment Weekly" was characterized, convicted, and condemned.

If we say that "U.S. Weekly" presents the full picture behind the matter, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com has aroused people’s doubts, prompting more and more netizens to re-search for evidence along the time trajectory, and really begin to examine the authenticity of the special report of "Entertainment Weekly"; then, the importance of the "New York Times" The hammer triggered a frenzy of reflection among netizens, calmed down, pushed aside many complicated news, spied on the development of the whole thing, and found the culprit.

The special report of the "New York Times" was released a little later, and the special report of the "US Weekly" had been fermented for 20 hours before it arrived late. However, the timing was just right. When people began to question, when people began to explore, and when people started investigating, Bradley provided the answers in a timely manner, pushing time to continue to ferment.

As the most authoritative print media in the United States, this issue of "The New York Times" sold a full 1.3 million copies, creating the highest sales volume since 2006. It is also the first time in the past three years that sales have surpassed One million copies.

As for the website click-through rate, it did not reach the height of the "U.S. Weekly". After all, the reading efficiency of serious news is still too low. Despite this, the 20 million click-through rate within twelve hours has created the "New York Times" itself. New high.

In less than twenty-four hours, the entire news event of the "Hype Gate" has undergone earth-shaking changes in the development trajectory, and this is still not over.

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