The Greatest Showman

Chapter 853: Special testimonials

"Len Li, you are an excellent singer."

"I really envy you, and I am jealous of you, because you can squander your talents wantonly."

"Len Li, I also want to be a singer."

"Can I really? Can I really be on the'American Idol' stage?"

"Len Li, I have decided that I will participate in this year's "American Idol"."

"Yes, I want to sing the song "The Beast". If you don't release an album, I can only ask you to sing it again."

"Thank you, thank you for fulfilling your promise. The concert was really wonderful. I told you that you belonged to that stage."

"Shhh, that's our secret."


At this moment, he, Renly Hall, is a singer. Carrying a dream that does not belong to him but becomes part of his soul, Stanley Chalson, Neil Tucson, George Slander, Herbert Jones...and Heather Cross, all of them His dream, struggling to rush towards the end, and finally standing on the Grammy stage.

Joy, excitement, excitement, shock, incredible. Countless emotions rushed across the chest, too turbulent, and too violent, so that the chest began to ache, the gurgling warm current, caught off guard, hit the bridge of the nose fiercely, a burst of soreness.

Pulling, breaking through the dark blockade of the side stage, facing the bright halo of the stage, and then, the whole person was bathed in the light.

There was thunderous applause in the audience; the whole audience stood up together; in the audience, the mountains whirred to the tsunami. The mighty applause, vigorously pushed the atmosphere of tonight's awards ceremony to a climax.

They were surprised by Adele's final miss, and they were also surprised by the emergence of Lan Li; however, they were happy with the re-emergence of folk songs, and they were also happy with the resurgence of the music industry, which was like a pool of stagnant water.

More importantly, they admire the boldness and madness of "Don Quixote". No one, no one in the literal sense, no one in the entire industry dared to make such an album.

But Renly did it.

As a result, the entire Staples Stadium, everyone stood up and applauded, sending lofty respect. There is no exception.

Surging and enthusiastic applause, resounding, resounding again; stirring, resounding again. At this moment, they are leveraging the earth, and they are also making history.

Paul McCartney stood on the spot, holding the phonograph trophy in his hand, waiting for Lan Li with a smile on his face, and finally took the initiative to step forward, handing the trophy to the nearby Lan Li, and patted Lan Li enthusiastically. On the arm, said loudly, "Thank you." Not congratulations, but thank you. The weight of a simple sentence is more than a thousand words.

Lan Li took the trophy with both hands, and after politely expressing his gratitude, he stood in front of the microphone again. The third time tonight.

All this is too unbelievable, and unbelievable. He didn't even expect it the first time, let alone the third time. Standing in place, my mind was blank, the gramophone trophy in his hand was so heavy, pressed heavily on the palm and chest, almost breathless, gently pulling on the softness of my heart, a burst of sorrow, a burst of bitterness.

Lan Li just stood there in a daze, did not speak or move, and was working hard to digest such unexpected results. The straight shoulders and tall figure looked so small but so strong under the flood of light.

The applause of the audience rang out for the second time. This time, mixed with whistles, shouts, and roars, everyone was cheering for Lan Li, and everyone was sending blessings to Lan Li. The noisy and sensational sound made the brilliant lights in front of you excited/excited, and the whole world was plunged into a white halo, and everything lost its original outline.

Involuntarily, Lan Li's fingertips gathered. This gramophone trophy was so heavy, so hot, so special. Suddenly, caught off guard, a faint warmth surged into his eye sockets. Lan Li closed his eyes in a panic, and held the trophy firmly and extremely hard. The sharp edges and corners stabbed the palm of his hand, which barely managed to control the moment. Out of control emotions. So embarrassed.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Lan Li spoke into the microphone.

The noise and noise of the audience gradually settled down. I calmed down and listened carefully to Lan Li’s award-winning testimonials. The touch and shock brought by the first two testimonials are still fresh in my memory. What about the third time? But... all the audience were stunned and looked at Lan Li in a daze. What is this award-winning speech?

"So we got up and pursued our destiny in the dark. I saw you scarred late last night, and I saw you dancing in the arms of the devil."

This is not an award testimony, this is a song. Lan Li's third acceptance speech, unexpectedly and unthinkably chose to sing a song in a clear voice.

No accompaniment, no lights, just a voice. Just like this, Lan Li stood quietly and sang, stripped of all the embellished singing, but restored the most sincere, simplest and most vivid emotions of the music, undisguised in front of everyone.

"The night is boundless, I can't do anything, my eyes are full of flames, never extinguished because of silence, making beauty and making a crown."

The calm and moving song, with a touch of sadness, a touch of loneliness, and a touch of helplessness, resounded throughout the Staples Stadium; but it easily caught everyone’s mind, little by little. Close up, that kind of sadness and sorrow, quietly spread in the depths of the soul.

Everyone was stunned, the guests were so, the audience was so, even the staff who broadcast the show.

The brain of the live director became a mess, what should they do? prevent? Let it go? Interrupted? Urge? Join the accompaniment? Change the lights? Countless thoughts rushed, but couldn't find a clear one. In the end, I could only let it go, then calm down and listen carefully.

Listen to the melody, listen to the lyrics, listen to the singing, listen to the hidden voice.

"So we arrived, a lonely place that I can't go back to. You are the face that made me go through fire and water. This is the name that children will inherit, for beauty and crown; for perfection, to fly away."

Standing on the side stage, John Legend dropped his head in embarrassment, concealing the tears welling in his eyes. Just the phrase "So we arrived, a lonely place that can't go back" completely defeated all his defenses, and he was distressed.

Only the real dreamer, only the real Don Quixote, and only the lonely person who has experienced the hardships and thorns, can understand the deep meaning behind the lyrics and the soul of the core of the song.

A Grammy trophy for an annual album, people saw its glory and glory, but they saw its loneliness and loneliness. On this lonely land with no retreat, too many helpless souls were trapped. They persisted, they struggled, they struggled, using their flesh and blood to forge beauty and crown.

Not because they desire fame and fortune; but because this is the only way to prove their existence.

John Legend gritted his teeth tightly and tried to hide himself, but he was helpless and stood in place blankly, battered and bruised. A piece of music is a world. Now, Lan Li is showing people his world: that barren ruin has the first shining sun.

"So when you are weak, when you kneel down on your knees..." Lan Li's voice choked slightly. Without accompaniment, it was very obvious and very ear-piercing, but he had to stop because of the surging surging. The mood was about to defeat his last line of defense. Standing in place, Lan Li was so fragile and helpless, that lonely and lonely figure dragged the old elders under the bright light.

Take a deep breath, take another deep breath, the surging mood leaked in the slightly trembling voice, and Lan Li began to sing again.

"So when you are weak and weak, when you kneel down on your knees, I will do my best for the rest of the time to guard your vows, lively and true." Every word, every musical note, is so true. Profoundly and fiercely hitting Lan Li's heart, the weight of the dream gradually became real, unprecedentedly real, like a knife-tip dance.

Annie, standing in the audience, took Alex's left hand and gradually clenched it. The tears couldn't stop, she started to cry, she knew, she knew the song.

"The Beast", the name of the song.

Heather practiced singing in the hospital every day, over and over again, tirelessly. Heather said that this is the song she is about to perform; Heather said that this is her favorite song; Heather said that this is the first time she truly understands Lanly’s song; Heather also said that this is the song that belongs to everyone. The song of a dreamer.

At "One Man's Concert", Lan Li said that he was waiting, waiting for the moment when someone came on stage to sing the "Beast".

Annie suddenly had a hunch that Heather, who was sleeping, could never wake up again. So, howling and crying, she didn’t want to, she didn’t want this, she wanted Heather to wake up quickly, and she would also tell Heather the story of the party tonight, "Look, Lanly sang that song. Oh, you missed it."

Heather missed it.

Annie, sobbing, she threw her head into Alex's arms and wept bitterly, "Alex, isn't Heather awake anymore?"

Alex lost in tears.

"So grass/your dream, how dare you forget our scars, I will be a beast for you, if you pay enough money, everything will be counted, few dreams can be remembered."

In Pioneer Village, George Slander showed a smile at this moment. Even though the tears were streaming down his face, the old tears were running, and the embarrassed, the smile on the corner of his mouth bloomed wantonly and brilliantly. He liked this moment, and he loved it. At this moment, I am even willing to dedicate my life for this moment. That energy that burns life is so bright, so wanton, so crazy.

Turning his head, with his tears in his eyes, George saw his friends: Herbert, Stanley, Neal...and countless Don Quixotes, gathered together. Everyone's eyes are filled with similar emotions. At this moment, they are all one.

"So we arrived, a lonely place that I can't go back to. You are the face that made me go through fire and water. This is the name that children will inherit, forging charm and crowning."

The first trophy belongs to folk songs; the second trophy belongs to dreams; the third trophy belongs to Heather Cross.

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