The Greatest Showman

Chapter 852: Reality burst

Paul McCartney is on stage.

This legendary superstar, the resume and honor table need not be said at all, his existence itself is already a legend. After the disbanding of The Beatles, as a solo singer, Paul has still contributed countless classics in the past few decades. Not only did he book a seat in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame early, but he also had a profound influence on future music lovers. .

Tonight, Paul made his grand debut, as the award-giving guest, unveiling the final award of the awards ceremony: Album of the Year Award!

On the Grammy stage, the weight, weight and quality of the four comprehensive awards are unparalleled, and among them, the annual production award and the annual album award are slightly better. The former is the highest award dedicated to the producer, which was received by Adele this year; the latter is dedicated to the artistic quality of the entire album, which is equivalent to the Oscar's best film.

The five nominees for this year’s album of the year are Adele’s "21", Bruno Mars’s "Fighters and Gangsters", Spitfire’s "Wasting-Light", and Miss Gaga. "Natural End ***orn-This-Way, "Don Quixote" by Lan Li.

Among the five albums, "21", "Fighters and Gangsters", and "Naturally Perfect" are all popular genres, and all three works were shortlisted for the best pop album competition-"21" won. Popularity and electronics are undoubtedly the main trends of today's trends, even replacing the dominance of hip-hop and rhythm and blues, dominating the entire market.

"Abandoned Light" is a rock genre, a fading rock and roll. In the past three Grammys, there has been no nominations for the four major comprehensive awards. This year, the strength of the Spitfire band once again brought rock and roll back. In the eyes of the people, at least the nomination was received. Of course, this work also won the best rock album award.

"Don Quixote" is a folk song style, which seems to have been forgotten over the years.

The last time there was a ballad in the nominations for the Grammy Album of the Year. It was in 2002, ten years ago. Bob Dylan’s "Love&Theft", but it was a mix of folk songs and rock and roll. , Jazz, country and many other styles of works; while the pure folk album is among the nominated seats, it is still Bob Dylan. The 1998 album "Time-Out-Of-Mind", won that year It won the Grammy Album of the Year Award, which is also the last folk album to win the Album of the Year Award.

After the nomination list was released, "21" was deservedly the biggest winner, and the strongest opponent was "Fighters and Gangsters"; before the award ceremony was about to end, "21" was still the biggest winner, "Light of Abandonment". Become the most powerful impactor.

So, is this year the most popular one? Or is it rock counterattack? Or maybe...

Lan Li returned to the background.

However, compared with just now, the situation seems to have changed slightly. The singers and staff gathered in the backstage stepped forward and expressed their sincere congratulations. The hustle and bustle of congratulations was completely overwhelmed. The entire backstage was very lively. From the stage to the waiting room, Lan Li met at least thirty people.

The fellow John-Legend also smiled, seeming to capture the helplessness in Lan Li’s eyes, and said jokingly, “You will adapt. Not because of this trophy, but because you are an actor. You know, it’s like a group of ducks. Among them, a swan suddenly came, and the situation suddenly became more delicate."

For singers, there is a gap between them and the actors, and they always involuntarily look up; however, an annual newcomer award, and more importantly, the acceptance speech, quietly shattered the gap between them. , Gradually narrowed the distance between each other, so the situation changed.

Of course, as one of the four comprehensive category awards, the newcomer of the year, its weight is not comparable to the best alternative album award, even more rare than the other three comprehensive category awards, because this is every singer, An award that can only be competed once in his entire career: Lan Li, caught it.

"Are you sure I am a swan? I feel that I am a kitten who refuses to enter the water." Lan Li's ridicule once again hinted at his identity as an "actor", but he did not have a condescending posture, but with a hint of self-deprecating Just kidding, successfully made John laugh happily.

Entering the most spacious waiting room, Nathan, who was standing not far from the door, took the initiative to greet him. The astonishment and surprise on his face could not be concealed. He opened his mouth wide, just sighed, but couldn't organize the language at all; standing in the bustle Andy and Roy in the crowd also cast their sights, expressing incredible surprise with their eyes.

However, before they had time to talk, the bustling waiting room suddenly fell silent, and someone said, "It's about to be announced!"

As a result, Lanly and John did not take a step forward, but raised their heads and looked at the big screen hanging in the corner. On the screen, Paul McCartney was opening the envelope, preparing to announce the last award tonight, and also the most important award. Almost everyone involuntarily held their breath:

Can Adele complete the sweep? Prior to this, five nominations have won five awards. Can Adele continue to be strong and complete tonight's big deal? Two years ago, Beyoncé swept six Grammy gramophone trophies, but left regrets. The album of the year was lost to Taylor Swift. Then this year, Adele could tie Beyoncé's record and tied. Is it the female singer with the most awards in a single session? Can the perfect night belonging to Adele come to an end?

If... just if someone is upset, then who will it be?

The moment of witnessing history is always extremely tense. To be precise, bystanders are even more nervous than the parties involved.

Lan Li looked around the waiting room for a week, everyone was so nervous that even the sound of heartbeat and breathing seemed to have completely disappeared; before that, Lan Li always felt like a bystander.

But at this moment, a synchronized picture of the pioneer village began to appear in my mind. The scene must be very interesting; and Heather, if she sits in front of the TV and waits for the last award, her expression must be very funny.

Gradually, Lan Li began to be in it, no longer a bystander, but a participant. He really felt the tension, the expectation, and the excitement, just like butterfly wings, and began to flutter and instigate.

Grammy, unprecedented truthfulness and clarity, even the phonograph trophy in his hand seems to be getting hot.

"Tear and pull", Paul opened the envelope and drew out the card. Without deliberately creating suspense, he lowered his head and read the card, then raised his voice and said, "The fifty-fourth Grammy, the winner of the album of the year is..." Paul seemed to be somewhat With presbyopia, he had to stretch the card a bit further, frowned, read it carefully, and confirmed the winner.

Unintentionally, this small action made the air in the audience solidify, and the sweat in the palms of the palms and the heart of the chest cavity were compressed to the extreme, and if they were not released, they seemed to burst. It was only half a second, but it seemed that a long century had passed. Then, at ten times the speed of slow motion, he saw Paul approach the microphone and loudly announce the result.

"'Don Quixote', Renly Hall."

Time stopped and solidified at this moment, and even the flow of air has lost its meaning; the brain completely stopped, interpreting, thinking, recollecting, reacting... and then gradually understood the meaning of this sentence and these words. What's going on. In an instant, the applause of the mountain whistling and the tsunami erupted.

Folk songs, Grammys have chosen folk songs. Since 1998, after a lapse of 14 years, Grammys has once again awarded the annual album to a folk album, an independent folk song, a niche style, and no There are no works in the promotion, a work that really returns to music and stick to music, and a work that reawakens people's enthusiasm for music.

Bold, crazy, bold.

At the age of fifty-four, Grammys showed incredible courage and determination. In this year’s list of winners, a group of 22-year-olds and 23-year-olds are popular. Rock and folk songs have returned to people’s attention. Music seems to have returned to the purest era.

It's just about music.


Reflexively, Nathan hugged Lanly, but couldn't say a word. He couldn't even make a sound. He was caught off guard and began to cry and cry so hard that he couldn't help himself; even Roy and Andy The two people also froze in place, lost and at a loss, the focus in their sights gradually began to blur.

Such joy came too suddenly and too ferociously.

Everyone in the waiting room rushed up and congratulated Lan Li frantically; in the turbulent crowd, John-Legend kept a trace of calm, supported Lan Li and left the waiting room quickly, and then raised his voice, " Hurry up on the stage, this is your moment!" John patted Lan Li's back heavily. A simple action contained all the congratulations and excitement.

For John, the victory of the ballad is far greater than the meaning of a trophy.

In the post of jazz and soul, now John is finally no longer alone. He is also a Don Quixote, and now he has found another Don Quixote. Behind the brilliant smile, there was a warmth in the eye sockets, and he patted Lan Li's arm hard again, "Go!"

Joy, until now, Lanly really feels the crazy joy, like an Emmy, like Sundance, like the Berlin Film Festival. He won an award, as a singer, as a dreamer, he won an award, on the Grammy stage.

This sense of reality hit his chest like never before, and it burned.

Lan Li forced himself to calm down, but it was not an easy task. He turned around and gave the gramophone trophy in his hand to John, and then stepped forward again, accelerating towards the direction of the stage. However, the fingers began to tremble uncontrollably.

He won the prize as a singer. .


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