The Greatest Showman

Chapter 830: 1 promise 0 gold

The melody stopped; the singing stopped.

Madison Square Garden fell into silence again, but in the quiet surging darkness, the eyes of the audience were projected in the same direction one after another, and the hazy and bright tears joined together, even more than the sky. The stars are still dazzling, the faces and eyes are so different and so similar, the warm and bright rays of light are connected together, converging into a powerful force, rippling in the chest.

Heather's muscles couldn't get his strength, and he almost couldn't stand on his heels. In just a short time, sweat was oozing out of his forehead, and he seemed to have reached the limit of his body, and he might fall apart anytime, anywhere. . The pale face and rough gasping revealed her weakness and embarrassment at the moment. If it weren't for Ellie and Derek to hold her hands in time, I'm afraid she could no longer stand at this time.

However, she can't give up, and she doesn't want to give up either.

Heather stood firmly again to straighten her knees. Even though her knees were trembling slightly, she still straightened her waist, passed through the blurred tears, met Lan Li's sight, and tried to say, "I won't Give up." But in the end there was only a vague grunt, even the syllables were incomplete, all the voices rolled in the throat, and the feeling of weakness was pressed down heavily.

But Heather was not discouraged. Instead, he took a deep breath, opened his mouth greatly, and did not worry, and started to try one syllable, one syllable, "" Unprecedentedly, It is so difficult to speak such a simple thing. Before the concert tonight, the situation was not so serious, but now, the more anxious, the more difficult it is.

Taking a deep breath, taking a deep breath again, Heather continued to try without giving up, "I... won't... let go... abandon..." But a few simple words almost consumed all of Heather's strength, but she still Repeated again stubbornly, "I won't."

The weight of a word was heavy on the chest, hot tears covered his cheeks, but the smile on the corners of the mouth bloomed wantonly, like a sunflower facing the sun, vigorous, vigorous, and mumbled in a low voice. , "I won't. I won't, I won't."

As if it were a spell, as if it were a promise, every time it was so firm, every time it was so affirmative, and speaking, the immature and pale face burst out with shining light, even the eyes They all regained their spirits. Heather stood up straight with great difficulty, eagerly got rid of the support of his father and mother, walked forward a small step tremblingly, raised his chin high, as if bathed in the sun, and said again:

"I do not know."

So weak, but so determined; so vague, but so clear; so small, but so loud.

Don’t talk about Ellie, even Derek was already in tears at this time, embarrassed, but he didn’t have time to pay attention to himself, just clenched his fist, just stared at Heather, and barely maintained it with the last trace of reason With all the emotions, it will not be completely fragmented.

Puff, puff, puff. The sound of the heartbeat still echoed, but it gradually became a piece. Involuntarily, Hope raised his right hand and placed it on his chest, feeling the strong and powerful heartbeat. It was so violent that his fingers were He couldn't help curling up, pressing hard, as if he could pass through his chest, truly touching the warmth and strength of the heart.

"I won't give up." Hope couldn't help whispering, his voice was completely drowned in tears, even the simplest syllables became ambiguous, but the will in the words burst out Unbelievable energy. Like never before, Hope has never been so firm:

She will not give up.

She will not give up her dreams, she will not give up persistence, she will not give up life. She was Don Quixote, the fool who raised his spear high and wrestled with the windmill, the lunatic who was obsessed with his own world, the fool who had a heart of innocence but was not tolerated by this society. Yes, she is a crazy and stupid Don Quixote.

It's just because she firmly believes. Dreams make life bearable; dreams make life full of glory.

"I won't give up." Hope whispered again, but he couldn't cry, crying so much that he couldn't help himself, almost out of breath. She does not want to give up, and she will not give up.

Hope Baez, William Taylor, Graham Hughes, Timsey Leslie... They are all Don Quixote; Anita Tunisa, Kylie Button, Annie Seeri Mann, Elle Cross, Derek Cross... They are all Don Quixote; also, Bradley Adams of the "New York Times", Gavin Hunter of the "U.S. Weekly", " Eli Wallach of the Seattle Post... They are also Don Quixote.

Above this "one person concert", in the Madison Square Garden tonight, this is a carnival feast belonging to Don Quixote.

Heather raised his hands high and shouted again, "I...I won't give up."

Lan Li heard it, Lan Li heard it clearly, the tip of his nose was sour, and the warm water vapor almost came out of his eyes, but he lowered his eyes in time, concealing the fragility that flashed by under his eyes, and then sketched again. Strings sang softly again, "I just ask you not to let go, and promise you will never leave."

This is a song that belongs to Heather, but it is not his own song. With your fingertips together, you can hold your dreams tightly; but the weight of dreams is so heavy that it makes people staggering and difficult. Compared with persistence, giving up is always easier, but only if you really persist will you be no longer alive. , Life can have color again.

He gave up once, and will not give up a second time. He also hoped that Heather would not give up, because he didn't know whether Heather would still have a second chance.

A simple and simple lyric, "Say-You-Won’t-Let-Go (Say-You-Won’t-Let-Go is extremely important. So, Lan Li’s fingertips slid across the strings and hummed again, “I just ask you not to defend, and promise you will never leave.” This is for Heather and Don Quixote. It is also a promise to Lan Li himself.

Make a promise.

The music is over; touched, it has just begun. Even with the album "Don Quixote", even with the full performance of "One Man's Concert", at this moment, the power of music still hits everybody again and again. The atrium of an audience, the slightly trembling soul, shivered slightly under the starburst night sky.

The smile bloomed in tears, Heather looked at Lan Li quietly, his eyes seemed to be able to clearly depict the outline of the face, narrow eyes, tall nose, full lips, tough chin... his vision was greedy. And delicately pieced together the appearance in the memory, falling slowly again.

She knew that this song was not a confession from Lan Li, but her heartfelt voice and a gift from Lan Li.

Lan Li never loved her, as if she never did not love him. They are friends, always so, they used to be, they are now, and they are in the future. However, she was so lucky that the confession of her secret love could still be waiting by his side, quietly watching, and even realizing her dream. All this is really too good, she shouldn't be too greedy.

What's more, she has a song of her own. She participated in the creation of the lyrics-although it was only a very small part, she still participated in it; the melody was compiled by Lan Li, and finally sung by Lan Li, a song that truly belongs to her own voice, containing her memories , Contains her longing, her dream, and her soul.

She couldn't think of anything more beautiful than this. No, maybe, singing this song on the "American Idol" audition stage is the most perfect thing. But should she sing "The Beast", or should she sing "Say You Will Not Give Up"? This is a difficult subject to choose.

Watching Lan Li quietly, Heather said in a loud voice, "Cleopatra." She knew that Lan Li would not sing "The Beast" tonight. Apart from this song, she is most looking forward to hearing it now. It was "Cleopatra", so she yelled again.

This time, both Ellie and Derek understood, so they joined Heather and shouted towards the stage, "Cleopatra."

Heather could catch the smile drawn at the corner of Lan Li’s mouth, a hint of helplessness and a hint of beauty, and then she began to hum softly, “I will not miss it again, I will not miss it again, miss the love of my life. Dang When I die alone, when I die alone, I will never miss it again."

With a vague voice, it is impossible to say a complete sentence. Only the fragmented melody reverberates between her lips and teeth, but Heather's eyes are getting brighter and the smile on the corner of her mouth is getting happier: she likes this song, only Only after experiencing the vicissitudes of life can I understand the connotation of this song. She likes it.

Lan Li on the stage seemed to hear the call from Heather's heart. He shook his head slightly and raised his head. There was a vast darkness in front of him. It seemed that he could not see anything, but he seemed to be able to see the stormy waves. And the vicissitudes of life, the spacious and vast Madison Square Garden makes people feel small, but it also makes the stage feel Those pairs of fuzzy teary eyes reflect the faint halo, as if reflecting him Silhouette. So, without the playing of the guitar or the accompaniment of music, he sang in clear voice:

"But it's too late, it's all too late, I missed the love of my life."

The phrase "it's too late" reverberated gently in the garden space through the microphone, and the excitement and excitement quietly echoed in the crowd, but no one said anything, just staring at the stage blankly. Stripped of the joy of the melody, stripped of the excitement of the drums, the sadness and bitterness hidden in the depths of the lyrics slowly overflowed.

Lan Li stopped abruptly, and his fingertips sketched a melodious and profound melody on the strings. The musical notes flew lightly and danced, as if they were plugged in their wings, through the garden, through the snowstorm in New York, and through the blizzard. After passing the constraints of time and space, I found Cleopatra again, stopped in the depths of those sad eyes, and then Lan Li sang in a clear voice again:

"When I die alone, when I die alone, I won't miss it again."

Note: Say you will not give up (Say-You-Won’t-Let-Go——James-Arthur)

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