The Greatest Showman

Chapter 829: Through the thorns

The huge Madison Square Garden was silent. The clear guitar strings flow quietly like spring water, the warm and moving stories, the bitter and sad stories, the romantic and beautiful stories, the sad and lost stories, but in the simple guitar chords, whisper.

The delicate and deep emotions, like the willow breeze in early spring and March, are warm, golden, and gentle, slapped on the face, unknowingly, the corners of the mouth rise, but the eyes are inexplicably covered with tears and colorful A little rippling appeared in his sight, like a shining star.

I love you so much, but you will not know; I am so reluctant, but I can only pretend to be indifferent; I am so longing, but I fear to lose. Actually, deep in my heart, I want to be with you until my temples are white.

Secret love is like this, bitter and sweet, happy and sad, just like the whale called ** Lisi in the deep blue sea.

Huge and magnificent figures swim freely, turbulent undercurrents traverse their sides, fish creatures linger on their wings, and spread-winged birds stay on their backs; have seen the magnificence of the fantasy world, passed by the tranquility of the seabed, and stopped in the wonderland of Eden, However, countless stories are not listened to, singing alone, dancing alone, living alone.

The upturned corners of the mouth, the tears that fell, the surging happiness, the most beautiful, most private, grandest, and smallest emotions in the heart, completely defeated all the lines of defense, the brain fell into a blank, just looking at the stage quietly, quietly Looking at Lan Li, listening to the singing quietly, helpless, unable to help himself.

Everyone, 20,000 people in the audience, everyone is no exception. The simple but deep, delicate and turbulent secret love, attachment and love, between the tangled / lingering / cuddling / sadness of the guitar strings makes people palpitating, just like this Slowly, slowly, sinking.

Tonight's Madison Square Garden has become the most special and warmest corner in the depths of memories. This is a concert that belongs to Heather Cross, this is a concert that belongs to Renly Hall, and this is a concert that belongs to each of the 20,000 people present. That’s why the music is moving.

Heather stretched out her right hand, and every cell under her body was calling. She tried to cross the layers of space and touched the figure, but just a little closer, her fingertips curled up, as if touching the sun. , Longing for warmth, but afraid of flying tightly. The awkwardness and resistance of the body pulled her back heavily, and the pull of gravity severely defeated the support of both hands and feet, and she sat down, curled up in an embarrassing manner.

She can't even stand up, she can't even speak. What should she do?

The trivial and low sound did not attract any attention in the huge scene where everything was silent and emotional, and there was not even a slight rubbing sound. But Ellie felt it.

Turning her head, through whirling tears, Ellie saw Heather trying to stand up. The turbulent, touched, intoxicated, all kinds of emotions made Ally unable to start thinking at all, but bent down in a hurry, helping from deep, and wanting to help—but she didn't even know what Heather was doing, she just looked worried. : Heather's current physical condition can't bear it at all, why would she want to stand up? Can she stand up?

However, Heather refused Allie's help. Raising his hand and pushing away Ellie's hands, the strength is weak, but extremely determined.

Raising his head, Heather met Ellie's gaze, did not speak, the spasm and tightness in her throat made her speak out, but her determined gaze clearly expressed the meaning, "I need to do it myself. I must do this myself!"

That resolute, that sure, Allie couldn't help but froze, opened her mouth, and before the brain reacted, her hands had been slowly released. However, Ellie didn’t dare to let it go completely, she could only guard at a distance, ready to provide protection at any time; then, Derek also noticed the situation here, rubbed his red eyes, and collected his emotions. , Quickly bent down and joined the ranks of the protection net.

Heather ignored her, but devoted herself entirely to her work: she supported the armrest of the wheelchair with her hands, supported her body vigorously and with all her strength, but the weight of her body was so clumsy and gravitational. The effect is so heavy that the weak feet are not helpful at all, only relying on thin hands to try to complete the task.

A simple standing movement is so difficult for Heather. Her hands began to tremble violently, but she did not intend to give up in the slightest, clenched her teeth, clenched her fists, little by little, very slowly, wobbly, and stood up.

Her feet staggered a bit and swayed twice on the spot. Fortunately, Ellie and Derek helped her in time to avoid the danger of turning over. For others, this is just the most basic movement in daily life, the first thing after waking up every day; but for Heather, she consumes all the strength of her whole body, standing still, her legs are still trembling slightly. .

However, Heather laughed. Laughed brilliantly.

Lifting her head, through the layers of halo, through the darkness, through the plexus barrier, she saw Lan Li. He was still playing the guitar intently, and he was still singing the song wholeheartedly, a touch of gentleness and deepness in the light and shadow, looming in the bottom of his eyes, there was a fleeting light of water.

"I want to stay with you..." Lan Li's fingertips stopped and continued to sing amidst the curling strings, but the voice was a little choked, and the heavy bitterness and sorrow dragged the ankles, slowly sinking, his mind Swaying, the strong emotion was stuck in his throat like this, and the singing was cut off. The short pause and the calm silence filled with a faint helplessness, but it fell heavily in my heart.

Taking a deep breath, Lan Li re-drawn the strings and sang again, "I want to stay with you, through death, because you are always waiting there, when I need it most."

The longest love confession is eternal companionship. Even if the **** of death intervenes, even if the yin and yang are separated, even if the sky is old, the eternity in the deep heart still stops at the moment when we stand by each other, time and space, life and death, all have lost meaning, only left Each other only belongs to each other.

Heather stood in place, so sad, yet so impulsive, the more yearning, the more timid; the closer, the more afraid. The despair that sparsely fell on the shoulders was magnificent and grand. He took a small step cautiously, but couldn't go any further, and could only stand stiffly in place, tears in his eyes.

Ellie, who was standing next to her, couldn't cry at this moment. The more beautiful the moment, the more cruel reality is. Watching Heather's troubles and hesitations, Ally was crushed by despair. She had to cover her mouth to avoid crying. At sixteen, Heather was only sixteen, and her life hadn't even had time to begin.

Derek averted his sight unbearably, feeling powerless like never before. Suddenly began to hate myself.

Between the spotlight and the dark line, Lan Li raised his head, passing through time and space, and his gaze fell on Heather. He can see her, he can see the thin but stubborn figure, he can see the girl whose life is weak but refuses to compromise, he can see the soul that burns his life to chase dreams, he can see that is limited She woven brocade in her life.

In her body, he saw the self he used to be, the self he once chose to give up. Deep down in his heart, how eager he is to see her future, to see her stand up again, move towards the future, create his own world, and realize his dream. Maybe, just maybe, one day in the future, he can do it too.

"I will love you until the last breath is exhausted, until death takes me away, immortal like an oath." The guitar melody began to rise gradually, and the singing of Lan Li burst into incredible power. That is the weight of the soul, heavy. It’s so breathless, "So I wrote this song for you, telling everyone that I stayed with you until they turned white."

The fingers of the guitar strings stopped and waited quietly for the singing and chords to dissipate in the air, and the whole world became quiet, as if the heart beating could be heard silently.

Puff, puff, puff... The messy sound is beating the pulse of life, the surging touch and the precipitation of sorrow collide together, and the rich chemical reaction is almost suffocating.

Lan Li just looked in that direction quietly. He knew that Heather was there, whispering softly, "Just begging you will not let go, and promise you will never leave."

In an instant, Heather's emotions collapsed for the second time, and the rushing tears turned the spotlight on the stage into a colorful color, as if countless stars were scattered on the sky, and the whole world was brightened. She just stood in place like this, unable to move or speak, just smiling, laughing greatly, and crying like crazy, just like a neuropathy.

"Heather Cross. UU reading" The name flashed through Hope Baez's mind, and everything lit up like a beacon. She understood the meaning of the concert tonight, she Knowing the meaning of this song, she even understood the meaning of the name Heather Cross, that is the desire for dreams, that is also the pursuit of life.

Everything is explained.

This is always the case for Lanly, so is "Don Quixote", and so is "One Man's Concert". On the road of chasing dreams, every step is so firm and determined, and the meaning of life is blooming proudly little by little. That moving light, warm and bright.

Happiness and emotion were surging in his chest, tears blurred his vision, but Hope had no time to wipe it off, but eagerly and eagerly followed Lan Li’s sight, looking for Heather Cross in the vast sea of ​​people. Looking forward to her response, looking forward to her being strong again, and looking forward to her being able to realize her dream.

At this moment, they are all Don Quixote, they are all supporters on the path of each other's dreams, and they are all companions in each other's lives. It's not just Blue Li, not just Hope, but William, Graham, and Timsey...and every listener in Madison Square Garden. 8)

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