The Greatest Showman

Chapter 820: Moths to the fire

"Audience in front of the TV, welcome back to the'Today Show', I am your location host. It is now five to five in the morning Eastern Time. Early this morning, the East Coast was hit by the third cold wave this winter. , The temperature plummeted by 35 degrees Fahrenheit; at the same time, a storm hit, and now the entire New York City is shrouded in white snow. However, such bad weather still failed to prevent the biggest event since the beginning of 2012 !

At this moment, I am standing at the door of Madison Square Garden in New York. Through the camera lens, the audience can clearly see the turbulent and frenetic crowd at the scene. Listen, the shouts of cheering..." Then the voice was instantaneous. After being overwhelmed by screams, the host's voice disappeared for about seven or eight seconds before he was found again, "This is an unexpected party, and it has also become the most beautiful scenery in this winter. "

NBC's ace morning show "Today Show" has been the highest-rated morning news program and morning talk show in the United States every week since its launch in 1987. The entire program lasts for four hours, focusing on the big and small in the society. All aspects of this show the various forms of sentient beings in American society.

After Diane White’s brief location report was over, the show returned to the studio again-the "Today Show" studio is located on Rockefeller Plaza, a fully transparent fish tank-style live broadcast room, and every audience coming and going is You can stop and become part of the live broadcast, which has become one of the biggest features of the show.

The host of the show, Matt-Lauer, naturally took over Diane’s topic. “Only two days ago, no one knew about this concert, but now, forty-eight hours have not passed. This Has become the most watched hot spot in New York City, Ann, what do you think?"

Matt’s partner host, Ann-Curry, showed a smile and exclaimed, “Unbelievable. I mean, this is a concert in a garden. For everyone who lives in New York or visits New York In other words, the garden concert is an event not to be missed. But forty-eight hours ago, no one knew about this concert? Please, this is not April Fool's Day."

"Exactly!" Matt repeatedly nodded in agreement, "In order to prevent audience friends from not understanding the situation, I am here to announce the correct answer again. Lanly-Hall, on the night of February 11th, passed the ten A studio announced that it will hold a concert in the garden on the 16th—that is, today. This performance called “One Man’s Concert” will not be sold through the online ticketing system. Tickets will be sold on the spot in the most primitive and simple way."

"This sounds like a pop-up concert. But the problem is that a pop-up concert can gather a thousand spectators, which is already very rare. However, Lan Li chose the garden as the venue. Then. , Is this a Kardashian-style show or a concert of special significance?"

Ann took the conversation with a smile, and then naturally and smoothly transferred to the focus of everyone’s attention. Finally, she turned around and looked at her partner, “There are countless controversies about this concert. There are also many opinions. Matt, what do you think?"

Faced with such straightforward and sharp questions, Matt didn't rush, and looked at the camera with a confident and sincere look, "I think it is good to support or to oppose; whether it is positive or negative. Everyone. All have their own opinions, but no matter what the idea is, the more important thing should be: Are you willing to watch this concert? How many 20,000 audience seats in the garden can be filled?"

An showed admiration eyes and closed his jaw with a chuckle, "This is also the answer we are trying to find today. There are only eleven hours left before the concert officially begins, and the answer will be revealed. But here Before, we can take a look at the situation at the scene first. Diane?"

Standing in the storm, Diane stumbled a bit. She had to adjust her headset. Only then did she catch the intermittent signal from the live broadcast, "Yes, Matt, Ann. I'm on the scene now. Just like you guys. As you can see, the weather condition has not continued to deteriorate, but it has not improved. Under such a harsh environment, the situation of this concert also attracted everyone's attention."

Turning around, Di An led the camera forward and came under the eaves in front of the ticket window. The influence of the weather was slightly weakened, and the sound gradually became clearer.

"As the camera shows, there is a mighty long queue in front of the ticket window at the scene. Such a sight is even more crazier than on basketball or ice hockey game days." Di An motioned to the queues with no end in sight , You can even see one tent after another, and the site directly becomes a campsite.

"We went around the garden just now, and there was no way to make specific statistics, but there were at least three thousand spectators, or even more. Now, let us interview these spectators." Accompanied by the photographer, Dai Ann walked to an audience member standing at the forefront, "Good morning, may I ask, what is your name?"

"Timsey Leslie."

"Timsey, it's nice to meet you." Diane then raised his own question, "You are the first of the entire team to arrive at the scene. Excuse me, when did you come here?"

"Yesterday at five o'clock in the afternoon. I brought my tent, sleeping bag and warm clothes, and prepared food. I started to line up here." Timsey's words spread clearly through the microphone, and other fans lined up behind him. They also began to cheer and cheer for Timsey, seeming to express their approval and support.

"This means that you have stayed here for nearly sixteen hours, and today there are eleven hours waiting ahead. But why?"

Timsi bent down and left the scope of the lens, which caused the photographer to lower the lens in a panic, capturing Timsi's movements, and then seeing Timsi pulling out an album from his sleeping bag and standing up straight again. , Displayed in front of the camera. It is the album "Don Quixote".

"Because of Lanly-Hall." Timsey's tone was so firm and decisive. Then, he took a step forward, looked at the camera, and said every word:

"I want to tell the reporters, and I want to tell the doubters: This concert was not planned, and Lan Li never wanted to promote it. This is an agreement between him and his true loyal audience. .

If it weren't for those reporters to report indiscriminately, Lanli and the 11th studio would not want more people to know. What we care about is not the attendance of the garden, but a dream belonging to Don Quixote.

So, those listeners who think this is a hype, it doesn't matter, you can stick to this idea, and then, don't show up in the garden or show your support in any form. Believe me, this is good for you, and it is also for us. "

Di An tried to respond, but he didn't expect that the crowds who were queuing started cheering and shouting. In the beginning, the sound was not noisy, it was just a small group of people at the front of the team; but gradually, the sound became more and more, bigger and stronger.

"Huh, huh", the wind was whistling, but slowly, these noises disappeared, and only the surging shouts around the entire garden, "Don Quixote", they were calling, sending The cry from the heart filled the sky, shaking Madison Square Garden, shaking the "Today Show" live room, and shaking every audience in front of the TV.

Perhaps the popularity of "Don Quixote" is just a bubble, just like pop culture in the fast-food era; but Lanly has forgotten that he and George Slander were never alone. "Pioneer Village Night" was once This has been proved, and "One Man's Concert" is once again proving it.

Hidden under the bubble, the heart of each child is firmer, more fiery, and more persistent. They are just a very small group of people. In a huge world, even a city may be unsatisfactory, but they can fill a Madison Square Garden.

Like moths fighting a fire, in the midst of violent storms and snow, they resolutely gathered from all over North America and all over the world. It was like the whale named **Lisi. They used to think that only they could hear their own singing, but the frequency of fifty-two hertz was now resounding on the man named Lanly-Hall. Therefore, they are desperate and desperate.

Allie Cross looked at the small screen of the TV quietly, and involuntarily a blur of tears appeared in her eyes. Those strange faces, those fanatical faces, she But he saw Heather, and saw her beloved daughter.

Turning his head, he looked at Heather, who was still lying quietly on the bed, without any movement. Allie gently pressed the back and palm of her daughter's hand, "Heather, did you see it? I know, you will be crazy about it, and you will be immersed in it. Lan Li has kept his promise, and now It's your turn. Why don't you wake up and go to the scene to listen to this concert that belongs to you?"

Talking about tears slipped down.

There was no response, and there was still no response. Allie lowered her head and closed her eyes, concealing her pain and despair, her mouth full of bitterness but unable to speak. What should she do, what else can she do, if she can, she is even willing to exchange her life with her, and she becomes the one lying in the bed/on the sickbed.


"Mom, are you serious?" A weak voice came from her ears. Allie was stunned, her muscles stiffened and she didn't move, lest she had heard it wrong, and then next Seconds, the voice came again, "Mom, I heard it just now, it seems there is a concert, did you mean Lanly's concert?"

Ellie raised her head in disbelief, and then saw her daughter's reopened eyes, and a faint look burst out of her dim eyes. Allie raised her left hand to cover her mouth, nodded gently, and gave affirmation, but tears completely broke the bank and couldn't stop.

The corners of Heather's pale and dry mouth rose slightly, "Then, can I go?" 8)

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