The Greatest Showman

Chapter 819: Swept the United States

There is no shock, no words, no sound.

Suddenly, the exclusive report of "Entertainment Weekly" broke all the balance and shocked all the attention. In an instant, all eyes were gathered towards the "one person's concert" in a disturbing manner.

People are not idiots. Even if Cornell vowed to be so sure, people still have their own judgment. There are really many loopholes in the whole incident:

Why haven’t you heard of the concert before? Why was there no publicity in the concert at all? Why hasn't the online ticket sales of the ticketing system been activated? Why did the news media not report at all? Why did the first report accuse Lan Li of hype, but there was no news before? Why did you choose this point in time, for the Grammys, it’s too late, for the Oscars, it’s not relevant? Why is the concert date so close?


It is precisely because of the incomprehensibility, the contradiction, and the fact that there is no warning that the news of "Entertainment Weekly" is completely blown up. It is almost a spark. Within a few hours, it was triggered on the Internet. In response to the monstrous discussion momentum, supporters have it, opponents have it, and onlookers have it.

The day this report was published happened to be the annual Valentine's Day. Unexpectedly, all the charm of Valentine's Day has been lost, and all the focus has shifted to the "one person concert". Even the couples inevitably joined the discussion when they were dating.

Fox TV accurately caught the hot spots. During the live interview on the streets of New York on Valentine's Day in the afternoon, the question was raised, "This year's Valentine's Day special event, you will choose Lanly Hall's'One Man Concert' ?"

The fermenting speed of topic heat is far beyond imagination. "Entertainment Weekly" has almost occupied the right time and place, and pushed the news hotspot to the unsurpassed peak. At least before the "New York Times" joined the war, this is At its peak, along with reports from the nation's largest newspapers and periodicals, the popularity of news once again broke through the limit and reached a new high.

Everything happened so fast that even the uncrowned kings could not find the news source for follow-up reports in the first time. What they can do is to first reprint the news from "Entertainment Weekly", and then quickly contact the parties involved in the incident to obtain further information; further, go to New York to communicate and communicate with all relevant institutions and organizations of the concert to obtain the incident. latest news.

However, it will take time.

In a short period of time, "Entertainment Weekly" is still the leader. This exclusive, at least allowed them to earn more than 30 million clicks, and the peripheral additional benefits became more objective; "Cornell McGregor "This name has become a well-known existence among journalists.

In three hours, the exclusive "Entertainment Weekly" lasted for three full hours. In the age of the Internet, in the era when the gossip website TMZ is dominated, three hours is almost equivalent to three centuries. Then, the New York Times A special report was published.

This topic, written by Bradley Adams, interprets and reports "One Man's Concert" from another angle. After the incident broke out, it presented a different perspective for the first time.

"A concert dedicated to someone, an elegy to life hidden behind the glitz.

——Invitation from Lan Li-Hall, have you heard? "

After learning the whole story, Bradley didn’t plan to write this news. He respected Lan Li, the terminally ill girl, and even more respected the album "Don Quixote" and this story. The meaning behind the concert. For the first time, Bradley stripped off his identity as a reporter and stood in the position of an ordinary audience, looking forward to a concert.

Bradley couldn't help thinking of the first meeting with Renly at the Chinese Theater in Los Angeles. The premiere of the "Pacific War", at that time, was still an unknown newcomer Lan Li, but it attracted Bradley's attention. In a blink of an eye, three years later, that boy has become the nation's most eye-catching Generation Y. The leader, but the original intention hidden under the appearance has never changed.

Sincerely, Bradley expressed admiration.

However, there are always reporters like Cornell. If it is not for the "Entertainment Weekly" report, no one knows the news of the concert at all, then what is the hype? However, Cornell can't see this, and netizens can't see this. So Bradley stepped forward.

Throughout the report, Bradley was almost tit-for-tat with Cornell and fought back with guns and sticks.

In the article, Bradley also explained the ins and outs of the matter-the real story line, from the terminally ill girl, to the friendship between Renly and the girl, to the "Don Quixote" album. The story, as well as the fate of the girl and the song "The Beast", finally tells the status quo of the girl after she fell into a coma, and the agreement of the concert.

The article also mentioned that in order to prepare for the concert, Lan Li had to adjust all of his work plans; moreover, when things happened suddenly, it was not easy to reserve a concert venue, Lan Li chose to pay for it out of his own pocket. The reason why there is no publicity is because this is a "one-person concert", there is no profit purpose, no publicity purpose, just to fulfill a promise.

In the article, Bradley severely condemned the reporters who distort facts, maliciously speculate, create gimmicks, and concoct explosions. Not only do they have no professional ethics, but also driven by entertainment to death and the supremacy of interests, even reporters. The bottom line has been lost.

As the number one news media in the United States, the influence and deterrence of the "New York Times" is self-evident. The Bradley news report was published in less than an hour, and the hit rate exceeded 8 million. The posture of geometric multiples is growing rapidly, forming two completely different views from the exclusive report of "Entertainment Weekly", which completely detonated the hot spot.

Do you believe in "Entertainment Weekly" or the "New York Times"?

According to common sense, people choose the "New York Times" for granted, but the special thing about this incident is that "Entertainment Weekly" seized exclusive headlines, and preconceived notions had an impact on people's thinking.

In particular, Cornell mentioned in the report related matters during this year's awards season-the negative controversy about the blue gift, which has been emerging in small numbers before, and now it has been further confirmed. Not only last year's "anti-cancer me", but also the rise of the album "Don Quixote", the box office of the two works "Crazy Love" and "anti-cancer me", and the golden ball The absence of the award and the attendance of the Berlin Film Festival, all the clues, seem to be piecing together the truth.

Therefore, on the one hand, the gathering of impression fragments touched the real shady behind Hollywood; on the other hand, the old-fashioned image of righteous rhetoric. Perfection is still perfect and cannot be broken.

Inadvertently, people always want to challenge perfection. Therefore, the two points of view started a confrontation. On the Internet, supporters of both factions existed, and discussions were carried out with enthusiasm and vigor. The topic was in the debate, step by step to the peak, and stole the limelight of Valentine's Day. , Robbed the Grammy of the limelight, and even robbed the limelight of the awards season.

Unconsciously, "One person's concert", from no one knows to everyone knows, only took less than twelve hours, one hundred and eighty degrees of change, but it is impossible to judge whether this is a good thing in the end. , Still a bad thing.

What's more, even though "Don Quixote" has exploded a lot of topics in the past six months, people still regard Lan Li as an actor. Some people don't like Lan Li's chaos, some question Lan Li's impropriety, and some despise Lan. Li's singing skills... So, "one person's concert", is it a joke, a circus, or a feast, a party?

Everyone has their own judgment.

The "Chicago Tribune" started to eat melons without hurries or hurriedly, and teased--

"Madison Square Garden, New York, as a concert destination for countless singers in the United States, with 20,000 seats, may not seem like a lot, but at the moment when the music market is generally down, it is a top challenge.'One person's concert', even if it is a gimmick Meng, even if the attention gets hot again, how many people are willing to open their wallets and buy tickets to enter the venue?

Perhaps Renly Hall should wisely choose free admission. So, at least the homeless people are willing to enter the venue and avoid the four-hour east coast cold wave—by the way, on February 16, the New York cold wave alert, whether they chose to stay at home and drink hot cocoa to watch the excitement. , Or attend a boring party in the cold wind?

We will wait and see. "

The ridicule and banter between words are undoubtedly obvious, but in essence, they can see their point of view: not optimistic.

The "Chicago Tribune" is not the only media outlet that succumbed to the box office. More than 80% of the media believe that the attendance of this concert will be a disaster.

Not only because Lanli’s appeal is not not only because there are too many seats in the garden, not only because the publicity time is only four days—to be precise, only two days; but also because of the cold wave and the body On Thursday nights on weekdays, various conditions are limiting the attendance of the concert.

They are not making things difficult, but reality.

However, as the "New Yorker" said, "For Renly Hall, this is just a concert of one person. As long as the audience arrives, the concert will be a success; but if that person The audience did not arrive, even if the audience was full, the concert was a failure.

This reminds us of the theme and core of the album "Don Quixote": this is one person's battle and one person's stage. Lanly Hall, who is only 22 years old, is showing people his courage, his persistence, and his beliefs. More importantly, his soul as an artist. "

As the mouthpiece of New York, the "New Yorker" unswervingly expressed his support and recognition of Lan Li, and even pushed Lan Li to a whole new level: an artist.

But does this help the concert? No one can know.

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