The Greatest Showman

Chapter 816: Hidden power

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There is no venue.

"What is'no venue'?" Roy frowned, his eyes filled with confusion and perplexity, "This is New York, one of the most densely performing cities in the world, just above Manhattan, there are thousands of people here. How can there be no venue for tens of thousands of performance venues?"

Andy, who was sitting directly opposite, was still smiling and shrugged slightly, "This is also one of the most densely populated cities in the world. Thousands of venues also have thousands of performances. Every day, the city is crowded with countless performances. Not only is the land and the money, the time is also expensive, and even more expensive."

In the final analysis, it is actually a matter of time.

Only four hours have passed since the decision was made to hold the concert. In such a limited time, it is not easy to find a suitable venue and negotiate a suitable time. What's more, the 11th studio is originally an independent workshop, and its influence is naturally not comparable to that of top record companies.

As Lan Li himself said, the response and popularity of the album "Don Quixote" is actually just a bubble. When the breeze blew, the smoke disappeared. As an actor, Lan Li gradually gained a place in North America and Europe; but as a singer, he is nothing. Even if Johnny Depp’s own rock band wants to hold a concert, finding a venue is not an easy task.

New York is big, and the world is also big.

Turning his head, Andy looked at Lan Li, who was sitting aside, and went on to explain, "In fact, we found two venues, both in size and price, and there is no problem with time."

"However, one venue is in Queens, at the junction of the Colombian, Italian, and Irish gangs; the other is in Brooklyn. It was closed for rectification due to health issues two months ago. It just reopened last week, but the environment is The conditions are really unsatisfactory."

After speaking, Andy spread his hands and expressed his helplessness. The former is a worrying public security problem, while the latter is a serious environmental problem.

Nathan was puzzled. He looked around questioningly for a week, and found that neither Roy nor Renly had any plans to speak. He couldn't help it anymore and proactively raised his own doubts, "The second venue, why not? Many Underground rock bands perform in such venues, and they are even willing to perform on abandoned stages or next to garbage dumps."

Roy rolled his eyes, "Because this is for a concert for one person."

"Anyone?" Nathan asked reflexively, but after speaking out, it suddenly became clear the next second, "Oh...sorry, I forgot." He patted his head in annoyance, and then closed his mouth.

Heather Cross, still in a coma on the hospital bed. This is for her concert. What effect the bad environment will have on her condition is unknown; if it is serious, the hospital will not even approve Heather to leave the hospital-even if she really wakes up in time.

For a temporary concert, there is no venue requirement, or even a specific date requirement—just as soon as possible. Originally thought that this would be an extremely simple matter, but they are now racing against time, and the situation is far more complicated than imagined.

Andy cast an inquiring look at Lan Li, "We need time. The 11th studio is doing everything possible to inquire. I also called George Slander just now, and he will help to inquire next. But, We need time." Over and over again, the only solution to the problem is still time.

This is the only thing that cannot be bought with money.

Lan Li was silent and did not speak.

The doctor said that even if Heather fell asleep, his condition would not be relieved and may even worsen. The doctor said that if he continues to fail to regain consciousness and suffocation symptoms appear in a coma, the situation will be unpredictable; the doctor also said that the past In three weeks, Heather's condition deteriorated far beyond imagination, and he entered the second stage directly from the first stage. There are too many unknowns in the future. The existing medical conditions are still helpless...

Time, life and death, eternity. The unchanging topic of mankind remains the same after thousands of years have passed.

Under the gaze of Andy, Roy, and Nathan, Lan Li picked up the mobile phone on the desktop and began to make a call. Andy and Roy exchanged glances and asked each other, but they didn't know why.


Andre Hamilton opened his shirt and lay lazily on a beach chair. The models chattering and laughing, and the laughter of the sea, the intoxicating blue of the Caribbean Sea came from his ears. It rippling gently, pushing the luxury private yacht one after another, like a lullaby, as the setting sun falls all over the sky, and the orange halo makes the whole world magnificent and embarrassing.

In the cold February, he can always find the angle of the sun and enjoy a moment of tranquility.

The phone on the small table vibrated. This is his private number, and few people know it. Reached out and picked up the mobile phone, put it to my ear after connecting, "This is Andre, you better have a perfect reason to disturb my good vacation."

"This is Lan Li, what's the reason?"

A voice with a faint smile came from the other end of the phone, but it was not as easy as familiar, but was stained with a touch of fatigue. Andre stood up, left the noisy bow, and walked towards the stern, "I guess, I have no room for rejection."

The space at the stern suddenly became quiet, and the soft southeast wind blew the sails bound to the masts, and the setting sun unscrupulously filled every corner of the line of sight. The blue eye was like broken crystals, and the whole piece was scattered. The sea, shimmering, is breathtakingly beautiful.

After hanging up the phone, Andre propped his hands on the railing, quietly looking at the deep blue, but the thoughts in his mind were surging.

For a concert venue, the location must be in New York, the environment must be safe, the conditions must be hygienic, and the time should be as fast as possible, the sooner the better. As for the others, the capacity, specific time, usage fee, etc., are all unlimited.

This is Lan Li's request.

In Andre's impression, Renly seems to be omnipotent. He knew that this was impossible, and it was ridiculous. However, he did think so. No matter what happens, any difficulty, or any predicament, Lanly can always move forward unswervingly, brave the wind and waves, and move forward. It used to be so, and it still is.

But today, Andre first noticed the fragility of Lan Li.

Lan Li was well concealed, without any flaws, even better than the noble class and most people in the upper class. However, Andre knew Renly--even better than he thought. He could feel a trace of weakness hidden behind the understatement and calm tone.

Powerless. Helpless. helpless. What is it that makes Lan Li feel powerless?

However, Andre knew why Renly contacted him.

As the owner of Dalmore whiskey, Andre has been actively carrying out activities and operations in the United States in the past few years. The film industry is just the tip of the iceberg. In addition, they have also worked with government/government, enterprises, and charitable organizations. , Social groups, etc. are closely connected, and his influence is far stronger than it seems.

Of course, the power of connections in Lan Li's hands is far more powerful than imagined. He has never used it, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Turning on the phone again, looking through the address book, Andrei's brain started to work quickly.

After just six or seven phone calls back and forth, and just 30 minutes of communication, Andre hung up the last call, edited a text message, and pressed the send button before he put the phone back in his pocket.

I raised my head and looked at the calm and vast ocean in front of me. It was so vast, so vast, so far-reaching, as if it could encompass the entire world. A sea breeze hit, mixed with the smell of the sea and the dryness of the sun, which made people intoxicated.

Andre stood up straight, returned to the bow, and shouted, "Guys, all come up, we are going back."

"God, Andre, you are crazy", "Our vacation has just begun, your mind is flooded", "What's going on, Andre, hey, give us an explanation"... grumbles, curses , Endless, one after another, but Andre didn't care at all, turned and walked straight towards the cockpit.

It's time to visit New York.


The apartment is still busy. Andy and Roy are mobilizing all the forces in their hands to find a suitable venue as much as possible. Even Nathan is writing emails next to them to help contact more potential possibilities.

In the noisy sound, Lanly's mobile phone vibrated. It was a text message, which did not attract the attention of Andy and Roy at all.

Lan Li turned on the phone, browsed the text messages, then raised his hand and gestured to the two people. Andy and Roy exchanged a glance. Although puzzled, they ended the conversation as soon as possible, "I will call you back immediately", then hung up, and all three of them looked at Lan Li.

"The venue is found. Contact Teddy, let's start making concert announcements now." Lan Li ignored Andy and Roy's stunned faces, put their mobile phones on the coffee table, showed them to the two people, and then stood. I got up and walked in the direction of the bathroom, "I take a hot shower."

A long day, a cold day, and now it's finally a moment.

The three people leaned over with question marks, picked up their phones, and read the text message. Nathan blinked, his eyes filled with confusion, "Andy, Roy, is it my dazzling? Why do I feel that I am mistaken."

Roy was also full of fright. Even the old-fashioned Andy couldn’t be spared. His smile stiffened in his mouth and finally turned into a bitter smile, “Jesus Christ, what have we done?” He swallowed and added One sentence, "To be more precise, Lanly Hall, who is this guy?"

A brief message was displayed on the screen of the phone:

"February 16, Thursday, 8 o'clock in the evening, Madison Square Garden, New York."

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