The Greatest Showman

Chapter 815: 1 agreement

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"This **** traffic jam." Andy whispered. The traffic jams in New York are always so magical. It can make people irritable to the extreme, and then make people completely lose their temper. You can ride the roller coaster countless times in one morning. The ups and downs are really exciting.

Stop and go, they tossed for nearly ninety minutes before they rushed to Mount Sinai Hospital. Since Lan Li didn't carry his mobile phone, they couldn't locate his location. They weren't sure if Lan Li was still in the hospital, or had gone home, or else he was completely missing.

Even if he was calm as Andy, he couldn't help but become impetuous at this time. In New York in February, strong winds and cold currents hit New York, which did not help. The hula hula storm passed by, and the dry branches slammed against it with a piercing noise, and the whole world was filled with depression.

A group of three quickly entered the lobby on the first floor of Mount Sinai Hospital, but they were all stunned. The hospital is so big, how should they find Lan Li?

Roy and Nathan both cast their sights on Andy, but Andy also spread his hands. "I don't know anything about Heather." So the three of them walked to the front desk quickly to visit the patient. I asked for Heather’s ward number, but the nurse on duty had to ask about their identities and their relationship with Heather. As a result, the explanation became troublesome.

In the end, Nathan's inspiration flashed, "Len Li? Do you know where Lan Li is? This is his agent, this is his manager, and I am his assistant."

The nurse on duty suddenly realized, nodded, and pointed to the rest area on the right hand side, "You are Lan Li’s working partners! Lan Li just came to explain that he is waiting for you over there."

The three of them turned their heads and saw Lan Li at a glance. At this moment, they were sitting peacefully in the lounge area, looking up and watching the news program on the TV. They rushed in just now, but they didn't notice.

After expressing their gratitude to the nurse on duty, the three of them walked quickly back and forth, and walked around in front of Lan Li, looking worried. However, when we really met face to face, everyone didn't know what to say and got stuck for a while, staring at each other and couldn't start.

"Len Li, are you okay?" Nathan's thoughts were relatively simple, he asked what he thought of, and expressed his concerns frankly and frankly.

Lan Li retracted his gaze, glanced at Nathan, the corner of his mouth was slightly drawn, and the arc of a smile was outlined, "I'm fine." Then he looked at Andy and Roy standing next to them, both of them still frowned. , With a skeptical expression, "Don't worry, I'm fine, what can I do. Did you forget? Twenty-four hours ago, I just received a trophy, and it is indeed better now."

The understatement of joking and self-deprecating, this means that Lan Li is indeed all right. However, Andy and Roy always feel that something is wrong, but they can't tell.

"I want to hold a concert." Without any prompt or notice, Lan Li raised his head, met Andy and Roy's eyes, and said calmly.

The anxiety finally broke out. Both Andy and Roy are full of question marks and don't understand the current situation at all:

From the hospital to the concert? Between these two things, is the bridge so established? Moreover, just coming back from Berlin and about to be involved in the academy's public relations for the awards season, what happened to the concert? More importantly, the concert has never appeared in Renly's schedule. How did it come out today?

"What do you mean?" As experienced as Andy, there was no way to sort out the ins and outs of the matter for a while, "What concert?"

"Personal concert." Lan Li said with a smile, "It means literally. I want to hold a concert, the sooner the better. The venue is not the point, as long as there is a stage and a guitar, it is enough. ."

"...Why?" Andy grasped the main points accurately, temporarily set aside the matters of the concert and paid attention to the core of the event.

"For an agreement." Lan Li said frankly, "To be precise, this is for a one-person concert. If possible, I would choose a small performance venue that can only accommodate 60 or 100 people. It doesn’t matter. So I think that the rehearsal, the band, and the audience shouldn’t be a problem. If necessary, admission is free. I pay for the venue.”

The amount of information is really large, but also a bit messy.

However, Andy immediately cleared his thoughts, "Concert, this is not that simple." Planning a concert, from venue to ticket sales, from rehearsal to performance, not to mention publicity and operation, even if It is the planning of professionals, which can be as short as three months, as long as half a year, and cannot be executed in a short period of time. "Do you mean, summer vacation? What about the'miserable world'?"

"No, I mean tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, otherwise, the day after tomorrow." Lan Li raised his eyebrows lightly and said calmly, as if it was not tomorrow but next year.

Andy frowned and didn't speak immediately; instead, Roy took the conversation, "So what about Grammys? No, it's not Grammys, but the public relations plan for the next week? There is no Oscar left. How much time has been spent. Our current overall plan may need to be adjusted."

"Concert is a job, and college public relations is also a job. I don't see any conflict." Lan Li seems to have taken all the circumstances into consideration. He has a steady and determined posture and is not moved at all, which makes Roy and Ann. Di was caught off guard.

Roy opened his mouth, and the words of further persuasion swirled on the tip of his tongue, but after hesitating for a moment, he swallowed after all, turned his head, and just met Andy's eyes, the eyes of both people were a little mixed.

They are all smart people. Even if they don't understand the cause and effect of the incident, it is certain that this concert must have something to do with Heather; Lanly's tone and eyes convey the same message: There is no room for maneuver in this matter.

Both Andy and Roy clearly know Renly’s character and style. He is a determined and determined person. He has never wavered his beliefs and convictions on the path of actors’ exploration; he has never shaken his beliefs and convictions among the sensuality of Vanity Fair. Lost in your dreams and persistence. This defines Lan Li’s personality and at the same time makes Lan Li’s success.

In normal times, Lan Li is a person who is willing to open up all possibilities; but based on principles, he has never wavered.

Regarding the topic of the concert, they can continue to argue, or continue to debate, but it is estimated that there will be no change in the result. More importantly, do they really need to argue?

This is not a large-scale concert tour. It will last for a long time. If it is just a small concert, at an underground bar in Greenwich Village, book an evening performance for three hours; At the same time, there are no strict requirements on the audience or the venue.

Well, this is not a huge project, nor is it a difficult task. For the normal process of college public relations, the impact is minimal.

Roy wanted to understand this between the lightning and flint, and cast an inquiring glance at Andy: College public relations, is it okay?

Within a few days, Hollywood was surging again, and Andy knew the latest situation best.

Andy understands the subtext of Roy's look: If there is no problem with the college public relations, then there is no need to argue. In the final analysis, Roy is Renly's manager, and his primary consideration is always Renly. Naturally, he chose to support Renly.

But the question is, if there is a problem, what should be done?

Andy turned his head and faced those calm and calm eyes. It is also calm and calm. It seems that there is no change from the time when the sad news was learned in the car, but Andy can capture the difference in details. There is no panic, no sorrow. Instead, the momentum is like a broken bamboo. The unrelenting firmness can even capture the light radiating from the soul.

"Just one game?" Andy asked aloud.

"It's just one game." Lan Li replied aloud.

Andy let out a sigh of relief, "Then, it's a concert." Before the words were finished, a turning point immediately followed, "But, Lan Li, I hope you take good care of your body. I don't want it. You missed the Oscars again this year. UU Reading"

Lan Li smiled, "I will."

After the decision was made, the habitual smile returned to Andy’s mouth. The whole person seemed to relax and said jokingly, “I think I’d better speed up now and call Teddy Bell immediately. , Make a reservation for a concert venue; then make announcements, pre-sell tickets, and there are many things we need to be busy in the future."

Temporary concerts, this is not without precedent, to be precise, for independent singers, it couldn't be more normal. The only thing to worry about is the box office. No box office means a loss. However, if you choose a small venue, the cost is not high, so there is no need to worry too much about losses.

So, in the final analysis, the most important part of a temporary concert is the choice of venue. A suitable venue and a suitable schedule are confirmed, then the matter will be half done.

"Let us pray, the attendance rate should not be too bad, otherwise all the salary you earned in the past year will be posted upside down." At this time, Andy also thought about joking, and the atmosphere became relaxed again, "Wait," The stage of the Pioneer Village, isn’t that a concert specification?”

"No, that's the standard of the talk show." Lan Li also joked along with him.

The solemn and depressed atmosphere revealed a faint light. At this time, a thin beam of golden sunlight fell out of the window, dispelling the thick and dense haze, and even the raging wind seemed to have subsided a little. The quiet air was surging with a faint warmth, which was the smell of hope.

Andy took out his phone and got busy. Even if it is a single small concert, starting from scratch, they still have a lot of work to complete. Throughout the afternoon, Andy was on the phone, and his work on November was in a state of full acceleration, but the result was not optimistic.

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