The Greatest Showman

Chapter 786: Super popular

The main venue of the Cannes Film Festival is the Cinema Palace, which is located by the sea, and the entire area next to it has been re-planned. It is used in various countries to set up tents to showcase their own country’s film history and culture. Walking along the main venue is famous The famous brand-name shopping street and all kinds of top hotels, as well as the bar on the beach.

This small city was born for movies.

The main venue of the Venice Film Festival is on Lido Island, far away from the prosperous and commercial main island. Lido Island is a good place for vacation and leisure. The main venue is empty and quiet, and the bustling audience can make choices at any time. Watching a movie, or spending an afternoon on the beach.

The film festival is rooted in life, but it also has a paradise.

Unlike Cannes and Venice, Berlin cannot do this. Located in one of the best international metropolises, this makes the main venue of the Berlin Film Festival very tight and inexhaustible. The main venue is located in the most prosperous area of ​​Potsdamer Platz, surrounded by bustling commercial streets, restaurants, bars, shopping centers, and office buildings. There is even a top luxury casino on the right hand side of the main venue. The entire space is crowded and crowded. narrow.

The main venue was only two blocks away from the Grand Hyatt Hotel, but the crew members were not approachable and embarrassed on foot. They boarded the official black BMW sedan. After leaving the hotel, they made a small circle and then slowly Driven into the commercial street in front of the main venue, and finally stopped in front of the main venue.

The red carpet in front of me seemed crowded and narrow. In a space about half the size of a basketball court, there was a red carpet less than 15 meters long, leading from the edge of the street to the main entrance of the main venue.

On the left hand side is the reporter’s stand. There is a staircase on the ground, which is convenient for reporters to arrange their seats one by one. You can see the crowded crowded together in the line of sight. On the right is the audience entrance. Tickets or pass audiences, including those in the VIP seats, go through the security check from the right all the way, and then enter the main venue-the entrance aisle is parallel to the red carpet, so the audience stops from time to time and heads towards the crew on the red carpet The members screamed and shouted.

The space of half a basketball court is really too cramped and urgent.

Turning around, looking across the street, you can see the red carpet on the other side of the street, traffic control is implemented on both sides, and an area is demarcated, reserved for enthusiastic movie fans, and they can even see behind them. With the vehicles coming and going, daily life is still going on in an orderly manner without interruption. This kind of scenery standing in the center of real life is unique, and it also gives the Berlin Film Festival a distinctive style.

The palm-sized area can only accommodate less than 300 spectators at most. At this time, the area is crowded with water, and on the street behind you can see a steady stream of spectators still coming in, dressed in fluorescent yellow costumes. The traffic police are working hard to maintain order at the scene, and the busy work scene is full of life.

Regardless of the specifications or the battle, such a premiere is not grand, and it can even be said to be a little shabby. Even in the premiere that Lan Li personally attended, it is estimated that it will not be ranked.

But it is precisely this narrow and crowded, and it is precisely this kind of rich life atmosphere, which conveys a kind of intimacy, as if this is not the three major European film festivals, but just a movie lover’s At a grand event, people stop by to watch a movie after get off work; or on the way to the supermarket, stop for two hours to watch a movie. That's it.

This kind of atmosphere, even Sundance, even Telluride, can't match. The influence of movies, and even art, is invisible but deeply rooted, becoming a part of the city of Berlin and a part of people's lives.

When attending the Berlin Film Festival for the first time, Lanly still lacked experience. After getting off the car, I looked at the reporters and audience on the left. The flashlights converged into a dazzling beam, illuminating the entire night sky with the dark/ambiguous neon lights of the casino. Vaguely visible in the line of sight, the world becomes wonderful.

Then I looked at the audience on the right. The shouts seemed hesitant, because the distance was a little far away, and they couldn't see who appeared on the red carpet, but the audience at the forefront couldn't wait to start screaming. , Roar, the surging wave is boiling little by little.

Thinking back to the situation of arriving at the hotel the day before yesterday, the warm and polite faces appeared in his mind, and then Lan Li's footsteps moved towards the right hand side. After experiencing the chaos of the premiere at Lincoln Center, for the first time, Lanly took the initiative to go to the fans.

"Ahhh! Lan Li!" The roar began to lose control, twisted and arrogant in the moonlight, everyone was waving their arms vigorously, not to catch Lan Li, but to attract Lan Li. Attention, because I was too excited, the whole person kept beating in place, like a rabbit.

Involuntarily, his smile rose, Lan Li's footsteps also stepped forward, and then I saw the young girl screaming with great excitement, "Lan Li, I like you, I like you, I really I like you so much! I like "I am crazy", and then I like "anti-cancer me". God, you are really handsome. Has anyone ever said that? I can't breathe anymore!" A series of words, without breathing , Pour out in one rush, looking forward to'transcendence'! I believe this must be very exciting! Ah, you are so handsome, I am suffocating! "

Lan Li laughed dumbly, and walked half a step forward, only to see that the girl actually took a half step back-as if he was a ghost, and then covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes rounded, and she could clearly see her eyes. I couldn't believe it, it seemed that the distance was so close that he began to doubt the reality.

The other audience around him seemed to be infected and burst into laughter.

Lan Li laughed lightly, and finally stopped, "Thank you. I originally wanted to give you a hug, but..." Lan Li spread his hands and shrugged, but the audience next to him suddenly came up. , Shouting one after another, "Me! Me!" The girl finally reacted and leaned forward again, "Really? Really?"

Lan Li did not answer, but made practical actions: stepped forward and gave the girl a hug.

This is a small uphill road, the main venue is located at the bottom of the slope, so all the fans are going all the way along the gentle **** and slowly extending upward. Lan Li stepped forward and hugged the girl, and then the other audience also stretched out their hands, carefully put them on his shoulders and back, forming a big hug.

There is an iron railing between them, like a cone of ice in the sub-zero temperature, but the collective hug is so warm and kind.

"Lan Li! Lan Li!" The shouting gradually became a piece, continuing from the front to the end. People finally came back to their senses and realized that the protagonist who had waited for four hours and five hours finally arrived at the scene. , And then... Fry the pan thoroughly. Not only the three hundred spectators in front of them, but also the streets behind them began to boil.

From a distance, you can see the two traffic policemen talking, turning around and looking towards the red carpet. Then you can see Lan Li who has let go of the collective embrace. The audience and pedestrians on the street are also gathering. When I got up, more and more people in the whole area became more and more crowded. The cheers, screams, and roars gathered together, and they smashed down like mountains and seas, and then the scene was like Moses separating the Red Sea passage, mighty. The turbulent, majestic air wave circulated, whirled and swept continuously in the narrow space.

This is the real super popularity. After the opening of the Berlin Film Festival, it ushered in an unprecedented madness!

Rumble, rumble. The crazy shouts were like billowing thunder, bursting into Lan Li’s ears, letting go of the collective embrace, and then seeing everyone in front of him boil, and among the crowd, the bursting voice rushed over." Lan Li! Here!" I followed the voice and saw the four familiar faces from last night, with mischievous light on his stepped forward and greeted him. But he saw that the **** head and cheeks were filled with incredible words, and he kept shouting, "God! God! God!" It seemed that apart from this sentence, he didn't know what to say anymore, and the other three people were thorough. When the plane crashed, two people were dumbfounded, and one was bursting into tears, but the shock and panic in his eyes were so similar, and a stormy sea was set off.

We did meet at the premiere. Lan Li said loudly, with a joking tone, and then Mark started scratching his head shyly, but a big smile appeared on his face, concealing his embarrassment. Lan Li couldn't help but smile, "I am very happy to be able to help last night. I'm busy, I don't know how your research report is progressing? "

"Very well, everything is fine!" Mark turned his head and looked at his friends, only to find that all three of them had completely crashed, and they couldn't make a sound, even the usually articulate Katarina. It was also dumbfounded, so he could only take the initiative to stand up, "Thank you, I mean, I really thanked you last night."

"We are all movie lovers." Lan Li said lightly, and then patted Mark on the shoulder. "Today's movie, I hope you can enjoy it. Whether you like it or hate it, please express your opinions sincerely." , Lan Li turned around and walked towards the other fans.

"Lan Li!" The staff on the other side of the red carpet ran up all the way, came to Lan Li, and said in his ear that he was waiting for an interview with you. "

Lan Li smiled but said firmly, "They can wait a little longer." Then he walked to the edge of another street, looked at the crazy and enthusiastic audience in front of him, and saw someone sticking out a poster and a signature pen, so he took the initiative to walk. He came forward, took it, and signed his name on it. )!!

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