The Greatest Showman

Chapter 785: Eve before the premiere

The hour hand has crossed the midnight line, but the hall of the cinema is still full of enthusiasm and noisy scenes. The number of spectators was not large. There were 30 or 40 people gathered together in twos and threes, expressing their opinions in joy and joy, and the scene showed a prosperous scene.

A small group of spectators surrounded the Coen brothers, and four or five people stood between the two brothers. They were subtly divided into two encirclement circles. Questions followed one another. Not only were they discussing the movie they just watched, but they were also discussing. Looking at the old works of the two brothers, there were cheerful laughter from time to time. In the quiet midnight, there was a kind of comfort and relaxation of talking in the candle night.

Lan Li walked through the crowd in a low-key and quiet manner, and left the cinema without anyone noticing.

Until the beginning of the next movie screening, the audience entered the theater one after another, and Ethan came to his senses, "Why didn't you see that guy?" I looked around, but didn't find anything at all. A sign of the commotion, "I thought he would stay here on purpose, talk to everyone, do a good job, and spread his reputation. This is also a good thing."

"Maybe he did it deliberately? He secretly sent a photo of the ticket stub, or took a photo with two fans, and posted it on the Internet. In this way, he doesn't need to deal with these fans, and he can achieve his goal. Good reputation. It couldn't be simpler." Joel didn't want to think deeply, and waved his hand impatiently. "The Internet now has countless methods that you and I don't know. You don't know how powerful those public relations companies are."

Ethan was slightly stunned, Joel's words turned around in his mind, only to find that he had no way to refute, and there was no need to think about how to refute, he was just a stranger. So he nodded in agreement, "Let's go, I just watched the movie schedule, there is also a Nicolai-Axel at Alexanderplatz.

The two brothers left the Sony Center in Potsdamer Platz and headed to Alexanderplatz, another center in Berlin.


Coming from indoors to the outdoors, the cold air of Berlin burrowed into the blood vessels along the pores. The piercing cold entangled the blood vessels and bones in a slimy and wet manner, as if in a trance. The whole body became heavy. The winter in Berlin really deserves its reputation.

If time permits, Lan Li is very willing to watch another film and enjoy the baptism of the film festival. The crazy of watching seven films a day at the Telluride Film Festival is still vivid. However, in the strict sense of tomorrow, today is the premiere of "detachment". In the morning, he still needs to get up for an interview. Considering the severe lack of sleep in the recent period and his own love of sleeping in, he decided to come tonight. So far.

Standing on the empty street outside the Sony Center, waiting for the red light to turn to green, a cold wind blows, and the goosebumps all stand up, mixed with a chaotic, rushing footsteps, and they start to approach. Before I saw the person, I heard his voice first, "Sir, sir, may I interrupt you?"

The voice full of youthful vitality spread through midnight, and the vitality can be clearly felt. Turning his head, there were four young men, two men and two women, who still had pimples, pimples, and immaturity on their faces. They didn't even look like college students, but high school students.

"Sir, we are students studying at the Free University of Berlin. With the opportunity of this film festival, we are conducting a survey to interview foreign audiences about the Berlin Film Festival, hoping to make some suggestions for improvement. What are our advantages? What, what are the shortcomings, and finally complete a report at the end of the semester. Excuse me, can I take you a little time? Ten minutes, no, five minutes is fine, a total of 20 questions."

This passage was not said by one person, but by three people, you and me, each one rushed together, and the remaining one had eyes full of longing and pleading, and he looked at Lan Li conscientiously.

Lan Li laughed blankly, the Berlin Film Festival can persist, or the artistic soil in Europe can remain fertile, these details of life may be the reason behind, "Twenty questions in five minutes, then you must start quickly, otherwise time It's too late."

The four of them were slightly stunned, and did not realize what the meaning of this sentence means. Then one of the thin and tall girls patted her companion's arm hard, "Stupid, ask, ask!" The others reacted. , Hurriedly began to ask, "Christine, the first question is yours, yours."

The girl named Christine nodded repeatedly, "Oh, oh. Sir, I would like to ask you what attracted you to the Berlin Film Festival this year."

With a lightly raised eyebrow, the smile at the corner of his mouth rose, and Lan Li simply replied, "'Transcendence'."

"Hey, I'm looking forward to this movie too!" A tall and strong boy next to him jumped excitedly, his short **** red hair especially conspicuous under the street lights in the middle of the night. "This movie is going to premiere tomorrow. Will you go to participate?" With excitement, he blurted out directly, but then he narrowed his smile and said solemnly, "This is not included in the twenty questions."

Smiling brighter, Lan Li nodded slightly, "It seems that I should participate."

"Mark, withdraw your attention, research! Research!" The friends next to him were dissuaded one after another. Ginger laughed twice, nodded, and quickly moved on to the next question.

Twenty questions were carried out very quickly, but obviously five minutes was not enough. It took nearly twenty minutes before and after all the questions came to an end. The tall and thin girl thanked Lan Li again and again, and watched Lan Li walk across the crosswalk towards the Grand Hyatt Hotel.

Christine-Schuettler couldn’t help but exclaimed, “He’s really a good man, not only cooperating with our visit, but also with such a friendly attitude. God, if every interviewee is like this, that’s more. it is good."

"I think he should be a loyal movie fan. He seems to have just come out of the Sony Center. It is because of his love of movies that he is willing to help us." The thin and tall girl is called Catarina-Koffler (catarina-koffler) She was also in a very relaxed mood. She looked back at the direction of the Sony Center, "Let’s go to the cinema and have a look. Maybe there will be a windfall."

"Wait, wait!" Mark-lacant, the **** head, was stunned, and raised his hand to signal everyone to stay still. There seemed to be an inspiration in his mind, but he didn't seem to be able to grasp it. , This feeling is really terrible, "Don't you think that this gentleman is very familiar just now? It seems like a certain actor, wait, or the director?"

"Why don't you say it's a screenwriter?" Chuck-smith's calm voice is calm, he doesn't speak much, but he can always focus on the key points.

"Yes, maybe it's the screenwriter." Mark's thoughts were immediately taken away, and he realized in the next second. Chuck was teasing himself, he couldn't help but his eyes rounded, "Chuck, I'm serious." Then he looked at the other two companions and cast his eyes for help, "Don't you think?"

"Mark, although this is the Berlin Film Festival, it doesn't mean that we can meet movie stars at will." Katarina seriously encouraged, "You know that most of the actors' work is just acting. Really willing There are not many left to watch movies. I thought French actors would not be like this before, but have you forgotten? What happened to us in Cannes last year? For them, sunbathing on the beach is more important than movies."

Mark opened his mouth, but his rebuttal was stuck, and in the end he could only complain depressed, "But, he really looks like an actor."

"Absolutely not!" Chuck said categorically.

"I don't think so." Christine added.

Katarina didn't need to speak, just shrugged, and the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Mark drooped his head helplessly, let out a long breath, followed the three friends listlessly, and walked towards the Sony Center.


Eighteen hours later, on the red carpet at the main venue of the Berlin Film Festival.

Mark stared at the figure walking down from the black car ecstatic, the whole person burst open, shaking Chuck's shoulder vigorously, "I told you! I told you Fuck you! Ahhhhh! I knew it!"

The three friends standing next to him are completely dumbfounded. Chuck’s jaw has been completely dislocated, and he may not be able to go back. Katarina also has a face full of consternation, and her eyes are filled with incredible doubts and confusion, trying to see. Be clearer, and then look clearer, but still can't believe it.

Kristen was already crying, she didn't know how she was so good, but the tears just fell down like this, and she couldn't stop. The brain was blank, just standing silly and crying.

The two sides of the red carpet are like boiling water that has reached the boiling point, gurgling and rolling; screams and shouts converge over the sky, like splashing magma, hot, fiery, bright, bright, and the cold winter air has receded. , The whole night became bright, and it seemed that the mighty night was burning.

All of this is due to the man who just appeared on the red carpet, with a dark blue shirt, a light gray suit, and a hand-woven azure blue tie. He appeared in front of the audience and detonated Berlin. The biggest craze since the opening of the film festival, crazy, wanton, out of control, hot, intense...

Lan Li-Hall. The most popular and topical new generation of actors at this year's Berlin Film Festival led the new work "Beyond", appeared in the three major European film festivals for the first time, and then won the unanimous pursuit of the media and audiences, comparable to top superstars.

Approaching, approaching again, Mark finally did not hold back anymore, exhausted all the power in the dantian, and screamed, "Lan Li! Here!") Download the free reader!!

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