The Greatest Showman

Chapter 781: Highlight the foundation

"...Before every performance, I have to read the script repeatedly, worrying that my lines are wrong, that I don’t understand well, and that my performance is not appropriate enough. To be honest, after the finale, I am still a little afraid of Lan Li, because of him. I am a perfectionist, and acting against him, pressure exists all the time."

Sammy is answering the question seriously.

The press conference went very smoothly. Not only Lan Li, but the other actors of the crew also got the opportunity to answer questions, but every question was more or less related to Lan Li, which was definitely a real superstar treatment. Just like the question thrown to Sammy just now, what the reporter cares about is Renly's state during the performance and whether he feels special as a rival actor. So, Sammy appeared the above answer.

Before he finished speaking, Sammy found out that the reporters in the audience were all grinning. Sammy didn't understand the reason. She was answering questions very seriously. Why are the reporters so happy? Lan Li is indeed meticulous and perfect on the set, but this is a good thing, because she can devote herself to the performance and give a better performance. For a novice like her, Lan Li is like a mentor, guiding her , Betty is the same. So, what are the reporters laughing at?

Sammy was confused, thinking that he had said the wrong thing, but couldn't find the reason, so he raised his head and looked at Lan Li, cast a confused gaze, and then found that the corners of Lan Li's mouth had also risen. , "Sami, for the sake of my image, I think that this problem will be fine here."

"Haha!" The reporters all burst into laughter, and even Marcia, Tony and others on the stage were overjoyed.

However, Sammy still didn't understand what was going on, confused and confused. Looking back at Betty, she found that Betty was also full of question marks. She looked at Lan Li again, and then she saw the smiling eyes, which made Sammy a little relieved—at least she There is no problem with the words just now.

Sami turned his head ignorantly, looked at the extremely happy scene, and then named the next reporter who asked the question. It was a middle-aged uncle with curly hair, who could not tell whether it was white or lotus root. The colored shirt, with the top three buttons freely opened, you can clearly see the large tracts of silver-gray chest hair, and the whole body exudes a unique taste of southern Europe. After he stood up, he began to murmur. Said a lot of words.

Don't understand.

Sammy was stunned, blinked, and found that he couldn't understand a word. First, it's not English; second, she doesn't even know what language it is. Sami was so dumbfounded that she even forgot to ask for help and just sat there blankly.

"You should wear that earphone." Lan Li leaned over and said in Sammy's ear, and pointed to the earphone on the table with his right hand.

Sammy didn’t know why, but just nodded blankly, and put on the headphones in a panic, but there was no sound coming from the earplugs. She looked at Lan Li incomprehensibly, and then found that Lan Li was helpless. Looking straight ahead, she also turned her head to look over, and then found that the reporter had finished asking questions and sat down again.

What should I do now?

Lan Li patted Sammy's arm lightly and said in a low voice, "Don't be nervous. The reporter asked questions in Italian just now. This is a translator, but it realizes simultaneous translation, so there is no problem wearing it."

Sammy suddenly realized. On the table, there is a small machine and a pair of earplugs in front of everyone. Sammy doesn’t know what it is for, but Lan Li didn’t wear it, and Tony and others didn’t wear it, so she naturally did. Just didn't care. Unexpectedly, this is actually a synchronous translator-I have only seen it in the news before, but I didn't expect to see it in real life!

"He asked you just now, what did he feel when he learned that he got the role? Because this is a special role, have the family expressed concerns?" Lan Li's words came over and re-stated. topic.

Sammy's eyes widened, and the answer immediately appeared in his mind, "This is Lanly-Hall! I mean, Lanly-Hall!" His mind started screaming, but next In seconds, Sammy realized that the idea was directly out of the shackles of the brain, and shouted out, and his voice even trembled slightly because of his excitement, "To be able to cooperate with Lan Li, this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Before I received the notice, I I just finished watching'Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5', I mean, he is really a charming actor. So, excitement and nervousness, this is my only thought."

The question was not answered completely, but Sammy did not notice. When facing reporters, young people do not plan their own answers, nor deliberately flatter and flatter them. They just say whatever they think, and blurt out the words uncontrollably.

Brushing the ground, all the reporters cast their sights at Lan Li, and he couldn't help laughing, "So, this is compensation for just now, to avoid my revenge?"

Sami still didn’t understand a nonsense word, but the reporters immediately reacted. Just now, Sami said that Lanly was very harsh on the set, and even scary, so Lanly was half-joking intentionally. Stopped Sammy from continuing to talk, and now it's another ridicule. As a result, the scene collectively chuckled.

At this time, the reporter who asked the question stood up again, looked around, looking for the staff, and then gushed again in Italian.

The staff at the scene were a little confused for a while, hesitating not to know what to do, Lan Li laughed blankly, and then offered a helping hand, “This reporter seems to have some problems with the synchronous translator, so he can’t understand. I need a little help in the conversation just now."

Tony, who was sitting next to him, turned his head and said in surprise, "I didn't know you could speak Italian."

Lan Li opened his mouth slightly and chuckled, "It's very simple. I am a British, and the United Kingdom is part of Europe; and you are an American, so there is nothing to be surprised about." In an instant, the audience was big. Hilarious, including Tony.

This is a language stalk.

Americans can be said to be one of the most "unproactive" groups in the world. They only speak English. Even Spanish, which is mandatory in high school, is terrible for countless Americans, any language other than English. For them, they are all celestial books, which is an overall trend, and most Americans are like this.

Correspondingly, Europeans can skillfully use multiple languages. In addition to their own mother tongue and the most basic English, most European residents speak four to five languages, or more. The overall trend is that the more northern residents are stronger, such as Northern Europe and Germany, the worse the residents of Vietnam, such as Spain and Italy.

In a simple sentence, Lan Li made fun of the United States and Europe as well. The European reporters at the scene understood in seconds, so they burst into laughter.

"Excuse me, how many languages ​​do you speak?" A reporter asked in a loud voice. He didn't stand up to ask questions or formally ask questions, but just asked a lace gossip curiously.

Lan Li pursed the corners of his mouth, "If it's just a greeting of'hello', then I think I can say a dozen or twenty kinds." A relaxed and witty answer, the laughter rang again, and Lan Li saw it. A man raised his right hand high, and stood up without even waiting for the roll call. Lan Li also nodded and joked along the way, "This reporter? I hope I can understand your question."

The reporter was also a quick-minded person. Instead of choosing English to ask questions, he chose his own mother tongue smoothly. "..." After the question was finished, he said in English, "Can you answer me?"

All the reporters' eyes fell on Lan Li, and then they saw Lan Li shrugging his shoulders with a smile, "Yes, I have watched many Chinese movies; yes, I know Wang/Quan/ Director An, I have watched'Tuya's Marriage' and its images are quite powerful."


The reporter who stood up just now came from and asked the question in an authentic Beijing film.

In 2006, "Tuya's Marriage" upset and captured the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin Film Festival that year, which made director Wang/Quan/An appeared in the eyes of everyone; in 2010, it was also a work by Wang/Quan/An. , "Reunion", once again raised the ranks of Berlin, won the Silver Bear Award for Best Screenplay. This year, the director came to Berlin again with "White Deer Plain" and received a lot of attention. Therefore, the problem naturally revolved around the director.

But what is even more surprising is that first it was Italian, then Chinese. Inadvertently, the foundation that Lan Li showed was really impressive.

Everyone says that the actors from the British academies have a deep background, not only the basic skills of performance school acting are solid, but also the literary background is exceptionally brilliant, but this kind of erudition is invisible and intangible. People never have an intuitive understanding. What does it mean? Can Shakespeare’s lines come easily? Or is it full of world famous books?

Today, people finally got a glimpse of it. It is not the language, but the effort and precipitation required behind the language. Does this mean that Renly can watch Italian operas? You know, the world's best operas are always sung in Italy; does this mean that Lanly has a preliminary understanding of China's rich history and profound culture? As the four ancient civilizations, China's culture and history are absolutely eye-catching.

Language is only a window, and what is important is the scenery seen through the window.

In an instant, the eyes of all the reporters on the scene became meaningful: The 22-year-old actor, like a treasure, is waiting for continuous excavation! In Europe, where the arts are flourishing, actors like Lan Li are what they are eager to see!

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