The Greatest Showman

Chapter 780: 1 group of harmony

The shutter sound gradually calmed down, the flashlight gradually dissipated, and the press conference site gradually revealed its original appearance. The venue that can accommodate 300 people is full of seats, full of seats, and crowded with viewers; cameras are placed in the central aisle and open spaces on both sides, and recording is in progress , The busy figure filled the surrounding space with no gaps; a large group of staff stood bustlingly behind the venue, crowded and crowded, and excited and excited figures surging in the shadows without lights.

The interior is always surging with a turbulent, hot breath, like the morning sunlight that is falling down, flooding the entire space.

This was the fifth day after the opening of the Berlin Film Festival. The first press conference at 9 o'clock in the morning. The theme was a small-cost independent film. Snatching it away, even the staff can't wait to come in to join in the fun, as if the focus of the entire film festival has come together.

At this year's Berlin Film Festival, although there was a stunt about Meryl Streep's acceptance of the Lifetime Achievement Award, the overall competition unit was silent and bleak.

Among the shortlists for the main competition unit, there are Christian Petzold, a representative of the independent film movement "Berlin School", which is considered to be a young German filmmaker, and Niu, who wrote the original "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" script. Cole Arcel (-Arcel), there is the last star of Danish film, Mads-Mikkelson (Mads-Mikkelson), there is Diane Kruger, who turned into an actor as a model and broke out into a world ( Diane-Kruger), as well as the highly recognized Alicia-Vikander and Lea-Seydoux among the new generation of actors...

However, the influence of these filmmakers is only limited to Europe, and even in Europe, they are far from being a pivotal figure. Speaking of well-known and influential directors, actors or screenwriters around the world, even American actor Billy Bob Thornton is not counted. This famous Hollywood bad boy has limited influence on the world stage. .

Perhaps, Vittorio-Taviani and his brother Paolo-Taviani (Paolo-Taviani) are the biggest brands at this year’s Berlin Film Festival. The pair of brothers, directors, filmed in Italy. The altar enjoys a pivotal position. In 1977, he took the Palme d'Or in Cannes with "My Father, My Lord", and received the Venice Lifetime Achievement Award in 1986. He is a representative figure of Italian new realism.

However, the two Taviani brothers are over 80 years old and have gradually entered the later years of artistic creation. It can be said that it is difficult to rely on them to attract focus and create topics.

Looking at the list of finalists for the entire main competition unit, Tony Kaye and Renly Hall jointly created the "detachment", which is undoubtedly the most watched hot spot. The former relied on the "American X-Files" 14 years ago to gain a firm foothold in the European art scene; the latter, like a comet, has risen rapidly in the past two years, and is now well-deserved as a leader in the new generation. one.

Especially Lanli, "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5", "Love Crazy", "Anti-Cancer Me", three works and three steps, enjoy super popularity all over the world; not to mention, this year During the awards season, with the excellent performance of the two works, Lan Li has already occupied a place. The just announced Oscar nominations are the best proof. There is no doubt that Lan Li has become the top of this year's Berlin Film Festival. The most watched topic maker.

As a result, the "detachment" press conference had such a grand occasion! The three hundred reporter seats were not enough, and the film festival staff were also involved. The news conference at 9 o'clock in the morning was crowded.

Such treatment can only be enjoyed by top Hollywood superstars such as George Clooney and Brad Pitt; such a grand occasion is not comparable to Cannes, but it is comparable to Venice, and it is really rare to see Berlin, which has always been cold and serious.

Even the well-informed Tony Kaye couldn't help showing a look of surprise at this time, turned his head, and then saw the surprise in Lan Li's eyes. The two exchanged their sights, and both chuckled lightly. stand up. The liveliness and success of the press conference means that "detachment" has won more attention. This is undoubtedly a good start.

At this moment, a voice came from the side of the stage, "The press conference is now starting, and reporters can start asking questions."

It should be the host of the press conference that was speaking, and Lan Li couldn't help but chuckle, "Is it just now? Hasn't the questioning session already begun?" The reporters laughed one after another.

Lan Li shrugged slightly, raised his hand and picked up the mineral water bottle in front of him, unscrewed it, and looked up and took a sip of water. Strangely, the entire venue fell into silence, and both eyes fell on Lan Li, which made Lan Li's movement of lifting the mineral water pause for a while, and looked at Tony suspiciously.

Tony deliberately turned sideways, facing Lan Li, and chuckled, "The question session has already started, but you haven't named a reporter, and they can't stand up and ask questions."

Rarely at first sight, Lan Li was slightly stunned. He always believes that in the press conference of the film festival, the host is responsible for the **** and control. This is the case for the Toronto Film Festival; but he did not expect that European film festivals are more free and casual, and press conferences are also like audiences. It will be the same, it is completely stocking mode.

The smile at the corner of his mouth lifted up a little helplessly, "Sorry, this is my first time attending such a grand film festival. It seems that I still have a lot to learn." Lan Li said easily into the microphone, then raised his right hand to indicate After a while, he gave Tony the space to control the overall situation.

Unexpectedly, Tony said into the microphone, "Does anyone want to ask Lan Li a question?"

After brushing, the reporters in the audience lifted up half of their right hand, and some even couldn't bear to be excited. They moved away from the chair a little, and kept their right hand as high as possible, and they were shaking constantly, hoping to attract Lan Li's. attention. As a result, the venue suddenly became a forest of arms, dense forests swaying in the wind, looking at it, it was truly magnificent.

Such a scene can be called a scene. Lan Li’s right hand holding the mineral water just stopped in mid-air, turned to look at Tony’s gloating expression, then turned to look at the other side of Sami, Betty and others. In the end, he could only move the mineral water. Shui put it back on the table, "Then, the first question..." Lan Li looked down the stage and swept it at will, then politely stretched out his hand and pointed in a direction, "This lady, yes, with The lady in the blue scarf."

In an instant, the other raised right hands were put down, and then everyone looked at the reporter neatly. She also stood up and said to the microphone in front of her, "Lan Li, I am the'silver screen'. 'Journal reporter Anna, this is your first visit to the Berlin Film Festival. What is your impression of this place? How do you feel?"

Standard official questions give actors or crew members the opportunity to "show love" to the festival.

"I think I will choose the word'passion'." After Lan Li finished speaking, there was a low laugh at the scene, and even Lan Li couldn't help but smile, "I know, I was also a little surprised by this. Choice. But the fact is, this is indeed my impression of Berlin in the past eighteen hours."

"Since I arrived at the airport yesterday, the city has been showing me a rich history, friendly fans and a rare atmosphere. Yesterday afternoon, I met a group of lovely fans at the hotel entrance, and one of the boys gave me a gift. A "detached" movie poster. That was the first time I saw the poster entity." Lan Li said with a smile, "Just before the press conference, other fans heard about it and gave it away. I have a brand new poster. I really can't think of a better way to start this film festival journey."

"Maybe it can be done on a bright sunny day." Tony sat next to him without warning, and the reporters couldn't help laughing.

Lan Li couldn't help but smiled, and he replied smoothly, "If you came from London, you wouldn't say that." In an understatement, the weather in London became dark, and the reporters at the conference suddenly burst into laughter~www The laughter was so enthusiastic that it interrupted Lanly's subsequent words. He had to close his smile, pause for a moment, and then continue.

"Not only that, last night, I went to the cinema to watch this year's exhibited works. There, I met many audiences and we shared a lot of views on the film. Their proactiveness and initiative really left a deep impression on me. Lan Li shrugged slightly, "So, yes, enthusiasm, this is my first impression of the Berlin Film Festival."

Well-regarded questions and well-regulated answers, but Lan Li’s calm, humorous and humorous style enlivened the atmosphere of the venue.

Immediately afterwards, Lan Li was in a forest of arms raised high, and clicked on the second reporter, "Because of the shooting of'Edge of Tomorrow', you regretfully missed the Golden Globe Awards two weeks ago. What do you have about this? What do you think? And, can you tell us about the work "Edge of Tomorrow"?"

The questioning is still the official form of polite, but the theme is slightly sharper.

However, this is not any difficulty for Renly, "It doesn’t matter whether the film has just been finished, or the awards ceremony, which is regrettably absent, it’s a different story. This is Berlin, if I don’t want to be kicked out by the main committee. As for the stage, I think we should return to the focus of today. What do you think?"

Four or two evaded sensitive/sensible topics, but did not rush to change the topic without leaving any room; on the contrary, the ridiculous tone successfully made the reporters laugh again. The third question that followed naturally became much more normal, "Can you introduce the work of "Transcendence" to the audience? Are there any interesting things worth sharing in the process of cooperating with Tony Kaye? "

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