The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1639: Unexpected

Some people condemned Diesel's uncompromising means for hype, and even tried to use Paul, who is still unconscious. This is simply heinous and beyond the moral limit. Such a shameless and absurd act is risking Paul's life, so what is the difference between drinking human blood and cannibalizing human flesh?

Someone complained that Lan Li was too cruel, and he didn't stop in the face of his colleagues, and even beat Diesel to the blood. Maybe Diesel had already stopped guilty, but Lan Li still had to deal with it. The image of violence is far from the previous gentleman's demeanor, and it is also worthy of fun.

Some people blame the moral emperors for standing and talking. Dieselming is trying to take advantage of Paul, but Renly is accused of being too ruthless in defending his friends under anger? "Is it really going to let Van Diesel kill Paul to die?" Does Renly still need to maintain his so-called demeanor?

Some people ridiculed Don Quixote's glass heart. They just thought that Lanly was too rude, but they didn't specify whether they agreed with this move. Then fans couldn't wait to come out to wash the ground. It seems that Lanly's PR work in the past two years It's really good. You can get rid of the civil violation of "malicious assault on others" without having to come forward.

Someone scolded Diesel's supporters indiscriminately. It was obvious that Diesel did something wrong, but now they shifted the focus, and then they also condemned the Lanly supporters for "washing the ground." Such shameless behavior is really eye-opening. Lan Li’s "hype door" was later proved to be fictional, but Lan Li was accused by all means; now Diesel is using the evidence to hype the news, and he still uses his own "good friend and good brother", but the result is still Someone speaks for him, so the double standard really makes people see someone's "excellent public relations work".


The media reporters are truly stunned. They don't need to fan the flames. Netizens have already ignited all the discussion topics.

In fact, journalists don’t need to take risks at all. They only need to throw a gimmick and a bait. Under the catalysis and deduction of modern networks, they can naturally derive infinite possibilities. It's as if they broke the truth now, then rolled up their sleeves, dragged their chin and waited next to them, and then... the show came on!

In the continuing quarrel, the voices that supported Lan Li once again took the upper hand.

"Play well! Just to teach this kind of double-handed man! I usually yell "good brother" every day, but in times of crisis, he only thinks about his own affairs. Shouldn't the focus of the matter be Paul? Why should he stand up and **** play?"

"I think something is wrong! After Paul's accident, Fan was desperately tweeting, and Lanly and the others were almost silent. Why is this? Who really cares about Paul? Is there no one in my heart? Steelyard?"

"What the **** can make Lan Li, who has always been rational, get out of control? I stand firmly on Lan Li's side! Yes, Lan Li's performance is indeed excessive, but think about it, Lan Li's best friend is on the line of life and death. I’m struggling, but there are people next to me who are trying to consume my friends in the name of caring? If it were me, I would lose my mind. What happened behind this incident, is it still unclear? "

"It was rumored at the beginning that Van Diesel forced Lanly Hall out of the'speed and excitement/love' crew, and now he has an unpleasant conflict with Dawn Johnson, and then he tried to use Paul Walker? **** Christ, what the **** is going on with this guy? This is the real'hype door', okay?"

"My only thought is: Why can't Renly be more ruthless? Look at the comments on the Internet now, and there are even people defending Van Diesel. What does this show? Van Diesel's self-hype There is no cost, not to mention legal accountability. If it is not for Lan Li, then he can succeed. Just thinking about it, shudder!"

"Why didn't Lan Li deny it? Because Lan Li never thought he had done something wrong. This time, I agree with Lan Li's idea!"

After the truth of the matter was revealed, even though various voices appeared on the Internet, on the whole, Lan Li's behavior was approved and supported by the overwhelming majority.

As the reporters expected, the Paul incident itself was full of infinite surprises. Now everyone is sincerely praying that Paul can recover as soon as possible, and all other things can be temporarily postponed. This also makes the outbreak of Lanly understood. Instead, Diesel stood on the cusp of the storm in an instant.

Now, reporters are able to "extract" themselves, while at the same time being able to create hot spots, attract attention, create sales, and even win the audience's praise, which is simply wonderful. As a result, the reporters turned their guns and started firing at Diesel. They could work easily, and they couldn't be happier.


Fisher Morgan had a headache now, and he still underestimated Lan Li's cunning.

Fisher chose to swallow his anger, retreat as an advance, put on a low profile of the victim, and promote it through the media, and then arranged for netizens to create a good image for Diesel, step by step to push Lan Li into a negative image. In the future, this will play an important role in Diesel's entire career curve.

However, I never expected that Lan Li would admit it so swiftly and swiftly, but it was not a "rampant" way, but an "upright and upright" posture, which instead pushed the reporters in another direction and instantly disrupted it. Fisher's overall plan, if Lan Li has no regrets at all, then things must be considered long-term.

Obviously, Fisher underestimated the directness and calmness of Lanly, underestimated the positive image of Lanly, underestimated the relationship between Lanly and the media, and most importantly, underestimated Andy Rogers and Lydie. Ya Brooks' wrist and speed.

Two-faced! hypocrite!

If Lanly really cares about Paul and pays attention to Paul's situation wholeheartedly, then how can there be time to arrange these things? With mental arithmetic and unintentional, even the reactions of Fisher and Diesel were counted in, and the trap was countered by the trap, and the situation was reversed in an instant.

Does this mean that Lan Li's so-called concern is nothing more than a lie?

Although Fisher had long known that Lan Li was a hypocrite, he still underestimated the city of Lan Li. Most importantly, he did not anticipate Lan Li’s cold blood and viciousness; it was the first time that he had killed Diesel. The subsequent foreshadowing is the second time. The step-by-step plan made Diesel completely passive.

In Fisher's view, Paul is just a **** in Lan Li's hands, but Lan Li's game ability is more sophisticated, so people did not find Lan Li's hypocrisy.

At least Diesel is simple enough, and Renly's shamelessness is far beyond imagination.

Naturally, Fisher did not disarm and surrender. He immediately launched the impact of negative comments, re-made plans, tried to restore the situation as much as possible, and tried to blur the focus; but after all, he still couldn't resist the crushing of the billowing waves. The reputation and popularity were originally. The stubbornly high Lanli easily occupied all the moral high ground. The advantages that Diesel had accumulated over the past few days, returned to the starting point overnight, and even slipped further down the abyss.

The problem is that now Fisher can't act rashly, and he doesn't dare to perform many actions. He must be cautious and cautious in his words and sentences. Otherwise, the hat of "hype news with the help of Paul accident" will be firmly suppressed and firmly restricted. Living in Diesel's words and deeds, there is really no place to turn around.

Now, the only thing Fisher can do is to contact a professional publicist and write an explanation letter for Diesel, which is posted on Diesel's personal Facebook, Twitter, and photo wall.

The content of the explanation letter is nothing more than to clarify that "everything is a misunderstanding." The physical conflict between him and Lan Li was just a misunderstanding. At that time, Diesel mistakenly thought that the staff was deliberately making things difficult and refused to visit Paul. In a hurry, Diesel had an unpleasant argument with the staff, and then also had a verbal conflict with Lanly, which turned into a physical conflict. Finally, once again, the focus should be on Paul instead of blurring the focus.

And so on.

To put it simply, it is actually to lock all the focus on Paul again, to excuse Diesel, and at the same time blur the focus, let the incident cool down quickly, and reduce the damage value to a minimum.

But despite this, Fisher still lost everything.

The letter of apology itself meant concessions and overturned all previous plans. What's more, the situation in Diesel now is like walking a tightrope. Everything must be cautious. For a long time to come, they must pray that Paul is safe, otherwise Diesel will fall into what he said. In a dilemma, there is no way to resist.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Fisher was very dissatisfied with the direction of this incident, and almost couldn't suppress his emotions. Just when the anger was on the verge of breaking out, the phone rang again, and the caller ID showed that it was Van Diesel. Needless to say, It must be Diesel's phone call trying to vent all his anger on Fisher.

But now Fisher really didn't have time to take care of Diesel's little emotions, so he raised his hand and threw the phone directly from the 35th floor.

I regretted it after doing this: not because of but because of the contact information and the content of the text message. If the phone is picked up by a stranger and the content is restored, then he will never have it again. The way to get mixed up in Hollywood.

Therefore, even though he was too aggrieved, Fisher quickly called his assistant and asked him to go downstairs to retrieve the phone, but after thinking about it, he was still uneasy, but he rushed out, hoping that the phone would not disappear. . That is the real disaster!


The question of Fisher and Diesel does not make any sense to Renly; to be more precise, even the follow-up layout of Andy and Lydia did not pay much attention to Renly. He needed It was too difficult to concentrate all his attention on work, and it consumed almost all of his energy.

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