The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1638: Bound hands and feet

"Lan Li, did you and Fan have a physical conflict in the hospital?"

Although it was extremely blunt, although extremely embarrassing, without any modification or any skills, Chi Guoguo punched out, but after all he asked, at least he had a beginning. The attention of the reporters all fell on Lan Li, like a young bird waiting to be fed, Yin Yin was looking forward to Lan Li's answer.

This scene is a bit absurd and a bit funny.

"Correct." Lan Li nodded and expressed affirmation. It was not "Yep", "Yeah", or "Yes", but rather an objective and blunt reply like "Correct", without any emotions. He cut off all the follow-up possibilities of the problem, showing an unwavering and upright attitude.

The reporters at the scene exchanged glances at each other again. What should we do now?

Lan Li just confessed straightforwardly, without even the slightest hesitation or hesitation, and there was no guilt or compromise between words and demeanor.

Could it be... Could it be that Diesel was guilty again? Is there any inside story behind the conflict?

It is completely possible! After all, with Lan Li’s personality and image, the physical conflicts are inherently unimaginable. If there is still insider information, it can be explained. This immediately left the reporters with lingering fears-fortunately, they did not directly discredit them. It's going to be a rat crossing the street again.

But, what about the inside story?

Seeing that Lan Li did not intend to explain, another reporter bit the bullet and took the initiative to greet him, "Do you have anything you want to respond to?"

Lan Li did not speak, but showed a smile and a smile towards the source of the sound... Lan Li just raised the corner of his mouth and put on an official response, and then he looked away, and his smile calmed down again. After coming down, he looked at other people with clear and calm eyes, as if saying:

Are there any other questions?

The reporters on the scene have already begun to scold foul language inside. Although I know that the relationship between Lan Li and reporters has never been friendly, there is no need to embarrass reporters all the time, right? Deliberately put on a arrogant and arrogant posture, all gestures are expressing contempt and disdain for the reporter, which is really upsetting!

Damn it, Ren Li-Hall!

But what is even more depressing is that the reporters were abruptly short, but they couldn't get rid of it. This kind of humiliation and humiliation ignited the raging fighting spirit among the reporters!

The number of reporters on the scene has reached an incredible triple-digit number. Now, inspired by the crowds, some people finally mustered up the courage and asked again, "You mean, you beat Van Diesel. ?"


Subject and object.

The whole way of asking questions has a questioning attitude that pre-sets the answer. They need to anger Lan Li, or they need to break the current situation, otherwise the interview will not be able to continue. More importantly, they wanted to break Lan Li's disgusting and disgusting high mask.

Is this because of the class differences brought about by hereditary aristocracy? Or is it condescending because of character?

But no matter what, Lan Li can always irritate the other party easily. A look, a word, and an expression can easily arouse the other's sensitive nerves. This was the case when facing Van Diesel and Chris Hemsworth, and then when facing Chris Evans, it was always the same when facing reporters.

He did it on purpose.

Because the reporters clearly know the truth-at least, the two reporters at the scene of the physical conflict should know the ins and outs of the matter, but they chose to shut their mouths; then they preset their positions, hoping to make news again by angering Lanli , To further make this incident a big deal.

But Lan Li didn't want this.

If he can focus all the focus on him, and then win a clean rest space for Paul, then he doesn't mind putting the scapegoat on his back; not to mention, this is not a scapegoat, he originally decided to teach Diesel a good lesson. , The pain felt at the physical level is just the beginning, and the subsequent mental torment has not yet begun.

He did not intend to deny, and there is no need to deny.

"So?" Lan Li asked calmly. Those clear and bright eyes were like the water of a lake, without the slightest ripples, but the depths of the mirror-like lake were dark. It seemed to be darkening bit by bit, but the naked eyes Unable to catch, I can only faintly feel the shuddering trembling.

Admit it.

Not only did it simply admit it, but also counterattacked with a question. The sentence of "So" was a matter of course, revealing the upright attitude, and the joy of the reporters who had just risen deep in their hearts was thus pinched. At the throat, I don't know how I should continue to ask: Is this...Is this tricky?

No explanation, no excuse, no excuse. The sentence "so" is straightforward and cuts all the possibilities straightforwardly, so what should we do now?

Lan Li admitted that everyone should be happy.

Lan Li was silent, and everyone was starting to panic again.

So what is going on now? Is there an inside story? Still no inside story? They... can they just shirk all the responsibilities on Lan Li? Is this sure there is no problem? Is there really no problem?

silence. Still silent. The reporters at the scene were a little bit overwhelmed.

Lan Li was not in a hurry either, and just waited quietly. After a long time, and then in a jerky and embarrassing silence, Lan Li nodded slightly and signaled, "Sorry, I still have work today." Then he started to leave.

The reporters on the third and outer floors didn’t know what to do, and while hesitating, they stepped back one after another, cleared the space, cleared a passage, and watched Lan Li grow and grow. go with.

There are no dog-blood dramas, no yelling, no tit-for-tat, no tirades, just a few simple words from beginning to end, the menacing reporters are inexplicably left in place, and the emotions that have been brewing for a long time are empty. Putting it into the water, so that some can't recover from it.

"So... what should we do now?" someone in the crowd asked confusedly.

But no one answered.

Logically speaking, Lan Li has just admitted frankly. The reporters only need to report directly. Anyway, there are no misunderstandings and deviations. There is no need to worry about Lan Li being beaten up like before. However, deep in my heart is always There is a hint of anxiety and anxiety, what is going on?

The reporters don't like Lan Li. In fact, this is a relatively soft term. In fact, many reporters hate Lan Li deeply. That kind of lofty posture always makes people want to drag him into the mud, and then look at Lan Li in a condescending manner. The look of embarrassment.

However, the reporters could not deny the upbringing and manners of Lan Li. The etiquette of the hereditary aristocracy allows Lan Li to maintain enviable etiquette on different occasions-even in the short confrontation, which means that Lan Li is definitely not the kind of personality that easily beats people.

Let alone reporters who are familiar with Lan Li, even ordinary netizens would not believe it.

So, is this incident a bit tricky?

In particular, Lan Li’s calm and calm attitude did not seem to be anxious or regretted because of his own actions, even more calm than Diesel——

Diesel’s evasive action by the media itself was a response. It was either because of shame or anger. Otherwise, it was because of other intentions that he chose to hide. Otherwise, if Diesel was really a victim, His personality and temper, why is he not willing to stand up? Even if it is to "forgive" Lan Li in a pretentious manner, this is also a gesture.

Is there an inside story?

"Damn it!"

Although the reporters do not want to admit this, they are extremely resistant in their hearts, let alone further investigating the truth. If they can, they would rather just pour a pot of sewage on Lan Li's body, and then gloat at Lan Li's body. I'm trapped, tormented, with explosive spots and gimmicks, and at the same time I can take revenge on the blue gift, why not do it?

But the current situation is inherently sensitive and special. In addition, the Paul incident is even more special. Reporters dare not act rashly. Even if they describe the physical impulses of Renley and Diesel, they must be cautious in their words. Now that they knew that there was still a situation, they would be even more afraid to speak up, otherwise they would dig a hole and bury themselves. No one is a fool.

As a result, the development of the matter becomes intriguing.

Authoritative media reporters indeed broke the news about the "physical conflict" incident and confirmed the rumors in the past three days that there was a fierce conflict between Renly and Diesel-this has been officially recognized by Renly, so there is no It is necessary to continue to cover up; but all reports are relatively objective, and the truth about the matter still has reservations.

Naturally netizens divided into two factions, one supporting Lanly and the other supporting Diesel. Both sides firmly supported their positions, believing that the other side's provocation must have set off the fire. Cable. But it can be clearly felt that Lan Li's support voice has the absolute upper hand.

Immediately afterwards, the reporter broke the story: Diesel led the reporter to try to rush into the ward of the critically ill patient, and Lan Li blocked the Tianluodi network to stop him, and then Lan Li took the lead and set off the conflict.

The truth is presented in such a big way. It is rare to see that the "uncrowned kings" have adhered to their bottom line of professional ethics and presented the truth of the matter——

Lanly did not stop, and the **** violence was severely punished; and Diesel was not necessarily innocent, and his attempt to use Paul to hype the news was also disgusting.

Originally, the so-called "physical conflict" was Hollywood gossip, but now it has evolved into a moral trial. The whole incident has gone a bit off track, and even the reporters are dumbfounded.

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