The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1551: 1 round of frenzy

In just one night, Xiao Jinyan experienced the taste of "popularity".

The number of reposts of that Weibo has surpassed one million times like a rocket, not 30,000 or 300,000, but one million; the number of comments and comments has also broken through 120,000 times, which is long and long. I can’t read the comments one by one, I just feel that the screen is full of comments. But the most exaggerated is the private mailbox.

The message in the private mailbox has already exceeded the number of nine hundred and ninety-nine, followed by a plus sign and a series of ellipsis. Xiao Jinyan only now really understands what is meant by "the mailbox has exploded."

At first, Xiao Jinyan opened the message and mailbox enthusiastically, and began to read and browse in earnest, but those extreme words accounted for most of them, and people couldn't bear to look directly at them.

Some are excited, still unwilling to believe the truth of the matter, and are eagerly asking for details. Among them, the details of the news asking for the photos of Lan Li also take up a lot of weight; others curiously inquired about Xiao Jinyan’s contact information, hoping to face-to-face Discuss more about Lan Li.

Some are skeptical, thinking that Xiao Jinyan is a member of Renly’s public relations team, fabricating fake news with a fan mentality, trying to hype the movie’s popularity, and deceiving fans’ feelings. The whole thing is basically arranged in advance, not only scolding Xiao Jinyan for taking money to do things, but also Cursing Lan Li shamelessly.

Some were cursing, accusing Xiao Jinyan of sticking to the door, or admiring foreigners, condemning her shameless vicious words are so sharp and dirty, even beyond imagination. The matter was not just confined to her, she even started to curse her parents, family and friends, and splashed dirty water while sitting.

Some are ridiculed, "It's just that an actor just bows his knees like this, and is so happy that he doesn't know what to do. If he wants to sleep with you, do you have to kneel directly?" Then condemned Xiao Jinyan's youth. Man becomes the reason for the continued degeneration of society.

Some are cooperative. Online shops or micro-businesses have begun to seek commercial cooperation, and even live broadcast platforms have appeared. I hope Xiao Jinyan can implant their advertising information in the next Weibo and then pay a certain amount of remuneration. Some people even suggested Xiao Jinyan to contain Lanli again.

Some are jealous. Why did Xiao Jinyan only meet Lan Li? What's the trick here? So is this unfair to other fans? They even took Xiao Jinyan's fellow cars as examples to express their regret and dissatisfaction with them, thinking that Xiao Jinyan was too selfish.


This is just the tip of the iceberg.

The nine hundred and ninety-nine private messages were not enough to cover all thoughts and opinions. In fact, the private mailboxes were immediately squeezed crazy, so that Xiao Jinyan’s personal accounts were delayed, even if strangers and strangers were only blocked now. Private messages on the blacklist, but it's too late.

Looking at her account, Xiao Jinyan could only feel the deep malice of the chicken feathers.

Only when you have really experienced it yourself can you understand what is meant by "the world is full of wonders". Everyone thinks that they have seen the bottom line of the world, but the truth can often easily break all the bottom lines, and even refresh the three views, one of the online platforms. The Admiral has magnified all emotions to the extreme, both positive and negative, constantly breaking people's cognition.

Xiao Jinyan just wanted to share her joy and happiness, and then a little hoped that more people would understand the true side of Lanli, and then love Lanli more; but the development curve of things completely exceeded. Imagine that even the reactions of those fans and fans were not as cheerful and enthusiastic as expected.

What is going on in this world?

Xiao Jinyan was a little at a loss. She was an ordinary college student, not an internet celebrity, and she had not experienced any events. An accidental encounter with Lan Li was the biggest wave in her life; now she suddenly became a hot spot on the entire Internet. Xiao Jinyan was completely at a loss as to the focus of the discussion.

Suddenly, Xiao Jinyan thought of Lan Li.

I once again remembered the dreamlike encounter last night. When she asked to open a Weibo account, Lan Li refused four or two times; and when she asked to update other social network accounts frequently, Lan Li was only polite and polite. Appropriately expressed willingness to try.

Xiao Jinyan can't say that she fully understands Lan Li now, after all, she and Lan Li are in different positions after all; but now, she gradually understands something.

She is also not sure whether this is fortunate or sad.

In the next few days, Xiao Jinyan was in a very difficult situation. She even had the idea of ​​closing her account, but after all, she did not take this step. However, she has not logged in to her account for two consecutive days, which is not much different from logging out. For the first time in history, she began to learn to enjoy the cleanliness without social networks.

In a twinkling of an eye, Lan Li has left the magic capital for three days, and all the news and noise have gradually calmed down. It seems that the popular discussion topics have finally lost their popularity. This has changed several times within 24 hours. In the Internet age, it is really rare, and the side also shows the huge influence of Lan Li's visit to the magic city this time.

In the morning, Xiao Jinyan had just finished her first class and was about to rush back to the dormitory to take a break and adjust. There was one class in the afternoon before she left the teaching building, and then she could see a young woman jogging all the way to greet her, "Excuse me. Is it Xiao Jinyan?"

This made Xiao Jinyan's footsteps pause slightly, and the words of denial almost blurted out.

The other party seemed to be aware of Xiao Jinyan's vigilance, and immediately introduced himself, "My name is Gu Cailing. This time I am the staff member of the public relations company responsible for the arrangement of the entire itinerary for the young master's visit to the magic city. When the young master arrived at Pudong International Airport, it was me. I went to the airport to pick you up in person."

Gu Cailing politely handed out her business card.

Xiao Jinyan was a little hesitant. The recent series of things were true or false. She didn't dare to trust others anymore, but after hesitating again and again, she finally accepted the business card.

Ten minutes later, Gu Cailing turned and left. Xiao Jinyan stood there, holding a small gift bag in his hand, with a dazed and confused expression.

Open the gift bag, and inside is a book, "The Sound and the Fury" by William-Faulkner.

Handwritten on the title page of the book:

"To my dear Xiao Jinyan,

Hearing the riots in the last two days, I can’t imagine the experience you are going through now, but I also feel it. I just happened to be reading this book recently. Faulkner’s story of the decline of the family reflects the process of social transformation from tradition to society. , The innocence that was once lost is now fading further. Reading in your free time, you can always find more fun and re-examine life from a different perspective.

Although a book cannot solve many problems in reality, I still hope to bring you some comfort.

Reading can always enrich your life. This is the original words from a close friend of mine, now I will give it to you.

Finally, William Shakespeare wrote in Act 5 of "Macbeth": Life is like a dream, full of noise and commotion, but it has no meaning.

mutual encouragement.


Blue gift. "

This was a small gift from Lan Li. It seemed insignificant, but it made Xiao Jinyan's eyes flushed slightly. From his dim vision, the setting sun seemed to become gorgeous again, and then the smile on the corner of his mouth rose like this. , The foul air that was pressing heavily on his chest finally spit out.


Although Xiao Jinyan is being attacked by the Internet frenzy, it is a very bad situation for her personally; but from the side, it can be seen that Lan Li’s first visit is creating unimaginable waves. Seeing the little knowledge, Xiao Jinyan’s personal experience It's just a corner of the stormy sea.

It can be felt from Xiao Jinyan’s personal Weibo reposts, comments, and private messages. The entire network is joining this crazy craze, and it will continue for a while, and the overwhelming publicity makes time. Going backwards, returning from autumn to summer, ushered in an incredible heat wave.

For the next thirty-six hours, Lan Li's every move and line in the magic city became the focus of the whole people's attention, and it really reached the level of difficulty in walking. Not to mention going out for a walk, even dining in the restaurant had to enter the box. , To block all the sight of chasing and intercepting, otherwise it would be like a monkey in a zoo, the flashing lights follow the shadow, and there is no breathing space.

For each event, the 1,000-person tracking team is already the smallest, and the time spent staying in place is slightly longer, and the number of people doubles when they move. The whole body explains what is called "difficulty."

When Lan Li ended his promotion and left the magic it also created a record invisibly——

In less than 72 hours, the number of topics discussed on Weibo exceeded 200 million times; unfortunately, no one counts the entourage, but it is certain that the number of mobilizations has exceeded five figures, and even Six digits. No one thought that the propaganda stage of a movie could create such a strong influence, and the topic was always hot, even more crazy than the wave of summer and National Day files.

As a sci-fi movie, "Gravity" does not have the gimmicky blessings of a comic adaptation, nor does it have the mass base of the previous work. Alfonso-Caron lacks the appeal of James Cameron, which is for the movie's box office prospects in the mainland. , Generally keep a low profile. A small detail can tell that the PR company's confidence is insufficient-

Right above the official poster of "Gravity", it is clearly marked in Chinese characters, "The strongest space science fiction movie in history! "Avatar" director, James Cameron."

That's all there is to it.

Obviously, the public relations company is misleading the audience, hoping to make the audience mistakenly think that it is a film directed by James Cameron, and then create more topics and attract more box office. The current grand occasion completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

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