The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1550: Incredible

After all, Lan Li did not agree to Xiao Jinyan's request, but after thinking about it seriously, Xiao Jinyan didn't expect too much. At this moment, Lan Li was able to stand in front of him and communicate with each other with a smile on his face. This is already an incomparable happiness. Thing, isn't it? She shouldn't be too greedy.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Jinyan said seriously, "That's why you don't appear in Marvel movies, right? Because you always have your own persistence and don't want to lose your color bit by bit in compromise. To be honest, although we are all very much looking forward to seeing you appear as a superhero,... we still like what you are now."

Xiao Jinyan's mentality gradually calmed down, and she showed a big smile again, "It's just like your new album. We have all waited until the flowers have withered, but we still don't see any signs. However, we will continue to wait. Yes, if your albums appear too frequently, we won’t adapt. It’s pretty good now, really, pretty good.”

Lan Li's eyebrows became brisk, his eyes flashed slightly, his jaw closed slightly, and his voice was deliberately lowered, "Mystery, this is very important."

Xiao Jinyan nodded repeatedly in agreement, "We waited and waited, and finally saw the rumored young master with our own eyes. The feeling is unmatched. This is the effect you expect to see, right?" Xiao Jinyan also playfully said. In reply, the dullness and warmth between the conversations allowed her to slowly regain her usual personality, "So, if I now ask for a photo and autograph, is it possible that it will not be possible?"

"This is something I can help." Lan Li opened his arms slightly and made a gesture of opening his heart.

At this moment, Xiao Jinyan was rather restrained. She stood there, as if she couldn't take any steps. She rarely revealed the shyness and youthfulness of the girl, her hands behind her back, her fingertips tangled together, her heart was inside. The struggle between active and passive is hidden between the eyes with downcast eyes.

But Lan Li took the initiative to walk forward generously and came to Xiao Jinyan's side, "Where is your camera? Or is it a cell phone?"

A refreshing woody scent lingers from far and near under the nose, with a faint heat, as if the happy dancing breath can be felt on the surface of the skin, making the speed of the heart beat faster, Xiao Jinyan subconsciously raised her head Come, and then I saw Lanli close at hand, her rosy and soft lips gently pulled out an upward arc, she immediately lowered her head in a panic, and she started screaming deep in her heart.



However, Xiao Jinyan couldn't make a sound. All the screams were dullly pressed into the chest cavity, but she felt that the adrenaline flowing quickly in the blood vessels was making her skin hot and hot, so that her whole body was trembling. Now, she can only force herself to divert her attention: taking pictures! Take a picture! Take a picture! It should be time to take pictures now.

I hurriedly searched through my pocket and found my mobile phone, but my fingers trembled too much. Even the simplest action like turning on the screen took a lot of effort, and then I heard it like a cello. The usual low voice, "May I be allowed to come?"

"Of course! Of course!" Xiao Jinyan handed the phone to Lan Li in a panic. When she was not careful, her fingertips touched each other. She only felt a burst of electricity passing through, and she couldn't feel the palm or the back of her hand at all. The hot heat caused her to reflexively retract her right hand, and then put her right hand behind her, concealing her panic.

Then everything was like a dream. Xiao Jinyan didn't even know how things happened. He stood there and watched Lan Li turn away from the back.

"Night of Midsummer Dream", Xiao Jinyan can finally feel it now.

How did it happen tonight?

It wasn't until Lan Li's back was invisible that Xiao Jinyan had time to take a closer look, and then she truly recorded the ins and outs of the entire night on Weibo.

After the premiere, internal news rumored that Renly had a series of itineraries tonight, and the publicity work would not end immediately. So Xiao Jinyan and a group of friends started following the car, hoping to get close contact with Renly opportunity.

But this is not an easy task.

First it was the hotel, then the restaurant, and then Ren Li started recording the show in the restaurant. After waiting for more than three hours at the door, the fans learned that Ren Li had left through the back door ahead of time, which meant that they had lost Lan Li’s whereabouts.

When the internal news reappeared, it was already forty minutes later. They rushed to Shang/Hai/Cineplex, where Lan Li was being interviewed. You can see the staff working for the production team outside the city’s gate. Nathan, the assistant who bought the coffee, gave them a little peace of mind.

Xiao Jinyan went to the convenience store to buy some food and pad her belly because of her stomachache, but she didn't expect that in this short period of time, Lan Li had already left, and the friends in the car could only act by chance. Leaving her in the studio, he quickly caught up with Lan Li's car.

When the friends followed Lan Li back to the Sinan Mansion, Xiao Jinyan took a taxi to Huihe again. Unexpectedly, after waiting for nearly two hours outside the hotel, he would never be able to see Lan Li again.

After going around for a whole night, it looked like they were just busy, they still couldn't stop Lan Li after all. In the dead of night, everyone guessed that after experiencing a long flight and jet lag, and then tired of working for a whole day, Lan Li should have gone to bed and rest; after discussion, today’s car chase will stop here for the time being, tomorrow There is still a whole day's trip.

Xiao Jinyan was still a little unwilling.

Before, the other friends met Lan Li at the entrance of the cinema. Lan Li waved to them before getting in the car. This short face-to-face was enough to make them excited all night, like a chicken blood; but Xiao Jinyan missed it, and she never saw Lan Li up close.

After pondering again, Xiao Jinyan decided to stay and wait. I didn’t hope to see Lan Li, but I just wanted to be able to walk around Sinan Mansion. As long as she walked in this area, she could feel the space where Lan Li was living. She knew it was irrational. Thoughts, but... fan behavior is inherently not sensible, is it?

All the friends left, and the chartered driver also left, and in the end only Xiao Jinyan was left.

Xiao Jinyan really started to take a walk, enjoying this early autumn night just after the light rain. Instead, her irritability and anxiety gradually settled down. Her footsteps finally returned to the street next to the hotel where Lan Li was staying, ready to take a last look. Apartment, and then take the car home, but the next thing becomes incredible.

This is a dream.

Xiao Jinyan recorded the events of the night from his own perspective, including the little by little encounters with Lan Li later. The emotions that had always been hidden and suppressed before, finally couldn't help but start screaming at the end of the article.

"Ahhhhh! I can't believe it! Even now, I still can't believe what happened tonight! Master is really too gentle! Master is shining! If someone tells me this, I will not hesitate. I spit it out directly, but when all of this really happened to myself, I knew that everything was real!"

A long article of nearly 9,000 words will be posted and uploaded in the form of pictures.

For Xiao Jinyan, sharing is one thing. The most important thing is that she hopes to be able to record it, and while the memory is still vivid, to record all the bits and pieces, for nearly six hours in the whole night. Rushing to the extreme of exhaustion, both body and spirit, but who knows? This became the best night in her youthful memories.

What is youth?

Those wanton, carnival, publicity, unruly, and free years are not youth, at least they should not be the correct definition of youth; but those desperate, courageous days, stupid, stupid, and silly Doing so-called "stupid things" or even meaningless "stupid things" in the adult world madly and madly, this is youth.

Because after growing up, these things will never happen again. Those stupid things and stupid things that belong to the young and frivolous will stay in the river of youth forever, miss them, and miss them forever.

Xiao Jinyan’s Weibo followers only have less than a hundred followers, usually talking to himself, and then some classmates and friends come to leave messages and interact, which is completely self-entertaining; but after the release of this long article, it was less than three short. In ten minutes, the number of messages exceeded three hundred, which is simply incredible!

Among the more than 300 messages, more than 80% were questioning the authenticity of the matter. No one believed Xiao Jinyan's adventure, it looked like a novel created by a crazy fan.

This made Xiao Jinyan a little depressed.

Because she didn't expect the response to be so enthusiastic, Xiao Jinyan did not provide evidence. Now that she is questioned, she uploaded the photos and audio.

The photo is a group photo of her and Lan Li; the audio is Lan Li’s greeting. In addition, Lan Li also specially signed Xiao Jinyan——

"To my dear Xiao Jinyan,

The fate of an unexpected encounter is destined to be inevitable. If my film can become a driving force to change a person’s life, then my work will become valuable; similarly, if the encounter tonight can become a fragment of a good memory , Then my visit is no longer a mere propaganda itinerary.

In addition, I hope you can keep your promise and go to the cinema with your friends to support Gravity. Thank you!


Blue gift. "

This is the signature of Xiao Jinyan, part of her name is in Chinese, and all other parts are in English. Senior movie fans familiar with Lanli were able to immediately recognize the handwriting, confirm the authenticity of the incident, and then the entire network was fried.

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