The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1517: Like a broken bamboo

Surprise, surprise, or surprise!

Just when people thought that the box office data of "Gravity" had far exceeded expectations, breaking all conjectures and predictions with an absolutely strong performance, but then the surprise came again, once again breaking people's adjusted expectations. Once again, there was a burst of exclamation and consternation.

Saturday’s single-day box office dropped only 10%! This performance is almost comparable to the 13% drop of the "Avengers" during the premiere weekend last year. It was so amazing that people suffered a 100,000 crit, because they were so frightened that they started to close. Mouth, dumbfounded!

On Friday, 55 million. "Gravity" broke the record of the highest weekend box office in the autumn file with the single-day box office data for its premiere.

On Saturday, 49.5 million. The box office data of the next day of "Gravity" can be ranked third in the box office history list for the autumn weekend, second only to "Smart: Ghost Record 3" and "Funny Show 3D".

With two consecutive single-day box office data, "Gravity" broke the record of North American film history with a destructive attitude, and with an absolutely strong and absolutely crazy attitude, it completely changed the law and structure of the entire movie market, even in the summer. File, such data is enough to be among the top 20 in film history, let alone in the autumn file?

It's too sturdy!

Suddenly, people couldn't help but have a kind of confusion. Is it sure that it is not July?

What’s even more absurd is that the major news media have just adjusted their box office forecasts. Now that Saturday’s single-day box office data is released, they have to adjust their forecasts for the second time in a short time, even Warner Bros. They all seemed to be in a hurry, the previous predictions were far lower than expected, and the surprise was too turbulent and too violent, so that I felt a little at a loss.

Adjusted from 50 million to 90 million, and then adjusted to the latest forecast of 120 million. In just forty-eight hours, the market insiders’ estimates of the box office for the premiere of "Gravity" have turned upside down. The change has truly more than doubled. From the fall premiere record shocker to the North American film market schedule disruptor, the change of this role is really too brave!

To this end, the "New Yorker" wrote an article about a Saturday night in October.

The reporter described an ordinary Saturday night as a personal participant. According to previous years, the Manhattan night in the fall belongs to the theater, the bar, and the four major sports leagues. Only a small part of it belongs to The movie theater, but this time there was an exception—

"After living in New York for 30 years, I finally encountered something unheard of again. In order to buy two tickets for the'gravity' evening movie, my friend and I visited seven movie theaters in Manhattan. From 6 in the evening to 9:30 in the evening, like Holden, he walked all over the city.

Until we were hungry, we finally bought two movie tickets for 10.45pm in a small theater in Greenwich Village. But after all, I can't tell whether it is because the cinema is sufficiently deviated and the passenger flow is too small, or because we have chosen the tickets for the near midnight show, and we bought the tickets. However, I can at least be sure of one thing, we don't need to stay at Edmond Hotel tonight. "

This article is based on the style and brushwork of JD-Sailinger's famous novel "The Catcher in the Rye". It is described in the first person, just like the protagonist Huo in the novel. As usual, he went around in New York City, trying to find an exit with his eyes and feet—the Edmond Hotel was where Holden lived for the first night.

The article really is the consistent style and characteristic of the "New Yorker".

Through the writer’s perspective, people can clearly feel the movie-going frenzy on Saturday, the scenes are full. This is definitely not an exaggerated remark, but a turbulent wave that you feel personally. The popular shows are really one-of-a-kind. Tickets are hard to find, and they are all sold early, as if people in New York City have left their homes and rushed to the cinema to watch this work. It has really changed people's living and entertainment habits, although it is only limited to this week.

From the ridicule of the "New Yorker" to the statistics of exhibitors' relations, all of them are feeling the turbulent heat wave that broke out in the autumn stalls in all directions!

Following the movie-watching frenzy on Friday and Saturday, after Warner Bros. analyzed the pre-sale data and the growth curve, it predicted that Sunday would usher in a 27% one-day drop, and finally gave 130 million. Wan’s ultimate prediction at the box office of the premiere weekend, this achievement will undoubtedly rewrite history, and it will also be a history that cannot be surpassed and difficult to replicate!

It is even better than the momentum when the "Twilight City" was born in 2008, and it can be said that it is sweeping the wasteland like a broken bamboo!

But this is still not all.

Later, market experts analyzed the box office curve of the premiere weekend of "Gravity", especially the root cause of the three consecutive deviations in the estimated data of Warner Bros. and other professional media. Of course, in the forecasting process, the market potential of "gravity" is always underestimated, which is an important factor; but in the face of data analysis, the more important determinant is that this movie has stepped out of the legendary curve of the trend of God.

Through the accumulation of word-of-mouth in three film festivals, the topical effect of "gravity" has reached a whole new level. It is certain and certain that this is an excellent work, and it is likely to be the best word-of-mouth in history. Commercial film, but the audience still have doubts—

What does the so-called "perfect balance between business and art" in professional media mean? Because even the ratings of "Avengers" are not so high, does this mean that movies are still more artistic? Otherwise, why would the professional media and senior movie fans have a collective climax? It's like the original "Batman: The Dark Knight".

Some movies, even though they have both commercial and artistic attributes, may not be liked by the general audience. Some viewers simply like movies like "Transformers", which is also a favorite.

However, all speculations and questions were answered during the movie-watching frenzy on Friday.

If Friday is just a celebration stage for enthusiastic movie fans and Don Quixotes, then Saturday will start a frenzy of ordinary audiences walking into the cinema. Under the powerful appeal of "Len Li-Hall", Many ordinary viewers are determined to try and see, even if it is not such an absolute commercial film, at least it is not too bad—

After all, the two works "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5" and "Edge of Tomorrow" have already proved that Lan Li still has strong control over commercial films, don't they?

As a result, there was only an ultra-low drop of 10% on Saturday.

Subsequently, the word-of-mouth on Friday and Saturday continued to be fermented again. On the social network platform, it was obvious that the general audience’s enthusiasm for discussion and participation had reached a new height, and the commercial attribute of “gravity” was gradually fermented. , And then created another wave of ordinary audience watching movies on Sunday.

In fact, the 27% one-day drop predicted by Warner Bros. is very incredible. This data is an estimate based on the pre-sale box office and the box office trend in the past two days. This is a math problem and will basically not appear. Too much deviation.

However, the actual single-day box office drop on Sunday was only 21%, which almost replicated the 18% box office drop on the third day of the "Avengers" premiere, breaking the shackles of mathematical formulas again. , Brought another surprise.

In the end, "Gravity" took $39.1 million on Sunday, and the single-day box office data can still rank 11th among the weekend box office movie history records in the autumn file.

The unfair comparison between the single-day box office and the weekend box office, "gravity" has swept across the board, which also more and more brings out the sturdiness and strength of the film’s historical record. No language is needed, just a list of numbers can be used. This shock broke out to the extreme, enough to shock every audience.

The North American premiere weekend box office was $143.6 million.

This is the premiere data of "Gravity". Compared with the box office number initially predicted by the media, it has almost tripled, and it truly shows the domineering trembling of the entire market and the entire industry.

With this data, among all the film premieres in 2013, it ranked second, second only to "Iron Man 3", and easily surpassed "Superman: Man of Steel" by US$116 million. Further, in the film history premiere box office, it ranked strongly among the top ten, temporarily ranking eighth, surpassing the 142 million created by "Twilight Saga: New Moon" in 2009 data.

It can be simply said that UU reading has such data, and it is also the top work that swept the army in this year's disappointing summer file.

If you don't call it, it's a blockbuster.

The entire film industry is complaining about the desertedness and loneliness of the North American autumn files. Warner Bros. has scheduled "Gravity" to be officially released in October. It is not moving forward, not lukewarm, commercial movies are not commercial movies, and art movies are not art. The movie is really unpredictable what this choice is.

But unintentionally inserted the willow into the shade.

The major film companies have intermittently arranged some commercial films to be released in the autumn archives. Although they are not broken, everyone knows it. In fact, it means: this is a commercial film, but they do not have the confidence to impact the summer archives, so Just put it in the less competitive autumn stalls, and see if you can come back to life and integrate the idle market. Maybe you will run into dead mice?

Yes, this time I really "touched" it.

"Gravity" not only created an astonishing historical record, which increased the original record by nearly three times; it also continued the undefeated myth of Lan Li!

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