The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1516: Shocked

One hundred and four million dollars!

The North American box office on October 4th scored a full US$104 million. This was the first time in the entire long history!

Not to mention the cold and cold autumn files, even in the most lively and hot summer files of the year, the single-day box office breaking 100 million is still a good performance to celebrate, or a work has ushered in a complete explosion. , Or all the works collectively achieved good results, no matter what kind of possibility, so the market performance is gratifying.

But now, this data has appeared in the autumn file, which is almost a shocking moment! History is born again!

More importantly, this proves once again that the autumn season is not the usual calm and bleak. It also has strong market potential. The only question is how to position it and complete the supporting distribution and promotion, as long as it can If you find the exact rules, then the autumn file can become the second holiday file!

Before 2008, the holiday season was also a lukewarm time. The overall performance was better than the autumn and winter seasons, but it was far from a box office gold mine. It seems that apart from the summer season, the movie market’s enthusiasm for watching movies It was exhausted, and then, the "Twilight" series turned out.

In fact, the historical tradition of holiday stalls has a long history. Because of the relationship between Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, the market positioning has always been clear. Halloween horror movies, Thanksgiving family movies and Christmas holiday movies, these types of movies are all A relatively fixed set of routines and patterns has been formed.

Movies such as "Home Alone", "101 Faithful Dogs", "Interview with the Vampire" and other films always get good box office results in the holiday file. The "Harry Potter" series also chose to land on the market during the holiday file. In 2001, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" received a $90 million premiere weekend box office, setting a historical record.

However, the great success of the "Twilight" series has refreshed the history of the holiday season premiere box office time and time again. The sturdy and wild performance showed a powerful posture of sweeping the army, and also let the major film companies. Realize that the vacation file has advantages that the summer file does not have——

That is the fan effect!

If the big screens in the midsummer time belong to men, women, families, students, and the entire main consumer market; then the big screens in the holidays belong to enthusiastic fans.

Standing at the height of 2017, the top 15 of the holiday season premiere weekend box office history, belonging to the "Star Wars" reboot series, the "Hunger Games" series, the "Twilight" series, and the "Harry Wave" series. "Special" series and "007" series, the only exception is "Thor 3" released in November 2017.

The box office of all the above works exceeded 90 million U.S. dollars at the weekend of the premiere; in addition, 13 of them were released after 2008, and only two were released before 2008, namely the 2001 "Harry -Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" and "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" in 2005.

For many people, "Twilight" seems to be a set of brainless teen idol movies; but for film companies and the North American market, "Twilight" is the key to opening the box office gold mine. The whole year's movie schedule layout has been changed, and the holiday file has become the largest source of box office outside of the summer file. The box office numbers of the entire North American film market have made a historic breakthrough!

In other words, there are no absolutely bad schedules, only relatively poor releases.

If you can find an accurate positioning, every time of the year is bound to be able to tap the box office potential, because now movies have gradually become a part of daily life, and it is very far from the 1980s when it was positioned as a high-end entertainment and leisure method. It is very far away, and the definition and connotation of the schedule must be adjusted accordingly.

Now, following the spring file of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion" and the holiday file of "Twilight", now the autumn file finally reveals traces of gold mines buried under the mound.

So, which work did the miracle work? Or what works?

The exhibitor relationship announced the box office data for the first time. In the single-day box office of $104 million on Friday, "Gravity" won 55 million, and "Heaven's Gourmet 2" contributed 470 Million, "reversal trump card" gained 2.8 million!

This is the top three single-day box office on October 4th!

Fifty-five million?

Fifty-five million!

When people see such crazy data, their first reaction is to start to doubt their own eyes, and even suspect that the statistics of the exhibition relationship are wrong-this is the autumn file, not the summer file! However, the exhibitor relationship has been repeatedly confirmed. This is the final standard figure, and there are no errors in the statistical process.

As a result, the major news media began to exclaim that any language is pale and weak, except for amazement, or amazement!

Before October 4, 2013, the North American premiere weekend box office record for the fall season was only 52.5 million, but now, "Gravity" has successfully broken the record in just one day. ! Just a day! Moreover, it surpassed the original record sturdily and easily!

What is power?

This is called power! The powerful force that absolutely swept the army, fiercely and rudely completed the reshuffle of the North American autumn box office market, such a momentum reminds people of the sensation when the "Twilight City" was released in 2008.

In the midst of thunderous and rumbling curses, "Twilight City" has brought the advantages of the fan economy to the fullest, not only redefining the market potential of idol movies, but also completely changing the holiday format; and now, in a world Among the fanatical praise, "Gravity" has pushed the most perfect and shocking visual effects and movie viewing experience after "Avatar" to the extreme, redefining the mystery of "theatrical movies", and let the autumn files Revitalized again!

The sight is back to the box office numbers on Friday again.

The total box office in a single day is 104 million, and the work of "Gravity" has already accounted for more than 50% of the box office. The specific figure should be 52.9%, so the performance is completely It can be called a "salvation work", which saved the downturn and dullness of the entire market with its own power.

People expected that the "gravity" box office might perform well, but no one expected the box office data to be so good!

Before the official release of "Gravity", Warner Bros. and major media companies have made a box office estimate. Because of Lan Li's leadership and the film festival's reputation, people generally take a positive and optimistic attitude toward the movie box office report and predict the number. It's relatively beautiful.

The New York Times has the highest estimate. They believe that "Gravity" has the ability to break the premiere record of "Smart: Ghost Record 3". The value given is 53 million to 5800. Between ten thousand, a new record for the autumn file was created at a small level.

The lowest estimate is the "Seattle Post". They believe that "gravity" has the ability to drive the box office, but taking into account the "reversal trump card" competition, the lack of publicity of Warner Bros. and the artistic attributes of the film itself, Finally, the box office forecast for the fifth premiere of the autumn film history of 45 million was given.

On the whole, there is not much difference between the highest and the lowest data. The industry has reached a relatively unified opinion, and about 50 million yuan should be the most likely weekend box office.

Warner Bros. agreed with this. Based on the feedback from the pre-sale and internal preview, they gave an estimated figure of 50 million. The overall attitude is still relatively conservative.

But now, just after Friday, "gravity" has broken all people's speculations and all expectations with a posture of twice, three times or even several times, and it has reached the predicted weekend box office value in one day. The major media I adjusted my predictions for the movie’s weekend box office for the first time, and ushered in a considerable and substantial improvement——

The "New York Times" adjusted its own estimate to 100 million U.S. dollars, and the "Seattle Post" followed suit with an adjusted estimate of 85 million.

And Warner Bros. also silently adjusted its own estimate, between nine thousand and ninety-five million. The most amazing thing is here. As the production and distribution company of "Gravity", Warner Bros. didn't show much expectation, and at the same time, it didn't show too many surprises. It has always remained calm.

It can be understood that they don't pay enough attention to "gravity", but it can also be understood that they always maintain a calm mind and wait until the end of the premiere weekend before celebrating. As for how to understand and read, it is a matter of opinion, but it is certain that the box office data of "gravity" also killed Warner Bros. by surprise.

All of this is foreshadowing that "Gravity" is about to become the first work in North American history to premiere at the weekend box office in the fall season.

What does this mean?

Even the hottest summer file At present, in the entire film history, there are only 17 films whose first box office has exceeded the 100 million threshold. This is a direct portrayal of the current box office boom. For a work that can achieve such a feat, it is a moment worthy of a book.

And now, "Gravity" is about to create such a feat in the fall season.

Everything is too fierce and too sudden. There is no sign before this. The historical record will rise from 52 million to 100 million. Even the winter gear has not been able to reach such a high level so far. , Is there really no problem with the autumn stalls? So that everyone began to doubt the authenticity of all this:

Can it really be done? Can it really make such a history?

The fact is--


Not only is it possible, but it also refreshed people's cognition with a shocking posture. Following Friday's record-level single-day box office harvest, "Gravity" only saw a 10% box office drop on Saturday, and its amazing performance has made all experts fall through.

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