The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1507: long time no see

Lan Li is still that Lan Li, calm and calm, and has never changed; but now Lan Li seems to have become more sunny and relaxed. The subtle changes in words and deeds make people feel a little close. sense.

Listening to the soothing and gentle words, involuntarily, Andy's tight heart was slightly loosened, and his jaw lightly expressed his approval. "Gravity" is now on the right track, as for the box office. Numbers are beyond their control. Instead of worrying about gains and losses, it is better to enjoy them.

Although it is not easy.

Then, Roy's voice came from Andy's right hand, with a strong taste of joking and ridicule, "Does everyone start to become timid as they grow older? Alas, I still can't fight it. The heavy burden brought by the years."

Although he didn't name and surname, he was obviously complaining about Andy.

Andy was not excited, but calmly retorted, "The words come from a person who has never left the palm of his whiskey glass. People who don't know think it is alcoholism, but those who know know it is just a guilty conscience and cowardice."

Roy raised the whiskey glass in his hand like a demonstration, drank the amber liquid in it, and then poured himself another glass in angrily, and began to enjoy it with ease.

Looking at the two old children, Lan Li's eyes also showed a smile.

At this moment, Nathan's exclamation came. The fuss shout seemed a bit harsh and sharp, but it showed the youthful vigor and cheerful vitality remaining in the carriage, "God! What is going on? Lanli Lanli, do you think the scene in Toronto is not so spectacular?"

Following Nathan’s voice, he turned his head and looked over, and then saw the spectacular sight outside the car window:

The endless crowds of people stood on both sides of the road to welcome them, and extended all the way to the plaza of Lincoln Center. Every corner in the line of sight was filled with dense crowds, and there was almost no gap, even Lost the meaning of counting the numbers, just feel that-everyone is everyone.

One thousand people. Ten thousand people. One hundred thousand people.

These numbers have no real meaning. All the open spaces in the field of vision are crowded with people. Such a grand occasion is comparable to the annual Times Square New Year’s Eve party. The surging heat wave is coming, and it is back from autumn in an instant. In summer, before entering the crowd, you can already feel the heat on the surface of the skin, and the sweaty sight is like a tongue of fire licking the exposed skin.

What exactly is going on?

Not only Nathan, but Roy and Andy also showed unexpected looks. Before the departure, there was news from Warner Bros. that the scale of today's premiere was larger than expected, but... it was not just "bigger", it was more than tenfold.

But the first reaction in Lan Li's mind was, "How is the security work at the scene?"

Every year, the New Year's Eve event in Times Square will gather nearly a million people on site. The entire event starts at 2 pm until the coming of the New Year. Security work is naturally the top priority of New York’s annual event; but today’s premiere However, the scale of the site has exceeded expectations. It is not certain whether the security work can keep up with it.

At this time, seeing Lincoln Center again, Renly's first reaction was an accident, and his only worry was also an accident.

In fact, for the crowds, the crowds, and the crowds of movie fans, Lan Li has gradually adapted and used to it, from Berlin to Cannes to Venice and Toronto, and last year's "Edge of Tomorrow" premiere, and so on. Wait, Lan Li is overcoming his fears and worries about dense crowds, and has made great progress.

At least, he will not be afraid and evade.

But when he returned to Lincoln Center again, the worries of revisiting the old place still arose.

At the end of the previous year, the premiere of "Anti-Cancer Me" was held at Lincoln Center. As a result, a fan was injured in an accident. Although the injured fan was not life-threatening, it still left indelible scars.

This summer, Lan Li and his friends from "Burst Drummer" came to Lincoln Center to watch a jazz performance. As a result, they encountered an unexpected accident on the way, and were later chased by reporters.

Tonight is the third time.

In particular, there is a huge crowd of people in the sight, such a grand occasion, even the long-term Andy has never witnessed such a wave, even the Lan Li who has personally witnessed the New Year’s Eve party in New York can’t imagine it. Such a heat wave is far beyond the control range, and the situation on the scene seems to be subject to deviation at any time.

Reflexively, the bad memories that happened here came to my mind again, and even Lan Li himself didn't expect it, and the worried mood began to feel melancholy.

Andy froze slightly, he didn't react at all; but Roy understood immediately and comforted him, "Warner Bros. must be prepared for all kinds of unexpected situations in advance. What they are best at is hosting a grand premiere. Isn’t the premiere of "Edge of Tomorrow" last year very successful? Don’t worry. What’s more, now that the CEO has just taken office, he would never want to see surprises."

"Huh..." Lan Li felt a little relieved, but still couldn't help but vomit. "It's because the new official took office that it's more worrying, isn't it?"

The atmosphere in the carriage eased again, and everyone chuckled.

The car slowly pulled over at the entrance of the red carpet. Although the number of attendances at the premiere and grand events was far beyond the calculation range, the red carpet didn’t seem to be a problem, but came to Lincoln Center again and faced With such a grand occasion, Lan Li is still a little nervous.

He didn't get out of the car immediately, sat in the back seat, and adjusted his breath for a while. Lan Li nodded toward the window. The staff opened the door and he appeared on the red carpet.

Observation and experience are two completely different feelings. When your feet are really standing on the red carpet, look around, the turbulent sea of ​​people is like a huge wave crashing down, the small moment of an independent individual. It was magnified to the extreme, and it couldn't even breed signs of resistance, just involuntarily marveling.

In a daze, Lan Li recalled the ethereal feeling of "gravity" in space.

After realizing this, Lan Li couldn't help but laugh, and his mood became lighter again.

The cheers and screams of the audience continued to invade like a tsunami. With a simple sweep, you can see the countless cheering signs, like a forest with lush foliage and towering clouds, bringing the light blue of New York in early autumn. The sky was supported, and the thin golden sunlight was engulfed in the high and far space, and the world suddenly became noisy again.

This is the fourth consecutive premiere of "Gravity" in a month. Lanly has gradually become numb, just as a job; today I came to Lincoln Center and faced such a grand occasion. The only idea in Lan Li's mind is to end the red carpet trip as soon as possible, so that the audience can enter the theater to enjoy the movie before the accident happens.

So Lan Li did so.

Although he did not deliberately accelerate, he still maintained the usual speed of the red carpet; but he did not specifically stop, gave up the interaction and communication with the fans, politely kept his distance, waved and nodded in greeting.

He knew that this kind of behavior seemed like an inhuman arrogance; however, he still wanted to avoid accidents more than his own image. Safety is always the most important thing.

From a distance, Lan Li saw the support banner at a glance, and stopped involuntarily.

Red banners and golden fonts. The bright and dazzling banners are like flags waving in the wind, fluttering amidst the hunting winds in Manhattan. They are still so conspicuous even in the turbulent crowds, and they stand out with rich colors.

"Master Lan Li: We miss you."

There are no extra words, no enthusiastic support, just the simplest sentence, and then accompanied by a lifelike custom sketch.

Among the hoarse shouts and signs at the scene were really nothing. There were courtship slogans all around—

"Len Li-Hall, you have sex/sickness!"

"Blue gift blue gift blue I love you!"

"Ren Li, I am in charge of preparing the wedding, I am in charge of preparing the wedding dress, I am in charge of all housework, and I am in charge of livelihood. You only need to show up in front of the altar. Promise me, okay?"

"Blue gift! I am willing to give everything for you! I now have a deposit of three thousand six hundred and twenty-one dollars. I don't know much, but this is all I have!"

"Master, marry me!"

Every support sign became crazy because of Lan Li’s sight, crying with tears, and didn’t even have time to wipe his tears, just crying and screaming selflessly, the enthusiasm for selflessness was passed on , It's moving, and it's also smiling.

But all of them are inferior to the red banner.

Lan Li could recognize that the sketch was from "Brando Mania". Familiar brushstrokes, familiar lines, and familiar colors. Everything is so familiar, and the shape is that he attended the Venice Film Festival not long ago. Costume. At this moment, Lan Li realized that it had really been a long time since then.

It was the "edge of tomorrow" 15 months ago since the last time Lanli's film works were fully screened.

Although in the past year, London’s West End and Broadway performances, "detachment" screenings, Oscars, Cannes and Venice film festivals... Lan Li has never been out of sight of the public, but it is so close and close. The opportunity for the fans to contact, but it is really too long.

Now, Lan Li finally understood the reason for the grand occasion. All of them are love and support for himself, which creates an incredible sight in front of him. How lucky is he to win so much love?

Long time no see, Don Quixotes.

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