The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1506: Maintain the important task

The black stretch limousine walked on the spacious streets of Manhattan. The traffic outside the window was still familiar and friendly, but the atmosphere inside the car seemed a little dignified. In silence, everyone seemed to be lost in thought. No thought to start a conversation.

Lan Li's gaze fell on Andy and Roy one after another, and the smile on the corner of his mouth could not help but rose. He did not interrupt their contemplation aloud, but turned his head and looked out the window, humming softly. From unknown tunes, melody and musical notes hovered in my mind for a long time.

Both Andy and Roy raised their gazes with that self-satisfied and relaxed appearance. The two exchanged glances, and then both looked at Lan Li. Although Lan Li has always been like this, the joy today still seems a bit unusual. ——At least, on the way to the movie premiere, Lan Li would not hum happily.

It seems that in the two months since "Burst Drummer" finished filming, Lan Li's **** has been gradually reduced. This is... a good thing, right?

"What kind of tune is this? Haven't heard of it before, a new song created?" Andy was still relatively calm, with all his thoughts hidden, and he took the initiative to break the silence.

"Oh, no, it's not." Lan Li said with a smile, "It's just an eight-beat chord. When filming'Burst Drummer' before, I kept circling the rhythm of that drum in my mind, unknowingly Just hummed a chord for that eight beat, and then kept circling in my mind, over and over again, like a curse."

"Then why not just finish composing the entire song?" Nathan asked urgently.

"There is no inspiration." Lan Li's answer was straightforward, but unexpected.

Nathan couldn't help but stunned, Roy couldn't help but said jokingly, "I know for the first time that you are also uninspired when it comes to music creation. Isn't all the melodies come to mind?"

Roy was obviously joking, but Lanly didn't mind, and he nodded and said, "Yes, I know, but even when Mozart and Beethoven are inspired to encounter bottlenecks, I also need to adjust." The self-confident and arrogant appearance made Roy shook his head helplessly, expressing surrender.

Andy, who was sitting aside, had a light smile on his face again, and his tightness was slightly relieved.

For the official release of "Gravity", Andy is rarely nervous at first.

In the past month, Hollywood has been a **** storm again. The top management has changed very frequently, not just Warner Bros. and Universal Pictures. The power control of other large film companies has also undergone drastic changes. It cannot be said to be as exaggerated as a reshuffle. But the distribution of power and the alliance of interests are indeed no longer the same.

The most intuitive impact is that the cooperation and planning of many film projects may be restarted.

The project about Lanli finally made an important breakthrough. "Speed ​​and Excitement/Affection" remained silent, and the two projects of "Jurassic Park" and "Interstellar Crossing" both entered the next stage.

Thomas Tur’s attitude finally loosened-because Warner Bros. is aggressive, they hope to buy out the investment and production rights of "Interstellar" and refuse to continue to cooperate with Legend Pictures; but Legend Pictures and Warner Bros. have two more films. Thomas is not willing to let go of the cooperation agreement for the works.

In the game of power and momentum, Kevin Tsujihara, who took office as a new official, has received support from Time Warner Parent Group. Facing the joint efforts of Universal Pictures and Legendary Pictures, he still maintains an absolute strength and refuses to give up.

After weighing, Thomas made a choice after all. He gave up the production rights of "Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice" and chose Christopher Nolan's "Interstellar", which is his bottom line; and Kevin has carefully considered it. After that, he nodded and agreed to Thomas' terms.

In the end, "Interstellar" was invested by Warner Bros. and Legend Films each with half, sharing production rights and distribution rights and so on.

At the same time, Christopher Nolan and Emma Thomas successfully persuaded their old friend Thomas Thur, perhaps for a run on Kevin Tsujihara, perhaps for the long-term plan of a conflict of interests, perhaps for other reasons, Thomas finally nodded in agreement. Lan Li starred in the actor's proposal, and agreed to Lan Li's request for remuneration——

20 million plus 6% box office dividends. Not five percent, but six percent, but only if the North American box office exceeds 250 million.

The details are still adjusted, but the overall direction is still compliant with Andy's wishes. This also means that Lanli will officially enter the 20 million club and become one of the most top players in Hollywood; at the same time, Lanli will go further than the other 20 million club members, winning the right to dividends on top of the basic remuneration. .

This is a breakthrough!

After Thomas nodded in agreement, Kevin's opinion was left.

Kevin Tsujihara is not Barry Meyer after all. The policies and management ideas of the two are different. Kevin is really dissatisfied with the big opening of the Lions of Renly. He does not want to become a Hollywood actor soon after taking office. The pioneer of the gate, but... he also knew that Lan Li's remuneration requirements were not too much to tear his face, so he was stuck in a dilemma.

According to internal rumors at Warner Bros., Kevin has actually been subdued. Not surprisingly, he should nod and agree to this cooperation.

However, Kevin just came on stage in the first half of this year, and burned the three new officials in office, showing his iron fist and determination, but now he is a bit hard to get off. He needs a step to let go of his promise and defend himself. The authority and face of the new CEO.

Against this background, "Gravity" is about to be officially released.

Jin Chen, who is familiar with Kevin, said that Kevin still does not fully understand the current film market structure, but he also clearly understands the current industry status of Lanly.

If the box office of "Gravity" blows up, then Blue Gift's remuneration will not only be the current standard, it will inevitably increase. Renly can refuse "Interstellar" at any time, and the whole Hollywood will start looting; but "Interstellar" rejects Renly, does this mean that Lanly and Warner Bros. are getting further away?

Therefore, Kevin is not aggressive, he just needs a step up, "Gravity" can deliver a brilliant performance at the box office on Friday, and he will immediately nod his head to approve.

But in fact, everyone knows that as long as "Gravity" will not collapse like "Lone Ranger" and "Dark Shadow", even if the box office performance is not as good as expected, Kevin will nod and agree, not surprisingly, "Interstellar" The cooperation project of "crossing" can be formally confirmed. However, "gravity" box office numbers can create good results, and there are other meanings.

The topic returned to Thomas Tull.

In order to run against Kevin Tsujihara, Thomas agreed to the remuneration offer for "Interstellar Crossing" after weighing and thinking, which also means that the remuneration negotiation of the "Jurassic Park" restart project has also made an important breakthrough. Now Thomas has approved the two. Ten million basic salary plus box office dividends-after a long tug of war, I finally let go.

However, as to the ratio of box office dividends, there are still differences between Thomas and Andy.

Andy hopes that it is 6%. He is not greedy and does not demand too much. Instead, he refers to the level of "interstellar crossing"; but Thomas is only willing to give 2%, on the grounds, "I will not set too The bottom line of the North American box office is high, 100 million dollars is enough", so the dividend ratio must also be reduced.

Andy went on to say that he didn't mind copying the requirements of "Interstellar Crossing". Only when the North American box office exceeded 250 million can he get a dividend, but the ratio must be 6%; Thomas still did not nod and agree. Refusal did not compromise, but fell silent.

In other words, Thomas is waiting for the premiere of "Gravity" to be released at the box office.

Currently, there is only one commercial film in which Lan Li is leading the charge, "Edge of Tomorrow". For Thomas, who is in charge of investment banks and fund backgrounds, the bargaining chip weight is still not enough, he needs more risk assessment; but the problem is if the "gravity" box office succeeds ~ ~ Andy proposed The salary figure will not be the current level-

This also means that the game between Andy and Thomas is bound to continue for some time.

Now, all eyes are on the "gravity", Andy is also looking forward to this movie can detonate box office results, which will also become his bargaining chip, to gain more advantages for him; but recently There are too many praises, and Andy starts to feel uneasy.

The higher the expectation, the higher the risk. Because the standard of viewing movies is bound to rise, once the actual viewing effect of a movie cannot meet the psychological expectations of the audience, the greater the disappointment and the more serious the cliff diving curve.

The so-called praise and praise, the so-called publicity and warm-up, this is a double-edged sword. Only when the film market really gives box office feedback, can it be determined whether the impact of those positive reviews is positive or not. Negative; however, it is certain that "gravity" has taken the commanding heights on the topic and focus level.

Today, the premiere of "Gravity" is about to kick off at Lincoln Center in New York. Under the emotional trend of gains and losses, Andy will inevitably become a little uneasy. The more you care, the more nervous you are, and this is the same reason.

But now looking at the relaxed Lan Li in front of him, Andy relaxes slightly, "Are you worried about the movie's premiere box office?"

"Of course." Lan Li nodded without hesitation. "We have all gone through too many ups and downs and hardships in order to shoot this work. Naturally, we still hope to be recognized by the audience. Only the movie makes money, Alfonso and I It’s that simple to get more creative opportunities. we can’t control it anymore, isn’t it? So, why not relax and enjoy it?"

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