The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1496: Midnight stroll

The sea breeze is blowing, and the night is thick.

Standing on the square of the Cinema Palace, looking around, you can see the rippling sea reflecting the hazy appearance of the city, swaying in the dots of light, and there is a quiet and peaceful atmosphere between light and shadow. .

At the same time, on Lido Island, there is still a joyous scene of singing and dancing. The brilliant and bright lights reflect the entire sky into a dark blue, and the bustling crowds gather on the Plaza of the Cinema Palace for a long time not willing to leave.

"Master! Master! You are so handsome!"

"I just heard that this movie is a success again, ahhhhhhhh! I look forward to it!

"How many days will you stay in Venice this time? Can you stay here for a few more days?"

"Master, are you still willing to come to Venice next year? Please! Please come back!"

"Ah, master, you are the most attractive man in the world!"

"I love you!"

"Ren Li Sebastian Hall, marry me!"

When Lan Li's footsteps appeared at the entrance of the movie palace, he was surrounded by turbulent crowds from all directions, and it looked like a huge honeycomb in the distance. Countless worker bees had just returned from work and were bustling. The ground was all gathered around the Queen Bee, and that scene was enough to let the intensive phobias escape.

At this moment, Venice has entered the middle of the night, but the audience reluctantly gathered on the Plaza of the Cinemas is still crowded, just like the February Carnival, cheering, dancing, and singing to greet Venetian movies. The 70th Anniversary Celebration of Festival has officially arrived.

In the encirclement of the enthusiastic crowd, it took a lot of effort to get away. Then you can see Rooney standing not far away, watching all this with a smile, as if watching a good show. This made Lan Li couldn't help but laugh. "Are you going to watch it like this?"

Rooney did not answer, but looked at Lan Li with a faint smile on her face, spread her hands, and slightly tilted her head. That playful and clever appearance was the best answer.

Lan Li deliberately grinds his teeth viciously, "Next time if you encounter such a situation, I will let it go."

Rooney was not nervous at all, and said in an insincere manner, "I'm so scared."

Obviously, Rooney is not worried. Between her and Renly, those screams and huddles belong to Renly, not only Rooney, in the entire Hollywood, now want to catch up with Renly’s popularity. It is estimated that only Marvel's superhero team can join forces to reluctantly contend.

Faced with Rooney’s "provocation", Lan Li walked over unhurriedly, came to Rooney, and said in a low voice, "If I now shout,'I love you, Rooney-Ma Pull', what do you think?"

Rooney was stunned for a moment - if she confessed suddenly now, Rooney would definitely be in jail, I'm afraid that there will be no time for stability in the next few months. Just picture the turbulent wave of the paparazzi and the audience in my mind, and it is already shuddering.

After Lan Li dropped a blockbuster, as if nothing had happened, Shi Shiran continued on.

Rooney stared at Lan Li's contented back, and she could even catch the brisk footsteps. The naive side of the prankster reappeared again. She is serious, hasn't anyone discovered that Lan Li is actually a big boy? God, why do so many people think that Lanly is a gentleman?

But... then Rooney realized that she always seemed to think so before.

As a result, Rooney touched her nose depressed, without saying anything, and walked in the direction where Lan Li had left.

The two did not deliberately hide their deeds. Of course, they did not hold hands and walked side by side. They left the film palace in a fair manner. Under the public, such a generous gesture did not arouse any suspicion. People just took it for granted that the premiere had just ended. The members of the same crew who are propaganda are heading to the next itinerary.

It’s dark under the light, although it’s not appropriate, but that’s what it means.

If you deliberately cover up, or even walk separately in tandem, it will easily cause countless speculations by the media, as if you are guilty of conscience; but now the upright posture is low-key, introverted, calm and free, and the focused gaze seems a little curious. , But as far as possible to avoid more random guessing.

Lan Li’s advancement speed is not fast. It seems that taking Rooney’s pace into consideration, he consciously slowed down and waited while walking forward. However, Lan Li’s stride is very large, and his slender legs always move forward. It was able to easily pull the distance away, and unknowingly had left the sight of the Plaza of the Cinema.

Rooney did not rush forward, but followed behind her unhurriedly, watching Lan Li’s back and pace. She could perceive Lan Li’s conscious slowing down of the rhythm, quietly waiting for herself, that kind of quietness. The gentleman's actions were silent and silent, like a spring rain.

Without knowing it, the smile on Rooney's mouth rose.

Slowly expanding his pace, shortening the distance between them step by step, finally came to Lan Li's right hand side, walking side by side, the two still had no words, just along the beach coastline of Lido Island, one Deep and shallow stepped towards the far end of the island.

The scenery in front of the line of sight can only vaguely outline a vague and hazy outline, and the bright lights of the Cinema Palace Square are gradually left behind, as if they have left the spotlight of Vanity Fair, slowly returning to the original world shrouded in darkness. Without the dazzling brilliance of the dazzling lights, the starlight in the sky gradually appeared, and even the moonlight became clear and translucent.

The quiet air was surging slowly between the two people, and the ebb and flow of the waves slowly became clear little by little, without embarrassment or jerky, but let the muscles and expressions relax, comfortable and casual. , The smile rose unconsciously like this, even if there is no words, you can feel the tacit understanding with each other, making everything simple.

Time and space seemed a bit chaotic, Rooney couldn't help but think of her first meeting with Lan Li, and it seemed the same that night.

From Telluride to Venice, everything seems to have changed, but nothing seems to have changed.

"How is the shooting progress recently? How is Stephen Dadley? I have heard of him in London before. His film style is far from real life." Lan Li broke the silence, but it wasn't any wind/flower/ Snow/moon, it's about shooting work.

Rooney liked it very much, "Hey, have you heard the rumors too? Stephen usually seems to be a very serious and rigid director, but he is very, very talkative at the shooting scene and likes to spoof very much."

"What?" Lan Li thought he had heard it wrong, and frowned: Are they discussing the same director?

The heavy and steady movies such as "Out of My World", "All the Time", and "Reader" are all made by Stephen Dadley, and such a director actually likes to spoof?

Rooney pursed the corners of her mouth, and inadvertently vomited, "Just like someone." Then she turned her head deliberately, not looking at Lan Li's gaze, and then said, "Yes, Stephen is very keen on making strange things. Don't you know? When he was studying in the late 1980s, he could not enter a formal college because of opposition from his family, so he could only do miscellaneous work in a theater company and studied under Elder-Milletti."

After throwing a heavy weight, Rooney turned her head to look at Lan Li.

Sure enough, Lan Li didn't pursue the previous joking and teasing anymore, but faintly revealed a suddenly realized expression.

The Italian Elder Militi is well-known throughout Europe. Even on the other side of the Atlantic, many people have heard of his name. This is a troupe actor, but not from a traditional theater stage, but a professional clown, or even a master clown!

It's definitely an accident that Steven Dadley studied under Elder Militi, because there is no such characteristic in his work.

But if you think about it seriously, Stephen's scheduling and control on the theater stage can be called extraordinary From this aspect, it can be seen that Elder has a deep influence on him.

"Wow, then it must be an interesting thing in the crew." Lan Li also became curious.

"Yes, the objects of our cooperation this time are mainly the children in Rio de Janeiro. During the filming, Stephen is best at playing with the children..." Rooney began to talk about the funny stories of the crew shooting, and Lan Li would interrupt from time to time. A few words, from Stephen to the stage play in the West End of London, and then to the Almeida theater version of "Les Miserables" which is about to officially end.

The two people continued to talk with each other in this way, and occasionally mixed up with a few words about their current situation, but then they talked about performances and dramas and other topics again.

As he spoke, the distance unknowingly spread out under his feet, and then the beautiful scenery in front of him was unreservedly displayed in front of him.

The endless sea is glowing with layers of light continuously and continuously, and the far end of the sea-to-sky junction has been completely blurred, as if the sky and the ocean have been completely connected, the stars of the sky and the light of the sea complement each other, giving rise to a faint brilliance, revealing There is a touch of deep blue and deep blue, but it is dotted with brilliance.

There is no shelter from buildings and no street lights, as if finding a paradise that no one knows in the bustling and noisy Venice.

With the help of the shining moonlight, you can faintly outline a lighthouse on the small island on the left front. There is no light, but it stands alone, waiting for this sea area quietly amidst the sound of sea waves, quiet and far away, Let all the irritability settle down, and involuntarily quieted down again, quietly enjoying each other's company.

Him and her.

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