The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1495: Grand success

When the "Gravity" project was formally established, the attitude of the media was still relatively reserved. On the one hand, they looked forward to the sparks between Renly and Alfonso; on the other hand, they wondered whether art science fiction movies have been gradually sought out. It’s on the market-"2001: A Space Odyssey" suffered a disastrous box office defeat when it was released, and "Blade Runner" was not rehabilitated until 20 years later. Then, what is the exception of "Gravity" ?

Having experienced the regret of missing Cannes and the controversy of absent from the main competition in Venice, the quality of the finished product of "Gravity" has always been in a state of expectation of breaking the table and full of variables.

Now that the world premiere of the film is over, the mystery has finally been unveiled.

Alfonso Caron, Renly Hall, Rooney Mara.

When the three main creative personnel stepped onto the stage, the whole audience gave the most lofty tribute by standing up collectively.

As a movie artwork, is "gravity" perfect? Different people have different opinions, obviously it still has its own shortcomings; but as a commercial film, "Gravity" has reached its peak in terms of visual effects, artistic attainments, philosophical sublimation, rhythm control, and climax/tide brewing. Comparable to the shock brought by "Batman: The Dark Knight", a delicate balance has been found between business and art, and even better in terms of movie viewing experience.

An excellent director met a group of excellent actors, based on an excellent script, and made a historic breakthrough in visual effects and movie-watching experience, sparking sparks with the correct chemical reaction equation. So, one The classic masterpiece of the Ministry of Manufacturing was born in the annals of history.

Stand up and salute.

That kind of excitement and excitement is always agitating, even if twenty minutes have passed since the end of the movie, the surging emotions still show no signs of calming down.

The host Pascal-Leider (Pascal-Leider) faced the grand occasion of standing up, and the smile on his face bloomed. Can the opening of the film festival demand more? But before Pascal could speak, there was a voice rushing to talk, which made the audience a little surprised. They turned their heads and saw Alfonso, who had always been low-key and restrained, talking.

"Before officially starting the post-screening interview, I sincerely hope that I can express my respect here." Alfonso's voice was slightly tense, and his unhurried words also revealed his inner discomfort. But he continued firmly, turned around and gestured to his side, "Lenly Hall, I need to express the highest respect here."

Lan Li, who didn't know why, couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"It is because of this great actor that we can see today's complete product. During the filming process, Lan Li's understanding of the characters and plot sparked a lot of inspiration, which made the creation of this film a pleasant experience. . I just watched the finished product in the theater with all the audience present. My only thought is: Thank God, Lanly played the role of Ryan."

Alfonso sighed softly, and then applauded at Lan Li.

The applause of the audience was once again a sensation!

Lan Li, who became the focus in an instant, showed a helpless smile at Alfonso, but he did not humbly express his rejection, otherwise it would be a mutual exaggeration here, but spread his arms slightly, a little bit small. Helpless, but calmly accepted Alfonso's praise and praise.

Pascal said, "Great, you just used the word great, do you think Lanly is a great actor?"

"Yes." Alfonso's answer did not hesitate, and he simply expressed affirmative reply, "I believe that every audience can have their own feelings after watching this movie. Lan Li is Rui Rui Well, this role injects more deep meaning and leaves it to the audience to savor. Without the blue gift, this movie would not be what it is now."

"Wow, I was caught off guard, why didn't I know that there is a tribute to life award today?" Lan Li still interjected after all, because the interview was gradually deviating from the original track, and he had to bring things back to the right track. "I know I know that I am a good actor. Now because of this incident, the media and audiences have begun to dislike me. For the box office prospects of this movie, we still try to keep a low profile."

The understatement revealed a confident and cheerful temperament, and inadvertently teased the change of North American media after EGOT, and there was a chuckle at the scene.

Pascal skipped the blue gift cleverly, but looked at Rooney, "So, what do you think? Do you agree with Alfonso's ideas?"

"I won't use adjectives like'great', because it sounds really out of reach. I am still looking forward to working with Lan Li on the same stage again in the future." Rooney jokes briskly, looking away. Inadvertently sliding across Lan Li's face, a slight smile rolled over, "But it is undeniable that Lan Li is an excellent actor."

"I still remember that on the first day we entered the crew, Lan Li slowly began to adjust, speculating about the difficulties Ryan Stone faced in the desperate situation. For him, Ryan Si Tong is not just the character presented in the ninety-one-minute movie content, but a living and real independent individual, a man who owns the past and the present."

"This is a very, very difficult thing. With this idea, when watching a movie, you can capture the small details of Lan Li's performance. As Alfonso said, this is all about the core theme of the movie. Had an impact."

Rooney was earnestly expressing her opinion, and then she noticed the sight cast by Lan Li. She tried to ignore the scorching gaze, but Lan Li never moved away. This made Rooney no longer able to pretend. , Turned his head helplessly, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"No, no, no. I'm just worried. What will happen to my next work? Is it a bit slack, the director will ask me to settle the account?" Lan Li solemnly expressed his concern, which once again triggered the whole story. The audience laughed, "As for the topic of how dedicated and outstanding I am, we can get to a paragraph for a while. Does anyone want to talk about this movie?"

Thanks to the reminder and guidance of Lan Li, the interview rhythm on the spot finally returned to the right track.

"Alfonso, I've heard before that in order to invite Renly to appear in this work, you personally went to the West End of London and sent out the invitation face-to-face. Is that really the case? Does this mean that before cooperating with Renly, Are you optimistic about him?" Pascal still showed his ability to host, following the discussion topic just now, he continued the interview.

Afterwards, they talked about shooting ideas, anecdotes about cooperation, the core of the theme, and shooting problems, and so on. Alfonso, Renly, and Rooney did not miss any of them. You started the conversation with each other, further revealing the secret behind the production of "gravity".

Immediately afterwards, they also accepted questions from the audience.

Between you and me, the forty-five-minute post-screening interview session has come to an end. Pascal has to remind that the next question will be the last one.

The questioner was still selected from the auditorium. Pascal’s voice had just fallen off. Nearly one-third of the audience raised their arms high, as if the dense forest spread out. Even though the interview has been conducted for forty-five minutes, the audience's enthusiasm has not calmed down.

"Len Li, may I ask, for you personally, what is the real theme of this movie? Or, what do you think it means for Ryan this time to survive in space? It's just life? Or in other words, what do you think it means for Ryan this time to survive in space? , Just family?"

One of the important criteria for measuring the quality of a film festival, in addition to the film list of the main competition unit, is the level of questions from the audience. In this regard, the three major European film festivals still maintain a leading position, which is even better than Toronto, Telluride, and Sundance. This is also a kind of heritage.

The last question seems simple but profound, obviously because this audience has a certain understanding of "gravity", and then has more profound thinking.

Lan Li also expressed his appreciation from the bottom of his heart, "Simply starting from the story and plot, this is a movie about transforming new life and nurturing life; but starting from the role, I think this is a story about existentialism."

"For some people, family and fetters are the meaning of life; for some people, dreams and freedom are the reasons why life blooms, and there are even more possibilities. Standing on a philosophical level, This is a proposition about existentialism."

"So, every audience can interpret this movie from their own point of view. But the specific choice of how to interpret is left for each audience to think about. Our job is to present it. This is also me. I think Alfonso’s work is worthy of admiration."

It is precisely because this is a film festival that Lan Li explored such a profound and obscure topic. As for the subsequent film promotion process, Warner Bros. inevitably does not want Renly’s discussion to be so complicated, which is not good for box office performance.

Despite the reluctance, the impassionedness, and the unfulfilled meaning, the world premiere of "Gravity" and the opening ceremony of the Venice Film Festival finally came to an end.

After the on-site Q&A session ended, the three main creatives were still unable to leave. The reporters surrounded them and continued face-to-face interviews for more than 30 minutes. This formally announced the complete end of today’s premiere; but one after another. The reporters and audiences who left the movie theater’s screening room still did not calm down. The surging excitement and excitement heralded the following frenzy of praise early.

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