The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1462: Just a few words

In 1997, Christopher Nolan University had just graduated and spent six thousand dollars to shoot every weekend. It took a year before and after to complete the shooting of his feature film debut, "Follow", and then came to Los Angeles, hoping After being able to find opportunities for exhibition, he officially settled in this city and built his own stable life. &1t;/

In fact, Christopher is British. He and his wife Emma-Thomas (emma-thomas) met when they were studying at University College London. At that time, they fell in love at the age of twenty and nineteen. For Christopher’s film career, Emma followed her husband to Los Angeles to settle and became a producer. &1t;/

Christopher Nolan is a diehard who is very nostalgic and very conservative: &1t;/

He is a loyal supporter of film and film, he is an unwavering supporter of traditional cinemas, and he is a supporter of old school shooting techniques. Although his movies are full of all kinds of wild imagination, computer special effects are inevitable; but as long as he can use the actual scene to complete the shooting, he will never use the green screen——&1t;/

Because he personally hates the visual distortion and distortion brought by green screen shooting. At the beginning of shooting "Inception", in order to create a real visual experience, he even did not hesitate to build a large number of containers or related rooms, insisting on shooting everything with real guns. &1t;/

In this regard, Christopher Nolan and Alfonso Caron can be said to be the same. &1t;/

Of course, Christopher respects computer special effects. It is precisely because of the high level of technology that his whimsical ideas can evolve into reality; but in Christopher’s view, computer special effects are just one of the tools to realize ideas, and the movie is still You must return to the film and return to reality. The methods and methods can be changed, but the core cannot. &1t;/

It is worth mentioning that Christopher has no mobile phones, no emails, let alone smart phones. Even in the whole Hollywood, he is a maverick, if you want to find Christopher, either through a landline or through his wife Emma, ​​there is no other choice, even an agent. &1t;/

In addition, at the shooting scene, Christopher strictly prohibited the use of mobile phones. &1t;/

Everything is old academic style, it is hard to imagine, this is actually filming directors with post-modern style such as "Inception" and "Dark Knight"; people who don’t know almost think that Christopher is an antique of the 19th century. It. &1t;/

This is Christopher. Every summer, he and his wife will take their children back to the UK for vacation. The importance of family to Christopher can be truly felt in movies such as Inception, Interstellar Crossing and Dunkirk. Therefore, it is the same every summer vacation, and it can't be touched. &1t;/

Now the work "Interstellar" is still in a state of chaos. It is not yet known how the battle between Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures will end; but what is certain is that Lanly hopes to be part of this project. So, putting the investor's contention aside for the time being, Lan Li decided to have a face-to-face conversation with Christopher. &1t;/


Back in London again, Renly didn't feel anything special. &1t;/

Last time I returned to London, the Oliver Award, the Oxford Earl’s Dinner, completely tore my face, but within a short time it seemed to have experienced the vicissitudes of life; after that, the Cannes Film Festival, learning drums, and shooting of the "burst drummer" seemed to have not been done yet. If you have time to experience it carefully and devote yourself to work wholeheartedly, two months have passed by. &1t;/

Going back now, it's a bit of an illusion that it's a world away. &1t;/

However, for Lan Li, there is not much special meaning. After releasing all the thoughts in his heart, he had already decided to reveal the past page completely. What's more, the shooting of "Blasting Drummer", he also truly Completed reconciliation with myself, relaxed mind and body. &1t;/

Not only was there no tension, on the contrary, Lan Li had some expectations faintly. This seems to be the first time since he left London to pursue his dream in New York that year, he was able to truly let go of his guards and return to the land of this city. No matter what, this is where his life began, isn't it? &1t;/

The plane was slowly holding 6 at Heathrow International Airport, looking at the hot air filled with water vapor outside the window, and then I knew it, and stepped on the land of England again. &1t;/

This time, Lan Li chose to take first class. The main thing is to avoid commotion and chaos. This is one of the sequelae after the popularity and popularity. There is no longer a way to low-key and casually walk among the daily crowd. This is the case for the princess played by Leo Déri Hepburn on "Roman Holiday". Whatever you pay, there is a reward, and what you gain is a price. &1t;/

First-class passengers can leave the airport directly through the VIP channel, and even ordinary passengers will not even realize which VIPs have taken this flight. &1t;/

After leaving the airport, VIPs can wait in the VIP lounge, and the airline is responsible for arranging the pick-up vehicle, and then transporting their luggage directly to the vehicle-if there is an exclusive vehicle to pick up the airport, the airline will also Transport the luggage directly onto the private vehicle. &1t;/

Now, Lan Li came to the VIP lounge. &1t;/

As soon as he entered the door, Lan Li saw the busy Haight Wesley, the butler of Dunlop's house. &1t;/

"Hey, Haite." Lan Li stood there, waiting for Haite to turn around and greeted him with a smile. &1t;/

"Master Lan Li." Haite also showed an unexpected look, but he didn't make a fuss. There was a touch of relief in his eyes. After politely bowed, he walked up and kept a proper distance. "This time When I came back, did you make a special trip to the lake area for vacation? Now it is a good time. The sun will not be too harsh, but at the same time you can enjoy the coolness of the water."&1t;/

This is the real aristocratic etiquette. It did not probe Lan Li’s personal situation, nor did he explore the purpose of Lan Li’s return, and did not care about Lan Li’s redundant gossip. It just started small talks on commonly applicable topics like the Lake District, expressing a polite greeting. Yu, with a little intimacy. Properly advance and retreat, show your sense of measure. &1t;/

Lan Li showed a small smile, "No, Haite, you know, I don't like the lake area. This time I come back for work." Although Haite still has no expression, Lan Li is Haite watching from a young age. Growing up, he naturally knew Haite’s personality, and he himself chuckled, "I know, I know, I am a workaholic. But young people have this advantage, right?"&1t; /

A warm smile flashed through Haite's eyes, "Master Matthew is like that too."&1t;/

"That's why we can become friends." Lan Li said softly, "By the way, Matthew is fine, everything is fine." Although Haite did not ask, Lan Li knew that this was what Haite cared about most. Up. &1t;/

Sure enough, after Lan Li finished speaking, Haite nodded politely to express his gratitude. &1t;/

At this moment, another figure greeted him and greeted with a smile, "Good afternoon." It hasn’t been a long time, and there’s no warm hug. It’s just a simple good afternoon, "You also take this time. Flight? Why didn’t I see you on the plane?"&1t;/

Here is Henry Dunlop, the eldest brother of Matthew Dunlop. At the same time, it is also the one who is about to get married. &1t;/

Henry and Renly are not familiar with everything from age to character to occupation. Henry, like Matthew, inherited the family's career. He is now a prosecutor and is working towards the position of judge; but compared to Matthew, Henry is more serious and more cunning. If there is a chance, he will not Do not resist taking the line of politicians. &1t;/

Coupled with the relationship of age, there is not much overlap between Henry and Renly. The understanding of each other is naturally limited. &1t;/

"I'm used to sleeping after boarding the plane and adjusting the jet lag." Lan Li simply explained that he was basically in a semi-drowsy state on the plane, not to mention other strangers, even the flight attendants had very good opportunities for communication. limited. &1t;/

Henry gave a soft jaw noncommittal. It was not that he didn't believe it, but he didn't care at all. No matter what the answer was, it was just a polite greeting on social occasions. "Not long ago, I made a special trip to the Almeida Theater to watch'Les Miserables' , The story is still that good story, but everyone said that your version is still different after all, and Elf also agreed."&1t;/

Elf also agreed. &1t;/

This sentence is very meaningful. &1t;/

Does this mean that Elf represents the Hall family and truly recognizes the existence of Lan Li? So, has the attitude of George and Elizabeth also changed? Furthermore, during the conversation between Elf and Henry, he took the initiative to express his Does this mean that after the private party of the Earl of Oxford, the trend of upper class society in London has now changed? &1t;/

A short sentence is worthy of careful consideration. &1t;/

However, Lan Li didn't say much, "Thank you for the compliment. I believe that every actor standing on the stage of the Western District has his own style and skills. How about, do you still enjoy the whole performance?"&1t;/

"Of course. The same story still tastes different. John Cod's work is indeed worthy of recognition." Henry didn't have much excuse and discussion, and went on following Lan Li's words. The simple and clear style of conversation is social. It's just the normal state of the occasion, and it will never go too deep. &1t;/

"Did Philip come to pick up the plane today?" Henry turned his head to look at Haite and asked. &1t;/

The seemingly mindless questioning hides another deep meaning: What kind of specifications and attitude does the Hall family hold towards the return of Lan Li? From Henry's point of view, Philip Demba, the butler, must come. This is another signal and a meaningful signal. &1t;/

The information and signals revealed in just a few words just show the education and attitude of the British aristocracy. &1t;/

Haite bowed politely and said, "Never." &1t;/

Henry didn't say much, he looked at Lan Li again, and politely invited him, "Let's go out together, I will take you for a ride, and I will go to Kensington."&1t;/

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