The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1461: Smooth sailing

After a brief shock and accident, Jack calmed down a bit, but he couldn't help but keep touching his hair, it seemed that he needed some buffer time.

Turning his head and looking at Lan Li in front of him, it was ridiculous and funny. In the end Jack chuckled. After all, there was no way to take Lan Li. After laughing, Jack came back to his senses and got together. Next to Lan Li, he asked in a low voice, "What company did you say just now? Is it a new capital on Wall Street? Why is the name so strange?"

The development of the contemporary Hollywood industry has gradually matured, and the market mechanism of survival of the fittest is always in operation. Established companies do not necessarily have advantages, and emerging companies do not necessarily fall behind; every once in a while, the replacement of old and new will inevitably occur. Therefore, Even Jack, who has been in the industry for many years, encounters a company he doesn't know. It is not uncommon.

Looking at Jack's cautious expression, Lan Li couldn't help but chuckle, "Scottish capital. But I can be sure that they have nothing to do with those gangs." But immediately, Lan Li frowned slightly and made a gesture. The deputy inquiring expression looked at Andre, "Are you sure?"

Andre shrugged slightly, noncommittal.

Jack realized at this time that the boss of the company was sitting right across from him. Was his behavior too rude?

Andre noticed Jack's cautious gaze, but he didn't mind, and proactively said, "Sisyphus Pictures. We have just been established."

"Ah!" Jack immediately widened his eyes, looked at Andre, then looked at Lan Li, stammered for a while, and finally looked straight at Lan Li, "...Did you also become a shareholder?" Sisyphus! Sisyphus!"

Jack is not a fan of social networks, but Jack also participated in the "Ice Bucket Challenge" last year. Lan Li is one of the few people interacting with Jack on social networks, and he naturally remembers it. So, for the first time, Jack connected Lanly and Sisyphus Pictures.

Lan Li spread his hands and looked at Andrea, "What should I do now? Should you give me some shares?"

Andre deliberately showed a non-smiling expression, hooked the corners of his mouth at Lan Li, but refused to respond, and then said to Jack, "I have been friends with Lan Li for many years. To be honest, This project was also due to Lan Li’s introduction, so I was planning to invest in production. Before that, Sisyphus Pictures’ first work was the "Burst Drummer"."

Jack suddenly realized that he nodded to Andre again and again, "So, you are also a victim?"

Andre deeply agrees.

"Victim? Jack, you explain to me." Lan Li scowled and said solemnly.

But this time Jack was not fooled. He still smiled and bumped Lan Li’s shoulder, "Otherwise? Can you find a more suitable word? What's more sad is that we know we are victims. I'm so willing to be deceived, alas, what is going on?"

After Jack finished speaking, he cast his sights on Andre and Eaton: Honest people dig pits, and their strength should not be underestimated.

"Then the perpetrators are leaving now. You can gather a group of victims to discuss the experience of Stockholm Syndrome." Lan Li didn't mind, but said generously, and then really got up. Ready to leave.

Now it was Jack's turn to be dumbfounded.

Jack sat on the outer seat, and now he doesn't know if he should make room for Lan Li. In his memory, Lan Li shouldn't be such a ridiculous person? Jack looked at Andre and Eaton in a panic, and said in a panic, "Seriously? Are you serious?"

Jack grabbed Lanly's right hand and cast his helpless eyes at Andre and Eaton.

But Andre didn't do anything, instead he chuckled slightly, "Jack, don't worry, he is not angry, he is just leaving with an excuse."


As an intermediary, Lanly's work has been completed, and the rest of the specific matters are left to them to discuss. Jack needs to read the script, Andre needs to understand Jack, Eaton needs to understand the script to understand Jack, Renly staying here is the one who gets in the way, so just take advantage of this opportunity to leave. It was just right.

"Really?" Jack still didn't believe it, and cast a questioning gaze at Lan Li.

Lan Li lightly chins his head and pats Jack on the shoulder, "You stay here, read the script carefully, and then have a good conversation with Andre and Eaton. If you think it is feasible, give me a call and I will contact Dan- Gilroy, arrange for you to meet again and leave the rest to you to talk in detail."

"Of course, if you are willing to discuss with me about the script, roles, etc., I can do it at any time." Lan Li simply arranged things properly, and then bypassed Jack and left the coffee table without saying goodbye deliberately. Nodded for a while, then turned around and walked away.

Not long after leaving the coffee shop, someone chased after him, it was Eaton.

Lan Li raised his eyebrows lightly, cast a questioning look, and Eaton explained.

"Today is the first meeting. Nothing has been confirmed. They need more communication. And I, now I don’t have any experience, so I should start with the basic movements. After meeting with the director another day, I decided on the movie. I make some ideas for the style and tone of the film, and then look at the ideas and ideas of the costume designer of the crew to confirm whether my ideas are correct."

After speaking, Eaton still looked at Lan Li with some uncertainty, "I'm not sure, design and fashion are the same, the theme is always the most important core, so what about movies?"

Lan Li looked at Eaton carefully, and laughed blankly. In fact, all art is like this. The theme is the core source of the creator's motivation. Only by the same line can it be natural. Movies are also a form of art; if it is someone else, Lan Li will almost suspect that the other party is deliberately ridiculing or ridiculing. Yes, but... Eaton isn't, he's just a stick.

Lan Li lightly chins his head and agrees, "The same is true for movies."

Eaton smiled in relief immediately, "That's good."


In the next period of time, things entered a stage of rapid development, and it went smoothly.

Sisyphus Pictures was formally established in a low-key manner. Except for the people at the top of the pyramid, it did not cause too many disturbances. At the same time, Sisyphus Pictures officially announced that they would start the production of their second work, "Nightcrawler."

After "Burst Drummer", Sisyphus Pictures cooperated with Sony Classics for the second time to jointly produce "Nightcrawler". The cooperation model is also the same. Sisyphus Pictures provides funding, and Sony Classics is responsible for the production and distribution. Then the two parties share the profits together. The film production cost is temporarily set at 8 million U.S. dollars, and whether additional investment will be made afterwards still needs to be decided based on actual conditions.

While Dan Gilroy was the screenwriter, he directed the tube for the first time, but he did not qualify for box office dividends. Instead, he served as the director and screenwriter with a one million dollar salary; Jack Gyllenhaal was the leading actor. The remuneration is only a friendly price of 600,000 US dollars; in addition, Lan Li is the film producer——

This is the second time he has served as a producer, but it is the first time he has not participated in the show. This also means that Renly has taken another step forward in the field of production.

However, the film cannot be put into production for the time being. Because the script still needs to be revised.

When Gilroy wrote the script, he combined his own personal experience and follow-up investigations in Los Angeles. Therefore, he did not give Louis any background to the role, and even the psychological description and appearance characteristics were not presented. After waiting for the actor to make a decision, the screenwriter and the actor will discuss face-to-face to complete the supplement.

Jack agreed with this writing technique.

But before Jack officially enters the role, he also needs to get to know Nightcrawler himself. Therefore, Jack decided to temporarily leave the script, characters and filming aside, head to Los Angeles to experience the life of the nightcrawlers, and talk to the nightcrawlers, then build the character in his mind, and then build the whole character with Gilroy .

They need time.

Jack did not finalize the official time list, but what is certain is that it will not be able to boot in September.

For Hollywood, neither Sisyphus Films nor "Nightcrawler" has much to films with an investment of 8 million are not enough; but for the top leaders of the pyramid , Lan Li started as a producer, but did not participate in the show. This is an important change.

Does this mean that Lanli can participate in the development of more projects in the future? Like top producers like Steven Spielberg or Michael Bay? Furthermore, are the "Jurassic Park" and "Speed ​​and Excitement/Affection" projects ushering in a turning point? Lan Li is involved as a producer, so will Universal Pictures change its tone?

However, recently, there has been too much movement among Warner Bros., Legendary Pictures, and Universal Pictures. It is still chaotic, and it is still unknown how things will develop.

Maybe someone can take advantage of the chaos and take a place; maybe, whale fights are still whales after all, so the little shrimps will stand aside. Everything is possible. Compared with the movements of the big bosses, Lanly's actions still lack a more far-reaching influence, and they can only arouse a few small splashes. Therefore, several projects can only be said to have opportunities, but they are still uncertain.

In the midst of the rumblings, Lan Li has quietly left New York. It seems that he is not worried about the general development momentum of these important projects, but has returned to London alone.

In fact, Lanly did not deliberately hide his itinerary, but did not attract too much attention, because everyone knows that the Venice Film Festival is about to open, and now returning to Europe, it is obvious that the publicity work of "gravity" is about to begin.

The truth is that the Venice Film Festival is bound to participate, but this matter can be pressed back a little, and Lan Li also needs to take the lead to display Christopher Nolan.

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