The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1191: Opening highlights

"Ladies and gentlemen, good evening, welcome to the 85th Oscars. The journey to amuse Tommy Lee Jones is about to set sail now." Seth McFarlane’s first The burden caused a chuckle at the scene.

A summary of the situation. At the 70th Golden Globe Awards ceremony in January this year, two talented female comedians from "Saturday Night Live", Amy Poller and Tina Fei, jointly acted as the host. They both His personal jokes and humor, field control and rhythm have received unprecedented acclaim, and has even been hailed as the best performance of the past ten years.

After the award ceremony, all the media collectively gave fanatical praise, and the overwhelming news reports even overwhelmed the ceremony and the award itself, becoming the biggest attraction.

The only exception is "Entertainment Weekly", the top entertainment magazine that was controversial last year because of the "hype door". After a year of recuperation and adjustment, it finally eased up, even though they no longer have trouble with Lan Li. , But still maintained a gimmicky reporting style, becoming the only media that ran against the tune after the Golden Globes.

However, at the awards ceremony, Tommy Lee Jones, who was nominated for Best Supporting Actor with "Lincoln", was indifferent and unmoved. Several scans of the camera captured Tommy's smell. Faces have quickly become a hot spot on social networks, and a large number of emoticons have appeared.

This is the reason for Seth’s first burden. The live director’s camera was aimed at Tommy for the first time. The old actor also laughed helplessly, even a little shy, and then the audience began to applaud and booing. After teasing, the atmosphere immediately becomes alive.

"I can't believe it. I'm standing here in front of billions of viewers. This is really crazy." Seth completed the transition smoothly and said, "I am standing here to host the Oscars, so many people. I don’t want to take over. I’m really honored.” The scene burst into laughter again, “From Ubi Goldberg to Ron Jeremy, and finally to Seth McFarlane, which is me.”

The host of the Oscars is a hot potato. It is rumored that Amy Poller and Tina Fei are also candidates, but after careful consideration, they chose to refuse and went to the Golden Globes. Because the Oscar host seat is a thankless position.

Seth's self-deprecation succeeded in winning a full house.

"Tonight, Oscar has a theme for the first time in history. We will pay tribute to movies and music. There will be many surprises below. But the most important thing is that there are so many excellent movies this year, "Escape from Tehran", who will watch it? Is it?" Seth cut into the focus of the best film as usual. Sure enough, the first topic was "Escape from Tehran", which was nominated for the best director.

Almost the entire Hollywood is fighting for Ben-Affleck. It seems that every director has chosen Affleck during the voting stage. As a result, Affleck still loses the election. Everyone has an expression of "I don't understand what's going on". Try to shirk responsibility.

"'Escape from Tehran' interpreted a confidential document about a rescue operation of the American hostage during the post-revolutionary period of Iran." Seth spoke very fast, trying to speed up the progress of the burden. "When we said It was not a joke when the confidential document was filed, so that the judges of the academy did not even know who the director of the film was."

This time, the audience burst into laughter.

The camera was aimed at Ben Affleck under the stage, and he showed a proud but humble smile and nodded towards the audience.

Seth also added, "They know they made a mistake, Ben, this is not your fault." But this joke did not resonate, because the voters were the guests present, and furthermore, the big-name directors, No one wants to respond positively to this matter.

Instead, Jessica, who was sitting next to him, could not help but squeezed her smile. Lan Li noticed the movement and turned her head. Then she saw Jessica's eyes full of smiles, and gently shook her head, saying that it was okay. But Lan Li opened his mouth and said, "I don't like it."

He doesn't like "escape from Tehran", this is a standard work, but it is far from reaching the level of a masterpiece, let alone a classic.

There was a surprise look in Jessica's eyes, without words, the excitement and excitement of empathy came out.

The exchange of eyes between Renly and Jessica was only a moment of tacit understanding. Seth on the stage also noticed the silence in the audience, so he quickly changed the subject, "For American movies, this is a very brilliant one. In 2009, the total domestic box office in North America reached 10.8 billion U.S. dollars. In fact, for the first time, Hollywood financial staff needed to work overtime to prove that the work did not make money.

Because you need to increase taxes to make money.

The chuckle that sounded again at the scene made Seth a sigh of relief, but he could still feel it. He was a little nervous, "For some of you, this may be a big day, because we all know that winning An Oscar trophy will be the guarantee of long-term success in the cause."

There was a burst of kind laughter from the bottom of the stage, interrupting Seth’s rhythm, and he stopped wittily, "You already know the next burden, right?" This time won the applause and laughter from the scene. , Then Seth said, "Look at Lanly Hall, who made history last year and became the youngest best actor winner in Oscar history."

Applause, thunderous applause sounded abruptly.

Lan Li showed an unexpected expression. Turning his head and looking around, he didn't quite understand the source of the applause. The camera lens accurately captured Lan Li's expression and projected it on the big screen. After the applause, it was greeted. laughter.

"Then Renly won the box office and won the third consecutive Oscar nomination. In the end, he became the most sexual/sensual man in the world. God, I want to be Renly Hall." Seth The sigh of the audience couldn't stop the laughter, and some people even whistled.

After turning his head, Lan Li saw the source of the sound: Hugh Jackman.

Jackman even blinked at Lan Li, which made Lan Li also burst into laughter.

"Tonight, foreign films are also very eye-catching, and'Love' has won the best picture nomination." Seth’s introduction caused applause again, and the camera immediately focused on Emmanuel Riva, and the applause suddenly became even more enthusiastic. "However, I gave it a name,'This is ninety years old'." After a pause for half a second, there was a low laugh.

Seth briskly switched to the next topic again, "There are some Hollywood nobles here tonight, and Roman Coppola won the nomination for best original screenplay for his "The Kingdom of the Moon Rising"." Cheers and applause sounded simultaneously.

"This is the sixth Oscar nominee of the Coppola family. It must be very happy to grow up in such a family, right?" Seth said with a smile, "'Mom, I got an A in Spanish!',' Really? Really? Everyone who is related to you got an Oscar.'"

This time, the audience laughed collectively.

"In addition, we also have a real British nobleman who came to the scene." Just as Seth's words came out, the laughter stopped abruptly, all eyes were projected in the same direction, and Seth rubbed. He rubbed his hands, "Lang Li-Hall, scream, that's how the heart suddenly accelerates. So, how does it feel to be a member of the royal nobility and an Oscar winner at the same time?"

In the eyes of everyone, Lan Li showed a small smile.

To be honest, he did not expect that Seth would actually be at the awards ceremony, in such a calm way, openly and directly, after all, it is not easy to control the proportions, but Oscar was originally a carnival party, relax and enjoy Entertainment, this is the truth.

So, faced with such a problem, Lan Li did not panic or feel annoyed, and responded simply and clearly:

"it is good."

Although Lan Li did not have a microphone at this time, the sound spread clearly in the vicinity, and his mouth was very accurate and clear. After Seth standing on the stage caught the information, he couldn't help but froze. Then he laughed blankly.

"Okay?" Seth raised his voice to confirm it in doubt, and then nodded again and again, "Okay! Of course, this is a matter of course, I shouldn't be surprised. After all, I don't have one, it must be very, very wonderful." A face pretending to be successfully created the biggest smile——

It alludes to every Hollywood top boss, aristocratic identity and petty gold man who chased fame and fortune. This is everyone's tireless pursuit, but Lan Li now has everything.

The back-and-forth conversations were not too fancy, but they managed to create the first joyous moment of collective applause and laughter in the audience.

"In addition, Daniel Day-Lewis, another Englishman, is temporarily determined that he should not be a nobleman. He also came to the scene." Seth's adaptability once again won the audience's applause and encouragement. "Daniel, your filming process is really real. It’s very interesting. I read the magazine and it said that you have completely entered into Lincoln’s world. You have never been in a drama 24 hours a day. So, if you see a mobile phone, you won’t be'Oh my God, what is that'."

This time the burden was completely roaring with laughter.

Seth himself couldn't help but laugh, a little ridiculous, some spoof, "I'm still thinking, if you meet Don Chandler in the parking lot, would you want to save him?" The audience couldn't stop laughing. When he came down, even Daniel himself covered his cheeks and laughed happily, "I mean, how deep are you in the play?"

Afterwards, Seth took advantage of the situation and mentioned "The Rescued Jiang Ge", "The story tells of a man who is constantly fighting to win back his woman. He is possessed by an unimaginable **** of violence, but...Chris Brown and Rihanna calls it a dating movie."

While laughing, boos all around.

"Oh? Oh! No! We were worried before, whether he will be the same as in the movie." The laughter at the scene couldn't stop, and Seth nodded repeatedly, "I will tell you in advance, this is the worst joke. , Will you feel better?"

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