The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1190: Unknown item

Steven Spielberg turned and left, Renly stayed where he was, but confused.

Unknown item?

This is really hard to get started.

As we all know, Steven is one of the busiest and most prolific top leaders in the Hollywood film industry. His creative energy and creative sparks have always maintained vigorous vitality, and there are countless director projects and producer projects.

Simply take 2017 as an example. Steven first completed the shooting of the commercial film "Number One Player". In the later stage of the production of computer special effects, he took the time to shoot the biographical film "The Washington Post", and in the latter part of the former Before the work was completed, the editing of the latter was successfully completed and the film was released smoothly.

In December, the "Washington Post" was officially released and successfully won the Oscar nomination for Best Picture; in March of the following year, the "Number One Player" was released subsequently and won the audience's popularity; then, Steven did not After resting for too long, I was involved in the remake of "West Side Story" and the production of "Indiana Jones 5".

Steven, who is over sixty years old, is still one of the top film creators in Hollywood.

More importantly, all of the above projects are directed by Steven himself. In addition to this, such as the "Transformers" series, "Men in Black" series, etc., Stevens are also named producers. People, some works may directly or indirectly participate in the creation, and some works may just give some simple opinions, and more are just a nickname. There are so many similar projects like stars.

If you simply take two or three years as the unit, the film project in Steven's hands is at least double digits.

Even if Lan Li is a man of two lives, he can't start guessing in advance.

"A coin to buy your current idea." A voice came from his ear, and Hugh Jackman sat down with a smile on his face.

"Steven Spielberg." Lanly said with a smile, and then actively nodded for a moment, "Renly Hall."

Jackman laughed happily, "Does the English greeting have to be so rigid? Obviously I know who you are and you know who I am. Why can't you say that you like my performance so much?"

"So, Australians like this way?" Lan Li did not appear embarrassed at all, and said calmly and gracefully, "I like your performance in "Les Miserables" very much."

With that kind-hearted appearance, Jackman narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the blue gift carefully, and asked questioningly, "Are you serious?"

"I'm serious." Lan Li was still sincerely welcoming Jackman's look, with a calm face, "but I don't like this movie."

The outspoken answer gave Jackman a look of inquiry, "You don't like the movie version, but you like the six-hour version? This is a strange choice."

"Why not? For six hours, that means I can sculpt the character well, present the character well, and maximize the essence of the performance. How could I refuse it?" Lan Li said naturally, and then unfolded. Asked, "In the movie version, the song'Take him home' was played terribly. I don't believe it. That's because you are not strong enough. Obviously, it should be the director who didn't leave you much room to play."

In the film version, in order to highlight the lens language of the film, the scene of "Take Me Home" focused all the shots on Jackman and promoted it on the battlefield. The original intention was correct. , But the implementation effect is a disaster.

The mediocre shots completely tried the sense of space of the movie, ignoring the connection between Jean-Agen and Marius, and even the integration of Jean-Agen and the entire environment, which made Jackman’s performance nowhere to go. , The emotion becomes weak and exaggerated, and all the sense of story and picture is destroyed.

Jackman opened his mouth slightly, looking at Lan Li with an incredible expression on his face, "God, you are such a lunatic. This is Oscar, don't you worry that I will punch you directly on the spot and let you go out?"

"You just need to say **** off, that's it." Lan Li replied with a smile.

Jackman froze for a while, the air seemed to freeze for an instant, but then Jackman laughed freely, "I told Debra that I would like you."

Such a refreshing and direct expression made Lan Li a little confused and cast a suspicious look. Jackman explained, "After the movie was released, the media has been comparing the movie version with the drama version, over and over again, it's really a little bit. Annoying, they obviously want to create more explosions. This is their job, but this does not mean that I need to cooperate."

"Debra said, she doesn’t like you very much, she is too young, too ego, and too arrogant. What she says is the truth, but I always believe that you are an excellent actor and you can understand us. Inner pursuit and ideas, I will like you, not only because of your performance, but also because you are a lunatic." Jackman gently closed his jaw with a smile on his face, "Look, I'm right."

Debra Lee Fleurs, Hugh Jackman's wife.

Although Debra is thirteen years older than Jackman, the two couples are truly typical models in Hollywood. Debra has experienced two miscarriages and can no longer have children. However, after the two couples discussed, Decided to continue their family through adoption. Since their marriage in 1996, the couple has not had any negative scandals. At the same time, Debra is also Jackman's biggest supporter.

"Please tell Debra, I also like you very much. I hope I will have the opportunity to be a guest at your home next time." A warm smile appeared in Lan Li's eyes. After a pause, he added, "Hugh , You make everyone who has yet to have a family feel envious and jealous."

Jackman was not humble, but showed a proud expression. The tenderness and honey in the depths of his eyes was shining slightly, which could be truly felt. He loved his wife deeply.

"However, it is better not to express the words just now in front of Tom and Cameron. They are not actors, and their communication methods are different." Jackman expressed his opinion in the most euphemistic way possible, but then he saw Lan Li. The joking smile under his eyes made Jackman a little embarrassed.

"Hugh, even an actor, not everyone can accept my way of communication." Lan Li said with a smile.

Jackman raised his eyebrows. "So, you know you are a bastard?"

Lan Li shrugged slightly, showing a natural expression, as if saying: Yes, but I don't care.

Jackman shook his head repeatedly and kept shaking his head, but after all he could not control his smile. He laughed happily and whispered, "If the organizing committee wants to see the two of us fighting, they should be disappointed. Up."

"Don't worry, even if they can't see it, they can think of a solution." Lan Li said frankly, and then he saw Jessica Chastain trotting all the way, dressed in **** silver. The line dress suddenly became in the way, Lan Li quickly stood up, stretched out his right hand, politely helped Jessica, and invited the lady back to her seat as a gentleman.

Jessica let out a sigh of relief, greeted Jackman with a vivid expression, then lowered her voice and sighed, "I want to say hello to Emmanuel Riva, "Hiroshima Love" And'Lonely Mind' are definitely my personal favorite works. Her performance is really moving."

"God, I didn't expect to see her at the Dolby Theater today, so I must want to come forward and pay my respects. But obviously, I am not the only one who thinks this way." Jessica sighed quickly. After that, he secretly looked at the expressions of other people from the left and right, then opened his eyes wide, revealing a lingering look, put his finger on his lips, indicating that he must calm down.

The vivid expression made Lan Li couldn't help but smile, "Don't worry, the live broadcast has not officially started."

While talking, the lights of Dolby Theater slowly dimmed, the red light of the camera also slowly turned on, the restlessness and noise in the theater gradually calmed down, tension and anticipation began to spread, Lan Lihe Jessica exchanged glances, both chuckled lightly, adjusted her breathing, and officially welcomed the arrival of the Oscar feast.

Unknowingly, the Oscar has come to its 85th Over the long history, the annual event has dedicated countless classic moments, among which the host who shoulders the crowd is undoubtedly Much attention.

In February 2011, the disastrous hosts of James Franco and Anne Hathaway are still vividly remembered; in March 2002, the scene of Ubi Goldberg with a turkey flock was also recorded in the annals of history; In March 2005, Chris Rock’s best-selling quotes offended all the stars in Hollywood.

Last year, Billy Christo made his ninth appearance. The comedian was tired of taking over this hot potato again, looking forward to having other younger generations willing to take over; after careful consideration, the college chose opportunism and they invited Seth -McFarlane served as the host of this year's awards ceremony.

Who is Seth McFarlane?

For the comedy circle, this is a well-known name. The dubbing of "Spoof House" in 1999 was his famous work, and then he was more active in the New York circle as a comedy screenwriter.

Until 2012, the film "Teddy Bear" written, directed and acted by him became the biggest hit of the year and caused countless topics. He also received a round of applause for the dubbing work of the teddy bear in the movie. .

As a result, Seth appeared on the waiting list of the college.

In order to cater to the craze of the social network era and to cater to the humor of young audiences, the academy finally handed over the hosting guide to Seth. After nearly two decades of rolling in the industry, the comedian successfully ushered in his own Peak career.

Under the eyes of everyone, under the applause of the audience, the whole stage was lit up like a starry sky. It was beautiful and thrilling, and Seth eagerly stepped onto the gorgeous stage.

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