The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1120: Have a good heart

Rooney Mara stood quietly in place, just standing still, bathed in moonlight, there was a chill on the surface of her skin, and goose bumps appeared, but she was motionless, just staying where she was. , Did not leave, did not move forward, lest the slightest noise would disturb the back in front of him.

"No, don't punish me for feeling inside; no, don't punish me because of soul suffering."

Unprepared, the strict heart defense hit a heavy punch like this. Before he raised his fists to defend, the tears had broken through the shackles of the eye sockets, slipped down, fell on the back of the hand, and burned. Skin; however, the back was still intently outlined in the blurred vision.

Lonely and lonely, sad and melancholy.

The softness and fragility that inadvertently leaked out, flowing slowly in the cold moonlight, like a sparkling lake, beautifully thrilling, but prohibitive, lest my rash actions may break the peace and beauty, and worry more Your own recklessness may leave irreparable damage.

So, it stopped like this.

She stood in place, condescending; he sat in place, feet on the ground. But at this moment, she seemed to be looking up at this man.

The memories of "one person's concert" in my mind once again surged up and hit my heart.

She is a spectator, thousands of spectators looking up at the stage. In the spotlight, he is standing in place with a guitar on his back. There is no gorgeous costume or brilliant lights, just the simplest use. The most straightforward way is to communicate with the audience through music. In that wanton and sincere singing, he carefully hides his truth and purity, and walks stumblingly and scarredly alone.

The soul hidden under that gentleman’s skin is so deep and so complicated, like a masterpiece of the world. People always think that they understand this book, but they don’t know that every time they read it, there is always a new harvest. There are thousands of people, everyone can appreciate their own insights.

First, the Telluride Film Festival, then the movie "Crazy Love", then the "One Man Concert", then the Oscars, and the performance of "Les Miserables", then "Gravity" "The cooperation, in the end... the last is now

Singing and singing under the moonlight, the unique uninhibited rock and roll temperament entangled in the guitar strings freely flowing and rushing, the roar of the heart and the roar of the soul are so beautiful that people can't help tears.

In the eyes of the world, he is a top superstar wearing a halo. He is an actor, a singer, an idol, a dream lover, and a hereditary aristocrat... At only twenty-three years old, he has stood at the pinnacle of his career. Achieved goals that many people could not achieve in their entire lives; but in her eyes, he was just Lanly Hall.

Sometimes, he is like a child, talking about his favorite movies, dancing with his hands, and arguing with each other for a movie and a movie. He will not be able to talk to each other, not because the other party is a woman, a child, or a woman. Movie fans choose to compromise.

Sometimes, he is like a madman, immersed in his own world, regardless of recklessly throwing himself into the performance, even if it causes inconvenience to others, even if it causes controversy and criticism, he doesn't care, just his own way.

Sometimes, he was like a gentleman, talking and laughing, witty and humorous, showing his masculine charm elegantly and calmly, but refused to approach easily, alienating an invisible wall of air between each other, and politely keeping a distance.

Sometimes, like Don Quixote, he insisted on his position stubbornly, running rampantly, battered and bruised, and he didn’t care. He refused to let his edges and corners be bit by bit in reality. Smooth.

He is not perfect, but he is perfect again. He is Lan Li, the unique and irreplaceable Lan Li.

Rooney just stood there in a daze, letting her tears burst completely, and the cold and moving singing voice came from her ears, flowing smoothly in the melody, all the memories in her mind scattered all over the floor, and finally all They all fell on the back in front of them, and traced the contours of their shoulders bit by bit along the moonlight.

In him, she saw herself, and no one had ever truly understood herself.

Crying and crying, the smile at the corner of his mouth rose, and then he laughed like a madman, crying and laughing, tears completely wet his face, embarrassed, but the smile bloomed warmly and brilliantly. Amidst the halo, she saw Lan Li turn her head, and the two of them exchanged their eyes.

Under the shadow of the moonlight, the outline of the face is hidden between light and shadow, and the line of sight is like a shadow, some stunned, some surprised, some unexpected, but they caught a similar tear in the bottom of each other's eyes, the warmth is fleeting, and at the same time Armed with a touch of alienation and politeness, he armed his own fragility strictly.

He is so. The same is true for her.

Such a coincidence is like standing in front of a full-length dressing mirror and looking at yourself inside and outside the mirror. Lan Li and Rooney both realized this, and at the same time they lowered their eyes and burst into laughter.

Rooney shrugged helplessly. She didn't intend to disturb Lan Li, but she didn't expect that Lan Li was so sensitive, she became vigilant with a little disturbance, but she still discovered her existence, which broke the tranquility. But, something happened. At this point, she has not been shy or flinching, nor has she even wiped the tears on her cheeks, but a big smile appeared, "Knock."

This is a knock on the door.

Just now, Lan Li sang softly, "I'm still sleeping in your porch, and I'm still afraid of breaking the shackles of your door." He would rather curl up in the porch, but dare not knock on the door and walk into another one. The atrium of a stranger. Only oneself understands the pain and struggle inside.

Now, Rooney mustered up the courage to knock on the door, her tearful eyes with a gentle and moving smile, a faint warmth flowing out, and she frankly and sincerely met Lan Li's sight, resolutely and bravely. Stand in place.

In an instant, Lan Li's inner line of defense began to tremble slightly, her fingertips curled up subconsciously, and carefully concealed all her negative emotions, but the next moment she saw Rooney's generosity and frankness, standing defenselessly. In front of him, there was no offense under his feet, and he did not easily cross the mine pool before getting permission.

The life of the aristocracy in the upper class is like this, layered layer upon layer concealing their true feelings, there is no joy, no sadness, no happiness, no anger, even the quarrels are calm and detached, because they are too excited, To be too impulsive is not elegant or polite.

Over time, they have gradually become accustomed to leaving all their emotions to themselves, even if it is a husband and wife, even if it is a brother and sister, even if it is a father and son, they will never open their atriums easily or even refuse to spy on each other's fragility. As a result, all emotional exchanges are handed over to God.

People are wondering why beliefs and religions have such a powerful ruling power in the Western world. Part of the reason comes from the reservedness and restraint of the nobility and the upper class. Religion is their only emotional sustenance.

This is true of Hall's family, and so is Mara's family.

But now, Rooney's calmness and honesty made Lan Li feel embarrassed. He quickly lowered his eyes, concealing his panic and embarrassment. When he raised his eyes again, there was a softness in his sight. The corners of his mouth were also stained with sincerity, and he cautiously sent out an invitation, "Welcome."

Rooney showed a polite smile before she stepped forward and came to Lan Li's side, and then sat down cross-legged, "Sorry, I interrupted your alone time."

This was an unexpected coincidence, but Rooney did not explain too much, but sincerely expressed her apologies, because she knew that if she wanted to be alone, no matter how anyone broke in for any reason, it would be impossible. It makes people feel happy.

Lan Li shrugged, and a smile appeared in his eyes, "You know, this is a devil's agreement. It has been signed and sealed now, so you'd better keep it secret. Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious."

"I know, I missed the opportunity to escape." Rooney also joked with a smile, "Is there any source of this song just now? I have never heard it before."

"It's just the melody just handed in." Lan Li didn't covert and said generously, "I'm thinking about it. If there is a second album, maybe it can be included."

"Wow, so, there is indeed a second album?" Rooney asked in surprise.

Lan Li shook his head without giving any face, "No, there is no hope for the time being, I just talk about it casually. To be honest, after the Grammys, I haven't had any creations for more than half a year. I think, my The inspiration is completely exhausted. You can tell the reporter about this, I don't mind."

Rooney nodded meaningfully, seeming to realize it, "But, personally, this piece was amazing just now. The only question is that this should be indie rock... right? I'm not sure. You played it on a guitar. It should be a folk song, but the arrangement and chords are not very similar."

"Yes, I'm trying different creative directions, because I know that in terms of folk songs, it's no longer possible to break through the previous album, so it's more appropriate to change the direction, before other people complain about my talents. , You can change your direction first. This is a good way." Lan Li replied.

Seeing Lan Li's solemn self-deprecation, Rooney couldn't help but smile, and nodded in agreement, "Who knows? Maybe your talent in rock and roll is even more outstanding than folk songs?"

"Are you serious?" Lan Li frowned exaggeratedly, expressing strong suspicion.

Rooney spread her hands out, "No, of course I am not. I'm just an amateur music lover, I'm just an actor, how could I know?" The wide-eyed eyes revealed innocence, and said righteously. With justification and protest, people can't help but want to clap and laugh.

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