The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1119: 1 jump down

Asphyxiation, Lan Li just felt a dull suffocation in his chest. He breathed in the moist and cold air. The whole lungs could clearly feel a slight tingling sensation, but he still felt out of breath, like a piece The boulder was pressing heavily on the chest, but it was beating the heart so dull and uncomfortable.

Lying on the bed, the suffocation of sinking into the bottom of the lake swarmed from all directions. The deep blue lake water penetrated into the body along the pores. It was cold and bitter, and the air bubbles overflowed from the corners of the mouth one by one, and the oxygen disappeared. Depression made his chest almost burst open, trying to struggle, but his limbs couldn't get any strength at all, so he could only wave it in vain.

Choking, just choking.

So, he left the room, left the crowd, left the photography base, and quietly disappeared into the night. He needed a little fresh air, a little private space, a little quiet...

To be honest, he doesn’t know what he needs; to be honest, he misses Heather Cross a bit, Matthew Dunlop a bit, and maybe Paul Walker and Ryan Gosling. He misses company a bit. Those friends around me. Just like Ryan Stone of "Gravity", he began to miss the fetters of life and the realism brought by gravity.

Lan Li still clearly remembers that after finishing the filming of "Love Is Crazy", he fell seriously ill, and he couldn't get rid of the story of Jacob and Anna, as if he had just ended a crazy love. The heart hurts so much that I can't breathe, and the dull feeling of suffocation is lingering, but it can't be relieved.

Today, he felt this taste again. But it's different.

He couldn't describe it, and he couldn't express it.

Maybe, just because he has never been in love like Jacob's madness and passion, but he really feels the struggle on the death line like Ryan Stone, so the resonance of empathy is still different after all; maybe, again It is because in this character, he has projected too many stories about himself and Heather, so as to confuse the boundary between the character and reality.

Maybe they are all, maybe they are not. There are countless threads in my mind, one on the left and one on the right. A thought has just come out, and another thought has been cut off. The whole brain begins to swell, and there is a dull pain, and there is no way to calm down. Come down and think about it.

This immersive feeling is more turbulent and more real than any previous work, and at the same time clearer. His brain is very clear about the whole process and all the details, magnifying the pain, but still helpless. .

From a positive point of view, the control of performance has been improved; from a negative point of view... the torture and suffering are even more unbearable. However, if he did it again, he would still choose this path without hesitation.

Perhaps, he is indeed a lunatic; even if he is not now, the distance is not far away.

After the pain broke through a limit, he gradually became accustomed to it. Thoughts were still scattered, but it seemed that the pain had begun to shift. Looking down at the guitar in his arms, he couldn't help but laugh.

To be honest, Lan Li himself did not know why he brought the guitar out. In the past few hours, there have been many blank segments of memory in the brain. The memories of the studios, shootings, and performances began to become fragmented, piece by piece, Even the timeline was disrupted, and there was no clue.

It was the same just now. I didn't even realize that I took the guitar in my mind. When I realized it, the guitar was already in my arms. The clogged and crowded brain was really unable to sort out the thoughts, and the pieces of music were drawn meaninglessly at the fingertips. Flowing out from below, it's not a chapter, it's not in accordance with music theory, it's just a mere fragment.

However, the clear and clean strings of the guitar bring a bit of bitterness and coldness, flowing slowly under the moonlight, like a gurgling stream, running around blue stones, tree roots, water plants and fish, even in the night. Both the dense fog and fireflies began to dance lightly following the musical symbols, unknowingly, the heat and dullness in the chest eased slightly.

This reminded Lan Li of the years when the crew of the "Pacific War" was working. A group of people surrounded the bonfire, playing guitar and singing, alleviating the pressure of filming. This is one of their few means of entertainment.

With the touch of the fingertips and the strings, you can clearly feel the force of the strings pressing the fingertips. Then, with a light hook, the boulder squeezed on the chest seems to be relaxed. The simple chords collide with each other. Together, some are harmonious, some are not, but gradually begin to converge.

Just like a murmur stream, it travels through sharp and bumpy conditions, rushes towards the far end, and finally merges into a deep blue lake-or the sea. It is not clear in the night, only a wave of light can be seen. The sparkling water surface, cold and calm, is beckoning him to jump into it, get rid of all the shackles, break all the shackles, and completely merge with the water.

"No, don't punish me for feeling inside; no, don't punish me because of soul suffering."

Naturally, the song flowed along the melody, humming softly, the bitterness and loneliness in the eyes were revealed, mixed in the musical notes, and the suffocation suddenly surged, and the fingertips became straightened. , Buckled the strings tightly, all muscles were tight to the extreme, pain and sorrow seemed to begin to swell, on the verge of explosion.

The emotion came so turbulent, caught off guard, helpless; but then disappeared instantly, disappeared without a trace, couldn't help closing his eyes, exhaling a long, long breath, and the whole person slowly quieted Down.

I didn’t open my eyes, I just simply enjoyed the tide-like feeling brought by the endless darkness. It seems that only the lake water can keep the mood calm, and the tranquility to the extreme tranquility relieves the muscles little by little. Jian followed the flow of thoughts and began to outline again.

"Tired of curling up and sleeping on the street late at night, busy working at the bus station until early morning; exhaustedly waiting for the first ray of morning light, when it falls, the direction of the footsteps is still dark."

Lan Li seemed to be walking in the desert and Gobi of Highway 66, walking along the highway, exhausted physically and mentally, and staggering. The long road could not see the end at all, but continued to advance step by step. Over time, this gradually became a habit.

The sun rises behind him, and the sun disperses the darkness and envelops the earth, but the steps are too slow. The direction of advancement is still darkness. The boundless darkness covers the whole world strictly, without seeing the end or the front. , Can't see the end, can't even see tomorrow.

There is no future and no hope. As I walked, my steps became heavier and heavier, and I almost couldn't move.

"No, don't punish me for feeling inside; no, don't punish me because of soul suffering."

Before the musical note fell, the voice began to tremble slightly, the intense suffocation was surgingly scorching his body and soul, and the blazing flames were getting more and more fierce, almost turning him into ashes," So, I crawled and escaped from the back door, broke free of these suffocating disguise, and jumped into the water in the air, I jumped into the water in the air, a pool of deep water (The-ater)."

With his eyes closed tightly, Lan Li seemed to hear the sound of the violent wind coming from his ears. He ran and ran wildly. After running to the extreme, it seemed that even the wind was raging under his feet, and then the whole person gave a light jump--

Soaring in the air, flying in the wind, you can fly freely above the sky with your arms wide open. The entire vast sky is his territory; at the end of the gliding, he plunged into the heartbreaking blue. In the middle, the soft lake seemed to open its arms, wrapping him tightly, cold but warm.

At this moment, he was finally free.

"The evil devil roared on the TV, so I sold it on 16th Street, but the noise of the drone still came from my ears. Now I am going to turn off the night shift tonight. Do you think I can meet a toilet? Car? I don’t care where the road is."

To escape, he just wanted to rush, turn and leave the muddy swamp of pain and struggle, and find a ray of light in the endless darkness. There is no direction, no goal, and no future, just a faint ray. His hope is enough But in sight, everything is dark. He is struggling and resisting, but to no avail.

What's more terrifying is that he is alone.

"No, don't punish me because of my inner feelings; no, don't punish me because of the suffering of my soul. So, I crawled and escaped from the back door, broke free of these suffocating disguise, and jumped into the water."

The fingertips paused, trembling lightly, and the billowing night was everywhere, grabbing his ankle, the **** breath was licking his skin, he struggled, fleeing desperately, his fingertips were drawn again. The mixed and profound emotions were vented along the singing, "So I crawled and escaped from the back door, and broke free of these suffocating disguise, I jumped into the water, a deep pool of water."

The world became quiet, all the noise disappeared, only the sound of gurgling water surging in his ears. Following the guidance of the sound, he slapped his legs vigorously, looking for the other side of hope, and also looking for it. The habitat of the soul.

"My face is getting numb, and my lungs are getting suffocated, but I still kick and beat my legs until I reach the other shore; I still sleep in your porch, and I'm still afraid of breaking the shackles of your door."

Singing and singing, the tight lines of the shoulders stretched little by little, and the restrained pressure on the chest opened little by little, full of sighs and loneliness, lighted a smile, gently and slowly at the corner of the mouth Carefully outline it, bitter but bright,

"So, I crawled and escaped from the back door, broke free of these suffocating disguise, and jumped into the water in the air, I jumped into the water, a deep pool of water."

The moment he jumped into the water, he was free.

Note: Deep water (ater——Ra-Ra-)

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