The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1076: Exhausted

Standing is just the action of standing, but it has important significance in the history of human origin. From crawling to standing, from apes to humans, and walking upright, this simple action marks the true evolution and evolution of human beings. Life forms have also developed from a tiny paramecium to a complex multicellular structure, and they have begun to possess wisdom.

One footprint, one step, one forward, the action deeply imprinted in the muscle memory, but each step interprets a different meaning. He has experienced the birth of life again, and he has experienced the birth of life again. Suddenly, the hardships and hardships of breaking through numerous obstacles were hidden in the muscles bit by bit, and the soul began to agitate.

The steps are so heavy, but he didn't look back, and left the beige halo unswervingly, striding forward toward the darkness in front of him, the more he walked, the firmer he went, the more persistent he went, the more he went. Rejoicing, that kind of joy and happiness is fighting gravity, and he is almost about to run.

Not only because he escaped from the dead, but also because he felt gravity, life force, and...freedom again! Puff, puff, the beating sound is so steady and powerful.

That kind of joy filled the whole chest, and his eyes gradually brightened, as if with every step, he was growing into a giant in the sky, standing on top of the earth, raising his right hand high, he could pick off the stars in the night sky. .

The exploration boundary of thoughts is getting wider and wider, passing through Surrey, passing through England, passing through Eurasia, passing through the Atlantic Ocean, passing through the earth, passing through the universe, and reaching the depths of the black hole. Endlessly begin to explore the secrets of the entire space.

So magnificent, so majestic, so vast, it seems that it only takes a thought to move the entire earth.

He has forgotten himself, dreams, and reality. He has transformed and sublimated to another level. Everything is so beautiful, so thrilling to be immersed and unable to extricate itself.

Suddenly, his steps came to the gate. Without hesitation, he directly pushed open the small door next to him for personal entry and exit. With the movement of his palm, a moonlight shone down and passed through the entire universe, traversing several light years. , Falling in front of the footsteps, the dense night faded quickly like a billowing air, leaving only a bright moonlight, which outlines the touching behind the tranquility.

The world, at this moment, shines with unprecedented brilliance!


Rooney Mara sat quietly at the door of the studio, carefully recalling what happened today, which is undoubtedly a very interesting thing.

For the characters, for the script, for the story, for the world and the universe, Lan Li’s perspective is so unique, not only with astronomy, geography, society, culture and other attributes, but also mixed with the entanglement of the passage of time and the perception of life. He truly gave life to the character of Ryan Stone, and at the same time inadvertently gave the soul of the whole story of "gravity".

These details can give a glimpse of Lan Li’s hereditary aristocratic background, as well as Lan Li’s talent for acting.

Rooney believes that Alfonso-Caron’s script polishing and thematic conception are geniuses; but she also believes that Alfonso’s exchanges and collisions with Renly are also sparkling, and a strong chemical reaction has given it. Inspired by Alfonso, he has a clearer idea of ​​the development and sublimation direction of the whole story.

It's so magical, it can even be said to be incredible.

But after real experience, Rooney realized that it was not that the rumors were too magical, but that the imagination was too poor. "Len Li is an actor", this is never just a talk, even if he became the youngest Oscar actor in film history, his hard work and hard work have never wavered.

As a bystander and a participant, Rooney’s mind burst into endless chemical reactions. She couldn’t help but began to fall into her own thoughts, thinking about the role of Alex Kowski, thinking about her and her The relationship between Ryan Stone.

For Rooney, acting is not a competition, there is no winner or loser; it is a contest, where each other constantly improves their own state and strength, rubs sparks in the opponent's play, gives roles and gives more works. Much energy. Now, Lan Li is doing his best to enter the role state, Rooney's inspiration is also showing a blowout state.

For Ryan and Alex, they are friends, and only friends. In the space station, perhaps compared to others, they have more tacit understanding between them, but that's all. Not because of the chemical reaction of opposite **** attracting each other, but because of the similar loneliness deep in my heart.

They hide their loneliness in different ways.

Ryan devotes himself to work, forgetting sleep and food, as if the world only has work worth relying on, sacrificing himself for a more ambitious cause, and finally gradually forgetting himself, and also forgetting his fetters and concerns. At the desperate moment of life, he chose to give up easily, not because of cowardice, but because of extreme loneliness and loneliness.

Alex uses humor and jokes as her mask, always joking about her past, sharing stories that are not funny at all, even if other colleagues have heard them, but she still Did not stop. Because once this mask is taken off, the truth hidden behind is so fragile, it will be broken at the touch of it.

People who are lonely can feel the aura and taste in each other.

They have never communicated or shared. They carefully hide their secrets and guard each other’s secrets, but in the dead of night, they sit quietly beside each other, without dialogue or words, just Because they need a company to dispel the loneliness and loss that slowly penetrates into their bones.

Therefore, when facing the moment of life and death, she is not the brave person. It is not about sacrificing herself and perfecting others. It is not about seeing death as home and being brave. It is only because Ryan has better chances, and only because she is lagging behind. , Just an objective analysis from the perspective of probability numbers, compared to her, Ryan has a better chance of survival.

Deep down, she also knew--

Just because she gave up.

At the critical juncture, Ryan chose to give up because he had no worries. Similarly, Alex also chose to give up. It seemed that he didn't need to think or hesitate. Giving up was as simple as that, and they had no attachments and worries.

In the final analysis, in the bones, Ryan and Alex are both of the same type. They are too similar, and they can always find their own shadows in the depths of each other's souls.

Similarly, in their blood, the instinct for survival and the fetters of family are still deeply rooted. As long as this impulse and desire/hope can be awakened, they will once again muster the courage to break through the fetters and seek a chance to survive. Ryan is like this, and so is Alex.

So, while dying, in a trance, Ryan and Alex met again in fantasy. If their positions are reversed, she believes that the situation is the same, she will see Ryan, she will muster the courage, she will carry Ryan's life on her back; now, this is Ryan's opportunity.

The only difference may be the wounds deep in their hearts.

So, what exactly is Alex's wound?

Rooney's thoughts gradually began to diverge. This is not a casual supporting role, but a real character with an independent soul and a complete life, and even a like-minded partner who has a close relationship with Ryan Stone. She is still a strong and great woman. After breaking away from the shackles of gender, she salutes toward a higher form of life.

Alex has a wonderful family, but her husband and daughter died in a car accident. That was her motivation, her pillar, and even her spirit, but it collapsed, and in an instant she ruined all the connections with her life unreasonably.

Then, she began to arm herself, quietly imitating her husband’s humor, recalling her daughter’s past, repeating and babbling about those old stalkers, trying her best to keep those memories that belong to them. My own memories, lest they relax for a while, they will disappear without a trace.

Very often memories are the only way to define yourself.

So, what should the recalled story be?

Thinking and thinking, time just passed. Every now and then, Rooney looked back at the studio behind her, listening to the sound inside, except for the faint Schubert, she couldn't hear anything. , I don’t know how well Lanly’s experience course is going.

In a blink of an eye, lunch passed, dinner passed, and night gradually fell. Now it is not far from ten o'clock. In an hour, they can open the door and welcome Lan Li to come out.

At this moment, a loud bang came, interrupting Rooney's thoughts, she turned her head abruptly and stood up reflexively.

Then, Rooney saw the sweaty and embarrassed blue gift, which appeared in front of her like a walking dead, and there were faint blood stains on her wrists, and her soaked clothes and hair looked like she just came from It was fished out of the water, and the body was emitting steam, and the boundary between dream and reality became blurred in an instant.

"Lan Li!" Rooney shouted nervously, greeted her in a panic, and then saw Lan Li turn her head, her face was so pale that she didn't have any blood, and she sketched out a smile.

Inexplicably, the beating of the heart began to lose its rhythm, which made Rooney feel at a loss.

But in the next second, Lan Li lost all strength, and the bright eyes instantly lost all brilliance and collapsed. Rooney rushed forward and pushed her shoulder desperately, "Lan Li!"

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