The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1075: Escape from the dead

The spacesuit is a special piece of equipment, integrated and extremely heavy.

It is only divided into four parts, a pair of trousers, trousers and shoes are connected together; a top without zippers or buttons, but worn like a pullover; a helmet, which can be fully connected to the top, you can Interactive buckle; a pair of gloves, the gloves are closely connected with the sleeves of the jacket, and are also a ring buckle.

At the very beginning, I didn’t have any other thoughts in my mind. I just started to struggle arbitrarily. After I calmed down, I realized that the spacesuit was too bulky to get rid of the restraints flexibly. At the same time, it is precisely because of this that it is ring-shaped. The cloth bag was **** outside the spacesuit, and it was not tightened 100%, only showing a state of about 70% or 80%.

Of course, even in this state, it is an impossible task to get rid of the restraints of the limbs.

In addition to this, he also found that the frictional pain on the wrist and ankle is more of his own illusion. It comes from the pressure and friction of the muscles caused by pressure and gravity. In fact, the softness and comfort inside the spacesuit , Did not harm his skin, even muscles, and even his arms can move freely in the spacesuit.

The binding belt has reserved a little space, and the spacesuit has reserved a little space again, which also means that the space for his arms and feet to move is far greater than imagined. However, if you want to get rid of your feet, there is no chance, but what about your hands?

He began to try to pull his arms out of the spacesuit little by little, but soon, his shoulders could no longer continue to rise. The limitations of the spacesuit caused his shoulders and elbows to be stuck tightly, which seemed to be just Lifting it up less than a few inches, all movements were firmly fixed in this heavy and awkward costume.

I changed the angle, tried again, and still failed; adjusted the position of the shoulders and body, tried again, but still failed; again, again, failed, failed, always failed.

Gradually, he started to lose count, how many times he tried and how many times he failed, and unknowingly got into the horns, he competed with himself, but the result of each time did not change. , The anger in an instant was vented towards him, "Ah!"

He clenched his fists heavily, his muscles tightened, roared wildly, and vented wildly. When the tension reached the extreme point, it seemed that the whole person was about to explode, and all the emotions exploded heartily.

At this moment, the part of the wrist hits the hard buckle, including the cloth, but the bulge can be vaguely felt. A flash of thought flashed through his mind, and he grasped it sharply, and then realized that this was the buckle of the sleeve and the glove.

Generally speaking, the buckle needs to be opened from the outside. But the so-called opening is actually grasping the position of the ring buckle with your hand, and after one rotation and turning the ring buckle, the glove can be removed.

Since the buckle is turned on and off, it can be turned from the outside, can it also be turned from the inside? No one has tried it, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible!

His attention began to concentrate again, trying to get close to the position of the metal buckle with his wrist, but the buckle was wrapped in the cloth, and every friction seemed to be non-existent, let alone control, even accurate touches. It was extremely difficult; so, he began to clenched his right fist and tightened his exhausted muscles again, and his body, which seemed to be exhausted, burst out with energy again.

After clenching his fist, his wrist finally approached the metal buckle. Subconsciously, he moved the buckle on the inside of his wrist-the buckle was not sharp, on the contrary, it was very round, and there was fabric on the outside, but the skin on the wrist. The blood vessels are extremely weak, and a little bit of squeezing is magnified, and the whole pain becomes unique, as if someone is playing a painful nerve.

Reflexively, he loosened his fist.

Then I realized that this is my only life. He refuses to stand here and wait for death, he refuses to give up his efforts to disarm and surrender, he must fight to the last minute!

So, clenched his fist again, this time trying to explore the position of the buckle with the outer wrist, but from the perspective of wrist control, the outer control undoubtedly increased the difficulty. After a while, there was no gain, and I had to give up. , And returned to the inner wrist again.

Even if he is mentally prepared, it is still not an easy task. He can only grit his teeth and work hard slowly. He can even clearly feel the tingling of the skin tearing apart bit by bit. There was a fear of blood coming out drop by drop, he had to be careful and careful, now it was just a bruise, no major problem, but the inside of the wrist was extremely close to the artery, which was a fatal part.

Slowly, slowly, he finally felt the movement of the buckle!

Even a slight movement of one millimeter still made him ecstatic, wishing he clenched his fist and jumped high, but in the midst of a triumphant fist, the fist was released, and the touch between the wrist and the buckle disappeared completely. , All the efforts just now were ruined, and I went back to the starting point again.

Not only did he feel frustration and loss, but the soreness of his muscles was surging like a tide. But now is not the time, now is not the time!

He took a deep breath, clenched his fist again, carefully found the buckle, and then... a little, a little, and a little more, as if you were operating the world's most sophisticated instrument, with no tolerance for one millimeter, so I concentrated and concentrated.

Sweat began to seep out on his forehead, sliding down along the eyebrows and the bridge of the nose, heavy beads of perspiration hung on the eyelashes, and the sweat fell down, blurring his vision, and the entire helmet was filled. But he was still not disturbed, he simply closed his eyes and entered the total darkness, concentrating on the movement of his wrists without distraction.

I don't know how long it has passed. The passage of time has completely lost its meaning. Even the exhaustion of the body and spirit has completely disappeared. Only a soft sound, "click," is heard, but it is like a natural sound, which explodes in the ear.

Once again, he began to try to withdraw his right hand, his shoulders quickly withstood the spacesuit, but this time, instead of stagnating, his entire arm pulled back, completely getting rid of the entire glove, accompanied by a low voice. Muffled, the gloves fell to the ground, and at the same time, his right hand was completely liberated.

After one hand was liberated, everything became simple immediately.

First the left hand, then the chest, then the waist, the upper body was liberated; followed by the helmet, the blurred vision finally regained its clarity, and the rushing air in an instant was hot and dull, but compared to the interior of the spacesuit As far as the oxygen is concerned, it is very refreshing and pleasant.

He exhaled heavily, and then began to breathe. Amidst the muddy breathing, his lungs became full again. He has never been so passionate about breathing and oxygen. When breathing becomes When a kind of instinct / ability, people have almost forgotten how important this is.

Until the time when life hangs by a thread and escapes from the dead.

He breathed so fast that he started to cough, and the whole lungs also convulsed simultaneously, dull and tingling, but all the numbness and stiffness were defeated, and he really felt that he was alive.

Afterwards, he took off the jacket of the spacesuit, as if he had removed a mountain from his shoulders, and his body became lighter, and his breathing finally became smoother; finally, he took apart his knees and ankles. The whole person staggered out of the basket, but he couldn't stand firmly by accident and rushed forward two steps.

However, the trousers of the spacesuit were too heavy, but at this time the center of gravity was stabilized, which avoided falling.

Lie down carefully, then slowly crawled out of the pants.

To climb, this is the correct verb, not to take off. It is to crawl out slowly, then support the floor with both hands and try to stand up, but did not expect that the arms and knees suddenly softened, almost the whole person has no bones. Fell heavily.

Gravity has become more real than ever before, even heavier, more awkward, and more turbulent than imagined. That powerful pulling force is extremely clear, pulling the body firmly, and seems to be refusing him to stand up.

In an instant, all the exhaustion and soreness all surged up. The tiredness of dehydration and exhaustion was overwhelming layer by layer, almost unable to breathe, wrists, elbows, arms, knees, ankles, ~ I can’t feel a trace of power all over my body, but the infinite heaviness. The effect of gravity is being amplified and re-magnified. Even the internal organs can clearly feel that power.

This is the call from the earth.

He needs to feel gravity again, and he needs to fight gravity again.

As a result, his hands firmly supported the ground, preventing himself from falling completely. The weight of his entire body was pressed on his palms, and his arms began to tremble violently; but for him, this was no longer a problem. After that, the firm belief is like vitality, breaking through the difficulties, taking root and giving birth to life.

Slowly, his arms stretched out slowly, as if he was going back to his infancy again, learning to stand and learn to walk danglingly; slowly, his legs slowly stood up straight, from kneeling to standing straight , The knees began to tremble violently, and the whole body was shaking uncontrollably, as if every muscle was out of control, but...

He still stood up, his right knee was slightly soft, and he almost fell to his knees, but he clenched his teeth, straightened his knee, and then stood up like this.

Once upon a time, such a simple action, such a habitual action, was so difficult at this time. However, he was still finished. He successfully stood up again, transformed from a baby to an adult, resisting gravity, and exploded with the powerful vitality of life again!

One step, another step, stumbling, struggling, but not backing down, unstoppable, step by step forward!

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