The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1064: Director's Perspective

"Don't you think that after the setting is too complicated, the content is too large, but it misleads the audience? In Alfonso's script, everything is simplified, showing a clean and neat main line, and further The audience’s visual, auditory, and even tactile sensations are amplified to enhance the overall viewing effect. After the content is complicated, the viewing experience is bound to be affected."

"This is indeed a problem. However, the setting is to set off and set off the theme. In the conception stage, I need to think more complicated, and it is more complicated, to completely integrate Ryan Stone and the core theme of the whole script. Link up and resonate. Only this way..."

"Only in this way, after the branches are stripped, the reflection and repercussions for the audience will be more profound. What you mean is, first do the addition, and continue to add up to achieve a 100% effect; then do the subtraction to remove all The branches are gathered in the performance; in the end, the addition is left to the audience, and after the movie is over, there is an aftertaste. Wow, God, you are indeed a lunatic."

"Thank you for the compliment. I once thought about a simpler setting, just showing a scene of Ryan and his family, and then exploring the outline of the entire character; but after digging into it, I found out..."

"Such a role is too thin!"

Before Lan Li's words could be spoken, Rooney had already blurted it out. This made Lan Li laugh out loud and nodded in affirmation, "At the same time, it will also weaken the core idea of ​​the script."

"Look, I discussed with Alfonso. We hope to strip Ryan's gender attributes and return to the source of life. From birth to growth, to breakthroughs and pursuits, it has nothing to do with gender and age, but just presents the purest. The state of life." Lan Li's further explanation made Rooney think carefully.

"If only through performances, these contents cannot be presented." Rooney frowned. She didn't pretend to understand the situation she didn't understand, but honestly raised doubts and further analyzed, "Do you have any special thoughts." ?"

"The idea in my mind now is a pair of feet." Lan Li said his thoughts sincerely.

"First it was the feet of Ryan's brother, which was the moment of birth that Ryan witnessed when he was a child; then through montage editing, it evolved into the feet of his younger brother's child and appeared on the computer screen. The younger brother sent an email over, and Ryan was In Houston, there is no way to arrive at the scene in person."

Lan Li tried hard to tell the idea in his mind, but this is not an easy task. After all, the position of the director and the actor are still different, but Rooney understood it, her eyes lit up slightly, "You mean, Through the two birth moments, Ryan’s stance changes and contrasts, one is to be involved, the other is to stay out of the matter, and then interpret the changes in Ryan’s life trajectory."

Lan Li nodded, Rooney also nodded, and then the eyes of the two people projected towards Alfonso at the same time.

Alfonso, who was sitting next to him, didn't hold back, he chuckled and chuckled.

The conversation between these two young people was really interesting. The two young people were still arguing for a second, and they were red-faced. They reached a consensus in the next second, constantly supplementing and affirming each other’s ideas, and the whole conversation went smoothly, without any at all. The stumbling and stumbling, but it was completely natural, it really made the onlookers a little unable to keep up with the speed, so they began to drift away.

A director, two actors, the core cast of the entire crew, three people just sat at the gate of the studio, piled a lot of scattered beers next to them, placed countless empty beer cans, and then talked endlessly. I discussed it with enthusiasm, without worrying about how simple my environment is.

In fact, at the beginning, more than forty staff members gathered here in a hustle and bustle, warmly welcoming Renly and Rooney to the crew. The empty beer cans on the ground came from them; but gradually, they couldn’t follow. The rhythm of the conversation of these three people got up, and they started to turn around and leave one after another. In the end, only three people were left alone.

However, as a director, that is another matter.

The words of Lan Li and Rooney collided and blended with each other, which truly formed a brainstorm. It also triggered countless thoughts in Alfonso's mind, and inspiration continued to emerge. This kind of cooperation cannot be more perfect.

Now that it has become the focus of attention, Alfonso knows that they are asking for his opinion.

"Foot, this is a good idea. We can discuss with Emmanuel how to show the connection between life and the universe through the lens. The foot of a newborn baby is inspired by the'tree of life', right? I like this idea." The pictures in Alfonso's mind have become a lot more three-dimensional and vivid, and a frame has been constructed during the conversation.

Afterwards, Alfonso added.

"However, the montage editing method is still too cumbersome, and the expression is too complicated. Maybe we can show it through a computer mail screen. My brother sends an email to Ryan, showing the feet of his newborn child, and then said Regrettably, Ryan could not reach the scene. After Ryan turned off the email screen, the computer desktop showed a picture of his brother's feet, which triggered Ryan's memories."

Lan Li and Rooney exchanged glances, both of their eyes lit up, but then Lan Li realized the strangeness, "Will such a picture be inconsistent with the overall style of the movie? It will destroy the structure of the film?"

"Yes, I also have such concerns. I will discuss it with Emmanuel." Emmanuel Lubezki, photographer of "Son of Man" and "Tree of Life", also from Mexico. , This time is responsible for the photography work of "gravity", "However, this kind of picture is originally a picture of the universe and is more of a life picture. Then see what inspiration Emmanuel has."

"The more thoughts in my mind now are the one thing Lan Li mentioned just now." Alfonso's gaze met Lan Li, "You just said that during the first date between my brother and sister-in-law, He mentioned Ryan?"

"Yes, he always admires Ryan and is proud of his brother. So, he always says, my brother is an astronaut. He is a genius, and his way of thinking is so different. . Did you know that if someone talks to him about quantum mechanics, he can feel a pure orgasm. And so on."

After Lan Li finished speaking, Rooney, who was sitting next to him, chuckled lightly, "I think if someone talks to you about quantum mechanics, you can really feel the orgasm." This teasing, Al Fang Suo laughed happily, while Lan Li spread his hands to express his helplessness.

After closing his smile, Alfonso continued, "I like such small details. You know, this is an intertextuality with the photos of feet. Regardless of Ryan's attitude, his brother's thoughts and attitudes towards him have not changed. This has also become an opportunity for Ryan to reinvigorate, just like what you just said-awakening the first impulse, the first dream, and the first motivation deep in Ryan's heart."

As he talked, Alfonso became excited. Without the usual shyness and restraint, he expressed his opinions in a dance and dance, "I think you can even add a lullaby. Just when Ryan started to survive again, He hummed this lullaby softly, and then talked to himself about his younger brother's interesting things, in this way he completed the whole core motivation."

In Lan Li’s conception, mighty and eloquent, Ryan Stone’s story can be made into a movie; but in the finished product of "Gravity", there may only be a fragment of a foot, about a few. Seconds, and then humming a lullaby by Ryan, that's all.

This is precisely the part that an actor cannot see in his work. Some people marvel at how thick the actors’ performances are, while others marvel at how flat and thin certain characters are. In fact, this is the difference. The focus is on the script and the role weight; but more on the actor's understanding and interpretation.

"While surviving while humming a lullaby?" Lan Li's mind is full of question marks. As an actor, many times, he still has no way to see the director's screen panorama. The way of thinking is completely different.

Alfonso is upside down. He has a vivid picture, but he is confused about the performance and interpretation of the actors. He nodded naturally, "Yes, between chaos and despair, it's like a moment of crumbling on the edge of a cliff, the texture of crisis and tenderness..."

"No, UU reading I mean, Ryan Stone is not a character who hums a lullaby." Lan Li turned his head, and saw the cheerful smile on Rooney's face, "Ryan He’s a cold genius, remember? What you need to survive is to calm down and sing a lullaby. This is too sensational and not suitable, right?"

Alfonso was stunned, he didn't think about it.

"Maybe, you can look at it from another angle." In a little silence, Rooney joined the topic, connecting Lanly and Alfonso's thoughts from a different perspective.

"At this moment, Ryan has regained his original intentions, as if he had returned to his childhood. As you said, he started to survive again to get back to the starting point. Therefore, Gao Leng Bingshan once again became the appearance of his childhood. , He can hum a lullaby to his younger brother. Furthermore, the lullaby is a chemical reaction trigger point that awakens the purest Ryan deep in his heart."

In the end, Rooney concluded, "The point is still, how should you perform? If the difference is too big, as you are worried about, the frame structure of the character collapses completely; but if the difference is not enough, the texture of the change will not be shown. So , This is the time to test the actors."

Delicate and complex, simple and profound, soft and tough.

Rooney can even portray it in her mind, the performance of that scene is so difficult that it can be compared to the sky. To be honest, Rooney can't think of any actor who can do the job except for Lan Li.

Thinking about it, Rooney started to get excited and couldn't wait to get into work with Lan Li.

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