The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1063: chemical reaction

"Yes, I think so too." Lan Li nodded in agreement. "There is undoubtedly a chemical reaction between Ryan and Alex, but it should not be a hormonal collision, but a communication of wisdom and thoughts. Two people have similar pursuits, similar goals, and similar ways of thinking, and they truly communicate through the soul."

Lan Li's eyes lit up slightly, and she began to talk about her own ideas and thoughts about Ryan. From time to time, Rooney would resolutely interject and raise her doubts to further improve the image of Ryan in her mind.

On the one hand, Rooney marveled at Lan Li's grand vision; on the other hand, Lan Li was also surprised at Rooney's keen touch. During the communication process, Rooney asked very interesting questions many times, which made Lan Li have to pause. After serious thinking, he adjusted Ryan's settings again and perfected the whole character little by little.

The communication between you and me couldn't stop at all. Nathan, who was standing next to him, frowned. At first, he could understand, but gradually he couldn't keep up. Every word and sentence of Lan Li and Rooney's words is simple and easy to understand, but when they enter their minds, they become heavenly books, and they can't understand a word.


"I think Ryan and Alex are two completely different personalities. In their daily communication, the two parties even dislike each other because of different personalities, different rhythms and styles; but this is how they are totally different. The two people think in the same way, and find the same rhythm in the pursuit of life and the meaning of life."

"Is this to highlight the differences in the characters, and to enrich the profound meaning of the script; or to emphasize Ryan's self-prediction. His loneliness and loneliness do not come from his character, but from his soul?"

"the latter."

"Um... an interesting idea, enriching the protagonist from the setting of supporting roles."

"Alfonso's script did not leave me too many clues and support points. More importantly, even if I want to ask for help, there are really not many people. You are the only choice."

"Aha, the famous Renly-Hall actually has some problems when it comes to problems. This is really rare."

"In the final analysis, I am just an actor. Even if you repeat my full name, it will not change anything. My ability is limited after all."

This conversation between you and me was completely unobstructed or paused. The two people were ridiculed and ridiculed, and then suddenly the two of them laughed at the same time, and the entire exchange was turbulent and turbulent. For Nathan, who was watching, this was a kind of torture and suffering.

Both Lanly and Rooney’s eyes stayed on Nathan, and then they laughed at the same time—from a certain perspective, Nathan was actually the family or younger brother in Lanly’s idea, and he wholeheartedly supported Ryan. But after all, he couldn't fully understand Ryan, and couldn't keep up with Ryan's way of thinking and rhythm.

Nathan was still confused and confused. The laughter of the two people just made the question marks on his head more and more, unable to answer.

Rooney retracted her gaze and looked at Lan Li again, "I have an idea, Alex is a humorous personality, and even occasionally makes some jokes, deliberately teasing Ryan; Ryan’s personality is relatively rigid. It is usually an iceberg, which strictly hides all emotions, but in the desperate situation of life, it falls apart bit by bit."

"Humor? Are you sure? Why do I think that the settings of the two roles are reversed?" Lan Li frowned slightly, Rooney's temperament was more cold, and there was an innate sense of coldness. The chemistry between the two is quite interesting, but now, Rooney wants to challenge a humorous character?

Rooney shrugged unsurprisingly, "I have always wanted to try a character that has breakthroughs, such as humor, and the kind of mouthful. This time in the'gravity', it can be small. Try a little bit, and if appropriate, you can further broaden your play in the future."

"So, are you using our work as a test product?" Lan Li teased narrowly.

Rooney didn't raise her eyes, but she retorted, "Aren't you?"

Refer to all the ideas of Lan Li just now. The person who is truly bold and adventurous should be Lan Li, not Rooney.

In Lan Li’s conception, Ryan’s social attributes are stripped away. In a sense, this is not a "normal role", which is completely different from any previous performance of Lan Li; but it is accompanied by the plot of the movie. Moving forward, the social attributes returned to Ryan bit by bit, as if the "robot" had become a "natural person" again, and the character became plump and three-dimensional again.

Even Ryan Stone, who is full and three-dimensional, is different from any role played by Lan Li before, a genius with high coldness and loneliness. Strangely speaking, Lan Li has never played a genius role, although his public image has always been so impressive.

Whether it is a "robot" or a high-cold genius, this is a bold attempt, even a crazy attempt. As Lan Li himself said, "Gravity" is like an experimental field dedicated to exploring acting skills.

For a while, the conversation between Lan Li and Rooney was interrupted for a moment, and the two of them stared straight at each other, catching the flickering halo in the depths of their eyes. In the exchange just now, the natural sense of freedom not only makes people relaxed and happy, but also involuntarily gradually indulges in it, slowly and slowly sinking, immersed in such an atmosphere, unable to extricate itself.

I carefully searched for the light and shadow between the other's eyes, as if I could touch a faint electric current, and then in the crystal clear eyes, I saw my face and eyes, and the tacit understanding was quietly surging; At the same time, the corners of the mouth rose up like this, and similar arcs were outlined in the reflection, reflecting each other.

Amidst the light laughter, the two looked away, warm smiles surging in their chests.

In the end, Lan Li took the lead to break the short silence, pretending to be calm and said, "The director did not leave us much space in the script, nor did he leave us too many choices. So, I can only Choose to be brave and break the shackles. But you are sure you want to choose a humorous image, what if you don’t work?"

"Then it proves that I am not a good actor." Rooney also returned to normal, and the answer was even more succinct and uncompromising. "So, I specifically chose this work, and Lan Li-Hall. Don’t you know how many actors are envious of me now? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Looking at the urgency in Rooney's eyes, Lan Li said solemnly, "I really don't know, why don't you talk to me?"

Anti-General, this made Rooney slightly stunned, and then she saw the smile that emerged from the bottom of Lan Li's eyes. Rooney couldn't help but bit her lower lip gently. After all, she couldn't hold back her smile and climbed to the corner of her mouth. , Responded calmly, "Why don't we find a place now, ask for two glasses of beer, sit down and communicate slowly?"

"Beer? This is a good idea." Another strange voice intervened and interrupted the conversation between Renly and Rooney. The two turned their heads, and then they saw Alfonso-Caron.

It instantly became the focus of attention. Alfonso seemed to be uncomfortable. He scratched his head shyly and awkwardly, lowered his eyes, avoiding the sight of Renly and Rooney, "Sorry, I didn't interrupt you on purpose."

It has been a while since Alfonso appeared here. Nathan noticed Alfonso's figure, but he made a silent gesture without interrupting the communication between Lan Li and Rooney.

He likes the communication between the two people. He can already feel the chemical reaction between the actors before officially entering the crew. Moreover, the two people have stepped on the same rhythm in terms of roles and performance. It's a good thing.

During the audition process, Alfonso decided on Rooney because he especially liked the delicate and tough texture of Rooney's performance. He always felt that the rivalry between Rooney and Renly might be different. Sparks. It now appears that he made the right decision.

The only regret is that Alfonso himself was not able to join in.

As a director and a screenwriter, Alfonso’s mouth is always itchy, ready to move, eager to participate in their conversations, eager to express his views, eager to conceive the role as a director; but he has never found a good opportunity. It's really frustrating. Now, seeing the opportunity finally, Alfonso also cut into the topic How about this, let's find a place to sit down, prepare a few beers of beer, and then have a good exchange? Alfonso's eyes widened. He first looked at Rooney on the left, and then at Lan Li on the right, asking for their consent. The uneasy rubbing of his hands and the deer bumping into each other revealed the tension in his heart.

Rooney was stunned, her eyes slid in surprise. Obviously she didn't expect Alfonso to be such a shy personality. She raised her head to look at Lan Li, and then she saw Lan Li's raised mouth, her eyes flashing lightly. , Expressed affirmation, which made Rooney smile too.

"No problem." Lan Li replied, ending Alfonso's pain, and then he saw Alfonso clenching his fists hard, and his expression was so eager that people couldn't help but laugh, "Why, you want to drink beer. ?" Lan Li deliberately blurred the focus.

Alfonso stayed in a daze, and then honestly said, "No, it's not. After reading your last email, I made changes to the script. Now, I want to communicate further, and the details still need to be refined. . For the way and rhythm of the performance, have you determined the framework now?"

Lan Li didn't answer immediately, but made an inviting gesture, "We have been here for 30 minutes, and the residents of the town think we are in a bad mood. Let's find a place to sit down."

In a low laugh, Lan Li politely patted Alfonso’s arm, “As for the performance, I still need to take a look at the equipment. Didn’t you say before that the shooting equipment is different this time? ..."

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