The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1058: Not low-key

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After the Toronto Film Festival and the Venice Film Festival have come to an end, this also means that this year’s awards season has quietly started, the acclaimed "master" in Venice, and the "line of happiness behind the dark clouds" that won countless applause in Toronto. , These two works took the lead in the awards season, and officially led people's attention to the college public relations at the end of the year.

I don't know, compared to the chaos of last year, what will this year's awards season look like.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, the official Twitter of Vanity Fair tweeted a message, “The latest news in the industry: Lanly Hall’s latest work is officially finalized. Following the'Edge of Tomorrow', Warner Bros. once again cooperated with Lanly. Participating in a new work by Mexican director Alfonso Cuarón whose name has not yet been determined. Rumor has it that Renly will join the new work with the highest pay in the industry."

The entire Twitter content is clean and refreshing, without any prefix decoration, no inventory of blue gifts from previous years, no titles such as Oscar actor or Berlin actor, or even mention of various events in this summer, just "blue gift" -Hall", but this is enough.

The official Twitter of "Vanity Fair" did not even have a personal account of Ai Te Lan Li, but only posted a message, which instantly ignited the gossip enthusiasm of all netizens on the Internet. Not only because of the "highest pay" mentioned in the tweet, but also because Lan Li will finally return to the crew and shoot a new film.

"Thank God. I have been waiting quietly, waiting for the young master to return to the set again. It is so long, so difficult, finally! Now it is finally here! God! Now, the days of waiting are finally not so terrible anymore, I You can hold your fingers, count the time, while waiting for the screening of "Transcendence" in North America, while waiting for the young master's new work. The little days are suddenly better."

This is an ordinary tweet, from an unknown ordinary netizen, but unexpectedly received the likes of countless netizens, and quickly reposted and spread, this aspect can also feel people's expectations for Lanli.

Less than fifteen minutes after the "Vanity Fair" official tweet was released, further confirmations from the major media have arrived one after another.

Among them, the tweets of "Variety Show" magazine are undoubtedly the most authoritative, and are recognized by all industry insiders, which should be the official confirmation.

"New work news: Renly Hall has formally signed a contract with Warner Bros., and will soon appear in a movie directed by Alfonso Cuarón. There is no news on the lineup of other cast members. Warner Bros. said they will give Lan The ceremony is the highest treatment in the industry. The internal staff said that it should be the treatment of more than 20 million clubs. Now reporters are still waiting for further official confirmation."

As a result, the Hollywood industry began to talk eloquently.

After experiencing the 550 million box office in North America on the "edge of tomorrow", everyone is curious about Lan Li's next work, and also curious about Lan Li's remuneration, which has sparked countless discussions.

According to rumors, the six major Hollywood film companies have all shot together, even surpassing the original Johnny Depp and Robert Downey Jr., not only because of Lan Li’s younger age and better acting skills, but also because of the ice bucket challenge and The great success of "Les Miserables" reveals the profound background of market appeal in all aspects. This makes the confidence of the industry rise to the height of what it was before.

In a trance, the little golden man's curse had actually been broken.

Under the higher expectations, Lanli’s position in the industry has doubled, tripled, or even more, not only the salary, but also the reputation and prestige, all of which have actually broken away from the little golden monster. The curse became the step for Lan Li to become a top superstar.

Despite this, people are still curious about what treatment Lanly can get, and whether Lanly's new works can continue the miracle under higher expectations.

Now, Warner Bros. has once again won the contract for Renly's new work. With the blessing of "Edge of Tomorrow", this also means that Barry Meyer may really make a big stroke of the pen and raise Ren Li's treatment to the extreme.

From film companies to big-name producers, to media reporters and behind-the-scenes staff, everyone is discussing this latest news.

At the same time, Universal Pictures also lay down again, because not long ago, "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 6" was officially announced, which once again awakened people’s nostalgia for Lan Li, and could not help but start to imagine, if Lan Li and the sequel were originally If you sign the contract... the innocent crew of "Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 6", in this incident, really lay a gun.

The development of the situation gradually lost control. Originally, Warner Bros. wanted to keep a low profile so that the crew could exclude all external influences and concentrate on shooting; but now it seems that the low-key strategy is no longer feasible, Warner Bros. He didn't continue to hide and cover up, and announced the news generously through official Twitter.

"Yes, Lanly-Hall signed it."

A simple and domineering official announcement ignited an enthusiastic response from netizens on Twitter. Even though there was no further news in this tweet, it was officially confirmed from an official standpoint. All "rumors" "It's all really implemented.

Immediately afterwards, the "Variety Show" magazine further reported more detailed content.

"In this work temporarily named'Gravity', Lan Li will once again take the lead after being'buried alive' to challenge the one-man show; Warner Bros. officially confirmed that the actor is the director Alfonso-Caron himself. The selection, personal invitation and personal persuasion impressed Lan Li with sincerity and persuaded the young actor to join the crew."

"At present, Warner Bros. officials have not responded to the pay figures. However, according to insiders, Warner Bros. is willing to invite Lan Li to perform in this work with a pay of 20 million US dollars, and the final number of signatures is only high or low."

"In addition, Renly will also appear in the cast as a co-producer, because Renly played an important role in the creation of'Edge of Tomorrow', and Warner Bros. affirmed Renly's ability. ."

Three consecutive tweets really showed the face of this work, but it is a pity that Warner Bros. and Andy Rogers did not respond to the salary issue that people are most concerned about. Obviously, there is no plan to make a positive announcement. However, this is Hollywood, Hollywood where rumors never stop, and Hollywood where news flows at an unparalleled speed.

In just twenty-four hours, the "Hollywood Reporter" released the latest news, answering the curiosity and doubts of countless people.

"Len Li-Hall will join the'Gravity' crew with no base salary, and will receive a 12% box office dividend as an actor and producer; in addition, the peripheral income of the movie will exceed 100 million US dollars. After that, Lanli will receive a bonus of three million.

Once confirmed, this also means that Lanly has officially joined the ranks of Johnny Depp and Robert Downey Jr., becoming one of the most valuable actors in the industry. "

In an instant, all eyes gathered. A box office dividend of 12% is the top of the top for any actor.

In addition, the peripheral income has always been reserved for the film company. This part of the profit is also the key to the film company's cost recovery and profitability. Those works that have failed at the box office are used to recover the defeat through the peripheral income. Now, Lanly can take a share of the peripheral income, even if it is not much, this is the treatment of Harrison Ford and Steven Spielberg.

This is also a treatment that Johnny Depp did not have, and Robert Downey Jr. does not have it for the time being-after the "Avengers", the creative artist agency is bound to start fighting for such treatment for Robert.

Precisely because of this, although Lanli's remuneration is not a 20 million club in one go, it still caused an uproar in the industry. The conclusion of the "Hollywood Reporter" is the best summary, "one of the most valuable actors in the industry."

After the news was announced, there was a lot of chattering, and even unthinkable. Lan Li can definitely be said to have made it to the sky in one step, and people will not forget that last year, they made a fuss because of the 10 million rewards of "Edge of Tomorrow"; but unexpectedly. What's more, surprise is surprised, but the general view is that it is natural and logical ~ After experiencing this summer's madness, no one will object to it, and everything will come naturally.

As a result, the "Gravity" crew has not even officially started filming, it has become one of the biggest discussion hotspots this fall, and even faintly surpassed the just-opened awards season, sparking countless expectations.

Originally, Warner Bros. finally wanted to keep a low profile, but it turned out to be a vigorous and high profile. Such a situation is really embarrassing.

Immediately afterwards, the official Twitter of "U.S. Weekly" once again ignited people's curiosity and excitement. "The upcoming "Gravity" filming officially confirmed the candidate for the heroine. Rooney Mara is about to compete with With Lanly Hall, this is the first collaboration between two new-generation actors. This week, the crew will head to the UK to start filming in the studio in Surrey."

The candidate for the heroine is determined!

Rooney Mara, it's Rooney Mara!

Last year, Rooney, who shined throughout the awards season with the "Girl with Dragon Tattoo", rose very fast, and her spiritual performance really made people see her talent and joined the ranks of the rising stars of the Y generation, one after another. Earth began to appear in the ranks of many independent film works.

Strictly speaking, "social network" and "girl with dragon tattoo" are actually commercial works of art, and the same is true of current "gravity". Rooney's unique temperament is undoubtedly an important supplement to the works.

According to reports, Lan Li was once infinitely close to the position of the leading actor of the "Girl with Dragon Tattoo", but unfortunately he did not make it in the end. The two new generation actors missed the opportunity to cooperate; now in the "gravity", finally usher Opportunity.

Following Felicity Jones and Jennifer Lawrence, Renley once again cooperated with the new generation of actresses, which is really exciting.

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