The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1057: Glorious ending

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"New York Times", "If anyone is still questioning, why can Renly Hall become the youngest Oscar winner in history? Then please come to Broadway to watch the adapted version of "Les Miserables". This young actor's The performance is delicate and powerful, tough and turbulent. There is no doubt that he is the leader among the younger generation of Generation Y!"

"The New Yorker", "The charm of the performance and the tension of the drama were vividly performed on the Broadway stage. The six-hour performance still made people feel reluctant and unable to extricate themselves, rather than boring and sitting on pins and needles. Renly-Hall succeeded in doing this."

"Wall Street Journal", "For the new generation of young people, even movies have gradually begun to retreat to the Internet, and Broadway is an old thing. But if the younger generation is interested in the art form of Broadway, then' The “Miscellaneous World” is undoubtedly a good and excellent start, not only because of the top performances by Lan Li-Hall, but also because of the familiar story and the magnificent background, which truly presents a period of history and an era of dysfunction. The whole picture."

"People" magazine, "The most worthy drama in the theater since the millennium,'Les Miserables'."

"Chicago Tribune", "John Cod gave this familiar story a deeper meaning; and Ranley Hall gave a more vivid interpretation of these meanings."

"Seattle Post", "Invite every audience to walk into the Richard Rogers Theater! This will be the most correct decision this summer."

"New York Post", "If you need a reason to come to Broadway, then Lanly-Hall will be the best answer; if you need a window to understand drama, then Lanly-Hall will also be the best answer . Obviously, no one can reject the charm of Lanly Hall, especially when he is standing on the stage with a strong chest."

...Wait, in the midst of the praise, the style of painting suddenly seems a bit wrong.

However, this is the style of the "New York Post". Compared with the "New York Times", it is less serious and dull, more witty and relaxed, and occasionally some ridicule. Of course, this is only relative.

When John Cod’s version of "Les Miserables" landed on Broadway, London’s West End had already been well-known for its rave reviews. This was a repertoire that was touring; however, when the U.S. industry media appeared on the night of its premiere Later, when I published my professional remarks for the first time, it still caused a cry of exclamation.

The real zero-negative works, and not the "eighty points" zero-negative reviews, but the "ninety-five points" or even the "ninety-five points" zero-negative reviews, which vigorously promoted the reputation of "Les Miserables". peak.

Everyone knows that drama critics are undoubtedly demanding, tricky and critical. They never scrupulously care about top superstars and super big names. They are outspoken, sharp and full of firepower; what people don’t understand is professional drama critics. They are also dedicated and devoted, for the theater industry they love, for the theater industry that is gradually dying, they love it so much, and it is the responsibility of love.

Therefore, for those outstanding and outstanding works, the critics will never be stingy with their words of praise, and can't wait to tell the whole world, let everyone come to the theater to appreciate the elegance of the theater stage. If they can, they are even willing to stand at the door of the theater and tell every audience how good this play is and how worthy of appreciation it is.

In this way, they hope to continue the vitality of drama and continue to survive in this fast-food era.

This time, "Les Miserables" was treated like this.

For the New York critics, the only regret is that the six-hour period. For young American millennials who lack cultural heritage and quality, they will not even want to enter the theater and refuse to accept the six-hour period. Hours of torture, even if this is a masterpiece.

Under the influence of the fast food era and the Internet culture, the younger generation is gradually losing patience. This is a worldwide issue. But in comparison, Europe’s cultural heritage is still deeper, so "Les Miserables" has achieved great success in London and has infected young people; the United States, spoiled by the bombardment of Hollywood popcorn, But there is no such precipitation.

This is a pity, but the critics have also admitted that this pity is precisely what makes "Les Miserables" outstanding and outstanding, and the majestic and magnificent background is revealed. This is just like the "Lawrence of Arabia" and "Benxu". Such epic works, the former is 216 minutes, the Houhe 212 minutes, enough foreshadowing and connotation, is the success of the work. Sign.

Of course, the same is true for the "Lord of the Ring" series in the 21st century.

As a result, the entire New York theater critics were in a frenzy. The praises are rave reviews, the real praises are rave reviews, even far beyond imagination, those calm and low-key drama critics, one after another stand up, can’t wait to send praises, hoarsely calling for the audience to enter the theater and appreciate this. A rare masterpiece.

Even if people are already mentally prepared to witness such a frenzy with their own eyes, they can't help but be stunned.

For Lan Li, critics are full of praise.

This young actor, who is about to turn 23, carries the aura of the youngest Oscar actor in history. He can choose any Hollywood work to play, but he chose London’s West End and Broadway, which took more than half a year. Constantly polishing oneself on the theater stage, this dedication and focus has won the recognition of the entire theater industry.

What's more, solid acting skills, excellent stage skills, and delicate rhythm control truly demonstrate the ability and talent as an actor, and re-endow the unique charm of the role of Jean Arjean with absolute strength. Conquered the critical eyes of the critics. This is undoubtedly awe-inspiring.

Of course, with his personal reputation, Lan Li successfully created a surging crowd on Broadway, once again letting people see the glory of the peak period, and even hope to promote the recovery of the entire theater industry. For the critics, this is definitely a breakthrough in gratitude.

According to rumors, the circle of critics in New York has stated that everyone has watched at least five "Les Miserables" scenes, which is the lowest limit, not the average number.

Every drama critic is joining this wave in their own way; at the same time, they are also watching this drama over and over again, hoping that John Cod and Lanly Hall can. Do better.

"Les Miserables" has become the hottest spot in New York, not only John and Renly, but also other young actors in the same drama, whether it is the famous Tom Holland or the fledgling Joe Alvin. , They have won a lot of attention, and critics have examined these young actors with a more detailed and in-depth perspective, and paid attention to their future prospects.

From London to New York, this craze has continued unabated, and even on the North American continent, the more mature business model and the more entrenched market appeal of Renly have successfully created a bigger and longer "Les Miserable World". Farther waves.

The duration of three months and one quarter sounds extremely long, but when you are in it, you can only feel the passing of time. Before you have time to enjoy it carefully, the performance of "Les Miserables" on Broadway has come to an end.

The whole performance season still showed a difference, with the ending performance of Lan Li as the watershed.

In the two months before this, the Richard Rogers Theater has ushered in a crowded and endless stream of turbulent grandeur. This is a scene that has never been seen since the new century, and a real ticket is hard to find. Even the VIP box is like this. From the first day of the premiere night to the last day of the closing performance, the entire theater has reached 100% attendance. People can't help but jokingly say that the VIP box has become a measure of New York's upper class society. The latest standards.

In the following month, the craze at the Richard Rogers Theater quickly faded. Only after the performance of Renly, the attendance rate dropped to 80%, showing a cliff. The fall of style This is obviously not good news for the theater, but it also confirms a point: People come for Lanli, which once again proves the appeal of Lanli.

After that, the attendance rate dropped further. At the end of all performances, the average attendance rate remained at about 70%, with lows and pick-ups. On the whole, the box office trend still exceeded expectations. The inner expectation value is above.

This also verifies the predictions of professionals in London and New York: after the curiosity and impulse brought by Lan Li's personal appeal, the aftermath of the drama industry still exists, and it will more or less re-drive the progress of the industry. But what height can be achieved depends on the quality of subsequent works.

This is a long and difficult journey, but at least they have taken the first step. It's like "Don Quixote" and folk songs.

As a result, the Almeida Theater and the Richard Rogers Theater both issued official announcements, officially announcing that "Les Miserables" will remain in the theater and continue to perform, with a new cast lineup, and John Cod will serve as the guest director He is also a producer to ensure the quality of the work; in addition, Lan Li-Hall is also named as a co-producer and will be responsible for the casting and training of the actors.

The John Cod version of "Les Miserables" will be staged at the Almeida Theater for at least one year, while the Richard Rogers Theater will be performed for six months. Whether the follow-up will continue to be staged, or even touring in other cities around the world, we will wait and see.

This is an improvement, a huge improvement, for the theater industry, for both John and Renly.

Also, the same is true for fans who like Lanli.

Because, after ending his eight-month drama career, Lanly finally officially announced that he will return to the big screen to start shooting and production of new works.

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