The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1023: Family reaction

Cicilia-Davis is reading carefully the newspapers that have just been released this morning, from "The Times" to "The Sun", from "Empire" to "Q Magazine", without limiting the subject matter and The media concentrates on absorbing the latest news of the day. There are still several galleries art magazines scattered on hand, and industry professional magazines with low circulation, but professional enough.

At eleven o’clock in the morning in London, the gray sky gradually revealed a gleam of brilliance. It seemed that the sun was trying its best to penetrate the clouds and revealed a little halo. It lightly outlined the outline of summer, but still felt not clear enough. It seems that the cold and bitterness of winter still remains in the middle-not spring, but winter.

In the art gallery, there is no sound, not even a trace of noise. It is quiet and peaceful. The traffic outside the floor-to-ceiling windows seems to have nothing to do with the interior. A glass door separates the two worlds, involuntarily, even breathing. They all slowed down, lest they might break the peace with a single sound.

For some people, this is a kind of enjoyment, the rare quietness in the busy and noisy city; but for some people, it is a kind of torture. where.

As an art dealer, Cecilia has gradually become accustomed to such an elegant and quiet way of doing things. Although in her spare time, she doesn't mind to indulge herself; but in working hours, she can concentrate on It settles down and truly enters the world of art.

What's more, her boss is an extremely strict lady, who is perverted with respect to etiquette, taste, and requirements for details.

Before the "Queen Wearing Prada" was released, everyone said that Miranda in the movie was a demon boss, and the prototype in real life-Anna Wintour, editor-in-chief of "Vogue" magazine, is probably even more terrifying. Exist; but in Cecilia's eyes, whether it is film or reality, compared with her boss, they are like gentle angels.

Only when you have seen a real demon can you know that real life is far more cruel than movies.

After so many years of meticulous polishing, Cecilia has been out of the school smoothly, calmly handling all accidents, a cup of coffee, a newspaper, which can constitute a perfect morning.


The sound of the glass door pushed gently in the art gallery. Generally speaking, in the morning, few guests come to visit, but occasionally special circumstances still occur; therefore, Cecelia raised her head and showed a polite smile, without saying hello, just reporting Take a friendly sight.

This is also a request from the boss.

Because the boss insists that the art gallery should be a space for soul communication. Too flattery, too diligent, and too commercial, but loses the original temperament. They should leave enough space for the guests to calm down and appreciate it slowly. Appreciators with real taste can always find works that fit their souls here.

For Cecilia, this is a good thing. A smile and a look are enough.

But the next moment, Cecilia stood up and nodded again, but she expressed enough dignity and attention, did not say a greeting, but her muscles were tight, maintaining a high level of concentration and full concentration. Because the boss appeared.

The lady in front of me has a slender body and elegant temperament. A simple white lace dress with tender green stiletto heels, and a black classic handbag in her hand, does not see any brand or value, but The demeanor of the whole body is also noble in the ability, and the powerful aura reveals grace and nobility invisibly.

Cecilia knew that all the outfits on her body were all custom-made, and without a brand, the value would naturally be impossible to assess. Only after real contact can we understand that the so-called brand has no meaning to the nobles in the upper class.

"Good morning." Elizabeth Hall gestured lightly with her jaw. There is no dominance, no high above, and the gentle voice always makes people's minds involuntarily come up with the word "perfect".

Cecilia did not answer, but nodded again. The introverted and decent response fully interprets the elegance of the aristocracy. After working for so many years, all around him are the aristocrats of London, and Cecilia is now gradually Learned the relevant etiquette, but it is tangible and innocent.

"I'm just here to inform that everything has been arranged for the private party next week. The final process list and guest list should be mailed today. After signing the receipt, confirm and troubleshoot. After there are no problems, you can send it. Going out." Elizabeth said simply, "In addition, the invitation list for the private collection, you can sort out the mail, and you will need it tomorrow at the latest."

"Yes, ma'am." Cecilia answered politely.

After the confession, Elizabeth moved forward again, moving towards the inner studio. Just as Cecilia breathed a sigh of relief and gradually relaxed, Elizabeth paused again and backed up again. This is..." The slightly raised tail sound is like kapok floating slightly in the air in March, graceful and graceful, revealing some doubts.

After watching Elizabeth's sight, Cecilia saw today's "The Times". The headline on the front page was indeed very conspicuous. With just a glance, the information could be accurately captured.

Cecilia was a little confused, because Elizabeth never cared about these gossips, but she still condensed her thoughts, tried to maintain etiquette, and explained with a smile, "This is the most sensational headline news today, Lanly-Hall, that A Hollywood actor is the youngest winner to win an Oscar last year..."

Cecilia's words paused for a while, because she could deeply feel the sudden drop in the temperature around Elizabeth, as if returning from summer to autumn in an instant. The chilly feeling made the hairs of the entire spine stand up, but then, Elizabeth spoke again, "Oh? Go on."

The calm words did not feel the rush of emotions at all, but Cecelia always felt that something was wrong, but could not tell why.

"Lan Li, is the hottest young actor in the past two years. The news broke that he is actually a hereditary aristocrat, with a distinguished family background and excellent education. Now he has aroused many discussions." Cecilia is not sure whether she should continue to say. Going down, the words were still a bit hesitant, but then she felt Elizabeth's gaze again, and she could only bite the bullet and speak again.

"He is a quite legendary actor. No one has ever known his family and life experience. He is completely relying on his talents and abilities to roam in Hollywood, conquering countless audiences, and proving that he is a talented and talented person. Actor, the movie "Love Is Crazy" the year before last is still the favorite of many people."

"Not long ago, he was well received in "Les Miserables" in the West End. Many critics considered him to be the most outstanding actor since Lawrence Oliver. This is really an amazing thing!"

"It's really surprising that he suddenly broke the news about his family background; but when you think about it, it makes sense. Lan Li was originally an elegant gentleman, but he was only twenty-three years old, and he was unbelievable. It’s calm and elegant. To be honest, such an actor is really too rare. For the audience, this is a blessing."

"By the way, this time, the movie "Edge of Tomorrow" starring him has just been released in the UK, and the box office of the premiere weekend has created the second best result of the year. After watching many of my friends, they all said they liked it very much. That kind of simple popcorn, but a real in-depth commercial movie, I plan to watch it this weekend."

"To be honest, he is really too legendary. Now many media believe that he has surpassed Prince Harry and became the most valuable golden bachelor in the UK..."

While talking, Cecilia realized that her own nature was exposed. When she was excited, she poured out all her thoughts in a splash of mouth foam. The more she talked about it, she became more excited, even a little forgetful, completely forgot. Standing in front of her was her boss, and then Cecilia could feel Elizabeth's increasingly calm and awful aura.

In an instant, Cecilia came into contact with Elizabeth’s sight, and a touch of cold and sharp tingling came over, like a substantial sharp blade, and flew towards her eyes fiercely. It was too fierce and fierce. So that all Cecilia's words were cut off in the throat abruptly, and no sound could be After recovering, Cecilia realized that she was behind her back. There was a layer of cold sweat, even the shirt was soaked, and the fear from the depths of the soul made the whole person tremble slightly.

In an instant, all the feelings were just an instant burst, and then it was fleeting, and Elizabeth in her sight returned to calm again, without any special fluctuations, like the same quiet lake, deep and quiet, as if everything was just now. The feelings were just an illusion of Cecilia herself.

But is that really an illusion?

"So, you like Lanli?" Elizabeth's voice still has no fluctuations, elegant and calm, gentle and graceful, like the best velvet in the world, and her fingertips can't help but linger.

Cecilia's survival instinct/capability suddenly burst out, and she reflexively wanted to deny it, but when the words reached her lips, she immediately realized that her reaction had leaked the details, and she could not speak nonsense with her eyes open. , Can only bite the bullet and nodded, "Yes, occasionally pay attention to attention, I think he is a, special actor."

There was silence, and there was no response from Elizabeth.

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