The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1022: Local performance

The production cost of 130 million yuan, the original novel that no one cares about-even on the blacklist of the script, the cast lineup lacking starlight, the super schedule in a difficult situation, the dull and low-key pre-propaganda...

All of it seems to indicate that "Edge of Tomorrow" will become a summer dud, and it cannot even exceed the "Prometheus" and "Madagascar 3" released in the same period. The media's premiere box office forecast is only two. Fifteen million dollars.

However, this is such a work that replicates the box office curve miracle of "Titanic" and "Avatar". Under the circumstances of not being optimistic, the more frustrated, the more courageous, the follow-up box office collection ability is jaw-dropping, and finally It surpassed the 500 million threshold and became the fifth work in North American history to reach such a high level. At the same time, it is undoubtedly the first actor in the Y generation to achieve such an achievement—

"Star Wars: The Threat of Ghosts" starring Natalie Portman has a North American box office of 474 million, which has not been able to reach such a high level.

At present, on the cumulative box office list of North American film history, "Avatar", "Titanic", and "Avengers" are in the top three separately, and "Edge of Tomorrow" strongly occupies the fourth place. Known as a classic "Batman: The Dark Knight".

Before the summer file was opened, people were discussing that the baby boomers represented by Tom Cruise, Will Smith, Johnny Depp, and Robert Downey Jr. are gradually declining, and Generation X and Y Generations have been unable to keep up and take the burden. Among the new generation of actors, the duel of "Chris Hemsworth VS Lanly Hall VS Andrew Garfield" has also attracted a lot of attention.

Now, Chris’s "Snow White and the Huntsman" performance is unsatisfactory, and Andrew's "The Amazing Spider-Man" is also far below expectations. It seems that it is still extremely difficult for Gen Y to seize power, but Lanly is the only exception.

Five consecutive works achieved box office profit, four consecutive works broke 100 million in North American box office, and none of the works are a sequel—"Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5" is not a sequel of Lanly, but a sequel of Van Diesel and Paul Walker ; In addition, he also owns the first North American work worth 500 million yuan, which is two steps higher than last year's "speed and excitement/emotion".

In Lan Li’s body, people saw the shadow of "box office appeal" again for the first time. It was not Robert Downey Jr. and Johnny Depp's tricks, but Tom Cruise and Will. The Smith-like actor's personal charm, which complements the in-depth report of "Entertainment Weekly", has really given the industry more thoughts and discussions on the future development trend.

The boom in North America is full of enthusiasm, and at the same time, the overseas market is also very noisy and endless.

The first to bear the brunt is of course the United Kingdom!

As the hometown of Lan Li, the support and affirmation from the British Isles is always a special existence. Looking at the box office data of several past films of Lan Li, you can clearly feel the large amount of support from here, especially last year. "Crazy Love" has created a box office miracle and achieved box office data that is not inferior to that of the United States, and the aftermath of the impact is still lingering.

Just before the release of "Edge of Tomorrow", the wonderful performance of "Les Miserables" in the West End of London set off a stormy sea!

Compared with North America, there is no doubt that the British natives support traditional academy actors. They still continue the fine tradition of watching drama, and professional newspapers such as "stage" have an unparalleled lofty status and a different artistic atmosphere. , Also created a different positioning of actors.

Everyone says that if you want to win the support and recognition of British actor colleagues and predecessors, the polishing of the West End stage is the most important and necessary way; similarly, if you want to win the love and support of the British audience, the performance of the West End stage is also a must An indispensable journey, no one can make an exception.

The young Lan Li is undoubtedly a unique existence among many actors in the UK. Works such as "Anti-Cancer Me", "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" are very close to the preferences of young audiences, and "The Miserable World" "The high praise in the West End of London won the support of professional audiences, and the moving "Crazy Love" has successfully captured the hearts of countless audiences before winning the Oscars.

This summer, the North American continent is paying attention to the "new and old showdown", and the box office prospects of "Edge of Tomorrow" are not promising; but in the UK, before the official premiere of "Edge of Tomorrow", it was considered by the media to be this year. One of the most anticipated works, the influence is even close to the "Avengers".

This is the difference.

In the first week of June, "Edge of Tomorrow" held its grand premiere in Los Angeles, and then ushered in a frenzy of media praise. The British Isles on the other side of the Atlantic were even more excited, eagerly looking forward to the official landing of this work. .

"The Times" wrote a piece of news for the first time, "Renly-Hall is still the'that'-Renly-Hall:'Edge of Tomorrow' received a lot of praise after its premiere!"

This is an official news report, not an editorial or a feature. The content only reports the media reviews of "Edge of Tomorrow", the Rotten Tomatoes Index, etc., and reports the grand opening of the "Edge of Tomorrow". At the end of the article , This British media traditionally said:

"Since the first time on the small screen in the'Pacific War', Lanly-Hall has successfully maintained his precise and critical vision. Each work has characteristics and quality, and he has dedicated himself to high quality. The quality of the performance has remained unbeaten, from word of mouth to box office.

In this young actor, you can see the shadow of Daniel Day-Lewis. His name has become the guarantee of the quality of the work. Like a brand, he is slowly forming his own brand influence. The difference is that Day Lewis is a pure art performer, while Hall has a strong market potential. The box office prospects of "Edge of Tomorrow" are worth looking forward to! "

After "Edge of Tomorrow" achieved a box office victory, the North American region is now discussing Renly's market appeal and believes that he has the potential to become the second Tom Cruise and the second Will Smith.

However, before the official release of "Edge of Tomorrow", the British region had already made conclusions in advance, saying that Lanly now has its own appeal and has become an important guarantee for the quality of the work. "The Times" is just one of them.

Facts have also proved the foresight of the British media.

On June 8, "Edge of Tomorrow" officially landed in the UK market, keeping pace with North America.

On June 6, "Edge of Tomorrow" held its grand premiere in Los Angeles; on June 7, the entire crew of "Edge of Tomorrow" came to London for the grand premiere, which was held at the film’s location in Tela Fajal Square.

That night, Warner Bros. reproduced the actual scene of Trafalgar Square in the movie with great effort, successfully allowing every premiere participant to travel through time and space and enter the story of the film; and to bring the highly acclaimed time and space of Los Angeles The tunnel is also reappearing in London, truly creating an unforgettable movie-watching experience.

When Lan Li led the entire crew on stage, it undoubtedly became the biggest climax of the night of the London premiere.

Unfortunately, Lanly did not stay in London. After the premiere, the group immediately went to Heathrow Airport and took a flight to New York to participate in the promotion of the next itinerary. They just stopped in London before and after. Five hours; however, this still did not affect the audience's enthusiasm for watching movies.

The midnight show on the night of June 7th ushered in fullness! Really full!

According to statistics, the box office data of the Midnight Show easily surpassed the "Avengers" and created the best record of this year's British Midnight Show. The sturdy explosive force made all the British media involuntarily exclaimed, once again. People feel the unparalleled and powerful appeal of Lan Li.

From Friday to Saturday to Sunday, the movie frenzy remains high. Although the box office potential of the UK market is not as good as that of the North American continent, it is still the most important box office market in the world. It is on par with Japan, competing for the second and third positions in the world. The box office data of every film work here is as good as Important.

In the end, during the premiere weekend, "Edge of Tomorrow" won $17 million at the box office!

The mighty box-office sweeping ability has even triggered the North American media's competing reports, because this year's premiere box office is second only to the "Avengers" this year, ranking second in the year!

The sweep and outbreak of the "Avengers" is the result of a long period of preparation and brewing since the "Iron Man" in 2008, and the accumulation and accumulation of a full four years has created the "Avengers" sweep this year. The strong momentum of Qianjun and the star-studded cast of UU Reading have triggered a fanatical fan effect.

But what about the "edge of tomorrow"?

There is no foreshadowing, accumulation, no expectation, just relying on the appeal of two young actors, Renly Hall and Jennifer Lawrence, plus at most Paul Walker’s gimmicks, that’s all, even if it’s in the UK. The box office performance of this movie is bound to be able to create new highs, but when I really saw the data with my own eyes, they were still dislocated in shock.

In horizontal comparison, the biggest hits in the North American market this year are the "Avengers" and "The Hunger Games". The box office trends of these two works have created their own miracles and become the biggest bright spot in the film market in the first half of the year; and in the UK In the market, the premiere weekend of "Avengers" earned 25 million, and the premiere data of "The Hunger Games" was 7.7 million.

Now, "Edge of Tomorrow" has swept through 17 million US dollars without any advantage. The explosive power is strong enough to make everyone stunned! Even though North America has achieved 138 million premiere box office data, the UK's box office performance is not inferior.

It is against this background that the "Empire" magazine's revelations came on stage with great vigour!

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