The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 919: Fight even if you borrow equipment

I think it's okay, we can take advantage of their strategy again, Cang Shui Changge, the master of Weiyu Pavilion, said with a smile.

As for the opposition of the strategy team, he didn't take it to heart. This may not be the case with other unions, but Weiyu Pavilion is the voice of the water elves. As long as the water elves make a decision, the opposition of the people in the strategy team is almost non-existent.

It's not a solution to keep trying to defeat the boss. How long does it take for the strategy team to defeat this BOSS? The water elf was also very disappointed with the strategy team.

Most of the strategy team in their Weiyu Pavilion are girls. Girls are more meticulous in playing games, but their divergent thinking is often not as wild as that of men.

Although Water Elf had already recruited several male players with good performance from other guilds, they still couldn't solve the fundamental problem for a while. If it hadn't been for Lu Li's help several times before, their dungeon progress wouldn't have been so fast.

It should be about the same today. In fact, the main reason is that the MT level is not high enough, only level 46, the person in charge of the strategy team said awkwardly.

The Capital of Glory has arrived at the Mayor of Barceras. Their MT is only level 46, and the equipment is not as good as Changge. Level is not the reason. We do lack a lot of things. You don't need to tell me, I have decided Lend some of the equipment, the water elf said decisively.

The people in the strategy team were so ashamed that they could no longer say anything in opposition.

In fact, it's not that the water elf doesn't want to fight. Others think that lending equipment will affect the guild's land reclamation, but she doesn't think so.

Doesn't March Yu have any equipment? The worst case scenario is just to exchange it. Use the control release equipment to exchange for March Rain's top-notch healing equipment. It might be more advantageous when clearing up wasteland, Devourer Ramsden. After all, they didn't look at this BOSS. What powerful control skills do you have?

In addition, there was another purpose. She briefly humiliated her strategy team, hoping that these people would realize their shame and become brave again. Spending so much money on supporting them was not just waiting for the Sword of Judgment to deliver strategies.

Not long after, Lu Li took March Rain to meet the water elf at the Holy Light's Hope Chapel.

There are six pieces of dark gold equipment in total, corresponding to six control-removing skills. I searched Weiyu Pavilion and Wushuang City, and even the small guilds below were not spared. These are all top-quality, not only have control-removing special effects, but also other aspects It’s also very good, but Sister March may need to get used to it before she can reach her full potential,” said the water elf.

Just these five pieces will be enough, I have a better one. Sanyue Yu picked out the five pieces of equipment, then handed the replaced ones to the water elf, and finally added: Don't call me sister, I One year older than you.

The water elf laughed: Well, it's Sister Yue Yue. I always thought you were younger than me. After all, you are very tall...

After all, she has very young teeth. This is what the water elf has not finished saying, but it is not suitable to say it on such an occasion. The beautiful priest next to Lu Li has always interested her, but unfortunately she also knows that money is not enough. Possibly poach the other party.

I'll pass the strategy to you later, Lu Li summoned his mount and returned to the dungeon with March Rain.

Returning to the dungeon gave Sanyue Yu some time to adapt to the new equipment. With this set of equipment and Sanyue Yu's own, the number of control release skills has soared to eight, which may not be enough to endlessly lift the BOSS from slumber, but BOSS will not use all his sleep for treatment.

The only flaw is that in order to focus on relief and control, other healing abilities have been reduced, further increasing the treatment pressure.

I hope to pass the level in one go, March, Feng Shao, this time it's up to you, Bacchan, you should work hard, Lu Li announced the start of the battle after some mobilization.

Balnazar put Huadiliqing into a deep sleep right from the start. Huadiliqing used the decontrol method to release the slumber without hesitation, and then went all out to fight the BOSS without even thinking about what to do after the decontrol was used up.

If you can't even get into the P3 stage, no matter how much control you leave, it won't help.

Moreover, this BOSS has a 30% probability of being asleep and healed, and the remaining 70% is distributed among eight people, each of whom has a probability of less than 10%.

It is enough to remove one control from the Huadi Liqing equipment and add two control releases from the badge.

Rain of Chaos, Hachichan! Lu Li stopped training his teammates and gave instructions before the boss raised his sword to summon the skill. The moment the Rain of Chaos took effect, Hachichan's equipment's group healing effects were just right. Falling.

Wind Shao reduces damage, and the mind explodes. This skill does very high damage and is an instant skill.

That is to say, Lu Li was the only one who had the ability to find out in advance what skills the BOSS was going to use through clues. He could deal with it just by shouting it like this. The skill that could have knocked out sixty-seven out of ten of Azure Sea Breeze's blood only hit him a little bit.

Sleep, pay attention to the control in March, Lu Li reminded quickly when he saw the tip of the BOSS's sword pointing.

March Yu was well prepared and quickly woke up from his sleep. He treated Azure Sea Breeze promptly and prevented Azure Sea Breeze from dying in the series of critical strikes.

Recall, insert the blue totem at the foot of the magic system. Others are going to use potions to restore life. Bajiang treats MT. In March, look at the group health. Don't let anyone fall below 30%. Another rain of chaos is coming. , Lu Li carefully directed everything that should be done.

And he was constantly dealing high amounts of damage, and he controlled the rhythm very well. OT was a very unfamiliar thing to him.

Entering the P2 stage, Canmeng, your position is too close to the BOSS. Move back a little and pay attention to their mental screams. Be afraid for four seconds. Use the control skills as soon as possible. After the fear, there will be an earthquake. Pay attention to your positioning eight yards apart. , Lu Li led everyone into the P2 stage smoothly.

During this period, Sanyueyu was put to sleep three times, but she dealt with them promptly.

Group control is a very troublesome thing, especially since Balnazzar's group control range is very wide. Even remote professions may be frightened. What's even more lethal is when the players are not controlled. Another skill of Earthquake.

Within the range of the earthquake skill, players will be stunned, and dust will continue to fall from the sky, causing continuous damage to the players.

If players get together, the damage will be even more terrifying.

Therefore, Lu Li asked everyone to release the fear state at any time, and then spread out eight yards to ensure that there were no more than three people in the earthquake area.

If there are three people or less, although the earthquake cannot be underestimated, at least it will not make it too late for the treatment to deal with it.

If this can be ensured in the P2 stage and the treatment is not put to sleep, there will basically not be much suspense. With the borrowed equipment, Sanyue Yu has become a Xiaoqiang whose boss can't sleep.

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