The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 918: Addicted to Group Destruction (Please vote for monthly recommendations)

After killing a Azure Sea Breeze and sacrificing another Piao Ling, everyone finally got out of the battle safely. When they came back, they pulled the two of them up, and then everyone sat down to eat bread while looking at each other in silence.

Why didn't you revive me earlier? Azure Sea Breeze was very depressed.

It's all your fault. You can't even use a shield, and you keep saying that you are a shield control. Piao Ling had no place to vent his anger, so he had no choice but to attack his good friend.

Okay, let's continue. Piao Ling did a great job just now. He sacrificed himself for everyone. Everyone should remember to thank him, Lu Li boasted without any shame, completely forgetting that he was the one who took the lead in escaping just now.

But having said that, the battle happened only a few minutes ago, so it is much better to start over again than to waste the battle.

Brothers, I will definitely do it this time, Azure Sea Breeze rushed towards the BOSS again. This time he still wanted to test and master the method Lu Li just mentioned. He had realized that this technique was very helpful for him to fight against monsters.

The price of practice is constant mistakes, and then either he will fail alone, or everyone will fail together.

How many times has this been, the eighteenth or nineteenth time, Piao Ling asked feebly.

Don't you see that I'm almost successful? Azure Sea Breeze approached the repair robot that Lu Li had thrown on the ground and asked the robot to help him repair his equipment, focusing on a few shields that were about to lose their durability.

The repair robot produced by engineering is a must-have for land reclamation. Otherwise, you can only go back to the town to repair equipment. Traveling so far is a waste of time.

Of course, letting robots repair equipment also requires gold coins, and it is at least 20% more expensive than in towns.

In addition, repairing the robot itself is worth a lot of money. Such a cost is not something that ordinary guilds can afford. Although the Sword of Judgment has average foundation, they are not short of money compared to ordinary guilds. In addition, Lu Li can make it himself, so When they were clearing up wasteland, they rarely returned to towns to repair equipment.

Lu Li, do we still have hope of defeating this last BOSS? Xiao Hachichan asked pitifully.

Such repeated exterminations left the little girl mentally and physically exhausted.

For players who are not too keen on quest flow in dungeons, it's okay if the progress goes smoothly, but they will get tired easily if it doesn't.

In fact, their performance has been very good. Lu Li's team has not yet experienced any inactivity due to repeated group wipeouts.

It's a bit difficult, mainly because sleeping is too disgusting, Lu Li smiled bitterly. He originally thought that the team had a chance to defeat this BOSS, but they would only have to struggle a few times.

However, not everything turned out as they wished. They couldn't even get into the P3 stage. You know, the most rare BOSS is Balnazar in the P3 stage. In the last stage, Balnazar will transform into the Dread Lord. I sincerely He was so brazen that Baron Rivendell was not even worthy of carrying his shoes.

As a Dread Lord, Balnazzar can learn eight skills: Rain of Chaos, Sleep, Psychic Scream, Vampiric Aura, Domination, Psychic Blast, Earthquake, and Fingers of Pain.

Throughout the whole battle, the main ones are blood-sucking aura, sleep, and then the rain of chaos. The most important thing that appears in the P1 stage is the psychic blast. The P2 stage adds psychic screams and earthquakes. The finger of pain in the P3 stage can instantly kill any board. An unexpected profession, Dominate can control the mind of one of the players, allowing him to attack teammates or heal the BOSS. Earthquake is a group stun skill. If you cannot enter the P3 stage within 30 minutes, this skill will appear repeatedly in the P2 stage. This is also A skill that can easily destroy a player's team.

These skills are numerous and powerful.

For Mind Blast and Chaos Rain, as long as the treatment is strong, it will be enough.

However, sleep often limits the prerequisite for effective treatment, because who the BOSS puts to sleep is random. Once the sleeping object is the main healer, just give up and start over.

At this time, Azure Sea Breeze was at level 47, while the boss was at level 52. The difference was five levels, which was the most embarrassing level difference.

He was frequently hit by the BOSS and was already in danger. Once Sanyueyu was put to sleep, he could not survive the five seconds that Sanyueyu was put to sleep by any means.

Most of the dozen or so group wipeouts were due to being put to sleep due to treatment.

The best time was just after entering the P3 stage, and the team was wiped out after not lasting long.

The strategy team outside didn't have the slightest solution. After all, the strategy couldn't solve the problem that the MT's level was not enough to withstand the BOSS. Azure Sea Breeze's equipment could no longer be upgraded unless a few legendary equipment were replaced, but this was undoubtedly a pipe dream.

Moreover, his experience is also very different. He may not be able to reach level 48 in less than three to five days, and narrowing the level gap is not feasible.

Perhaps we can start with priest equipment. The strategy team, you guys, collect information from the guild on cloth armor-type control-removing equipment. I'll go find the water elves, Lu Li thought for a while and felt that this was the only way to have a glimmer of hope.

Improve the ability of the priest to release control, and quickly release the sleeping state when March Rain is put to sleep, so that the MT does not have to face the BOSS without treatment.

However, this may reduce the healing ability, after all, there are gains and losses.

What, have you beaten the last BOSS? The water elf was very surprised when he heard that Lu Li said he was fighting Balnazzar.

They are currently struggling with Lumsden the Swallower, and they have been unable to defeat him for as long as Lu Li's side.

We have encountered some difficulties. Do your priests have better control equipment and props? Lu Li's personal connections are not very strong, so he can only borrow equipment from Weiyu Pavilion. He feels that he is really good in this regard. It needs to be strengthened.

Unlock the equipment, I have to ask, please wait a moment, the water elf said in embarrassment.

She said she was asking, but in fact, there was something she didn't understand. The main thing was to discuss it with the people in the guild. After all, their strongest priest, Xing Xing Nannan, was following the land reclamation in the dungeon.

If they lend the equipment to Lu Li, will they still open up wasteland?

After explaining the situation to her own team, the land reclamation team in Weiyu Pavilion naturally marveled at the progress of the Sword of Judgment. They had not even cleared the Undead Zone, and others had to deal with the final BOSS of the Blood Zone.

People are more infuriating than people.

But the question of whether to borrow equipment or not has caused huge controversy in the wasteland development group.

Of course, there are many people who oppose it, and they account for the majority, especially the people in their strategy team who oppose it fiercely.

Compared to other guilds, the strategy team of Weiyu Pavilion is under a lot of pressure. They have been slapped in the face by the strategies provided by Sword of Judgment many times. They have long been holding back a ball of fire in their hearts. They want to prove that they are no better than the rookies of Sword of Judgment. They are bad.

Now that I am asking to waste my progress to help the Sword of Judgment, where will they be placed in the strategy team?

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