The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 894 The kindness of the wealthy woman

However, Lu Li doesn't have the kind of mental disorder that would make him throw away the quilt because it doesn't fit his aesthetic taste.

In the game Shuguang, regular equipment does not differentiate between men and women. However, the same equipment will automatically change its appearance when worn on a man or on a woman. It is not impossible to even add a few more small flowers for embellishment.

Of course, Lu Li was more concerned about the attributes of the equipment.

Phantom Cloak (Dark Gold): Armor 65, Agility +40, Strength +20, Constitution +10, Movement Speed ​​+15%, Special Effect 1: Phantom Swiftness, after use, movement speed increases by 200%, lasting 30 seconds, cooling time 2 Minutes, can only be used in non-combat conditions. Special Effect 2: Phantom Assault. Three phantoms appear behind the target. Each phantom has 40% of the body’s attack power. It lasts for 20 seconds and cools down for 30 minutes. Special Effect 3: Phantom Hide. After use, it enters a strong invisible state, the stealth effect is increased by 20%, the movement speed is increased by 300%, lasting for six seconds, the cooling time is 1 hour, the equipment requirement is level 45, exclusive to thieves, and the durability is 150/150.

After seeing the attributes, Lu Li couldn't help but gasped. He knew this cloak.

Of course, this kind of cloak is not the only one. He had seen this cloak when he played the Dire Maul with the group in his previous life. The copy he played that time was very unpleasant.

At the beginning, the leader said that everything was rolled, as long as there was demand. However, after the cloak was revealed, the leader's precarious bottom line was instantly wiped out. He hacked the equipment for various reasons.

This is what a wild group is like. The leader of the group has the right to distribute equipment. If he is shameless, no one can do anything about it.

That's why Lu Li valued the team so much in his life. Even at the expense of some of his interests, he managed to win over a group of trustworthy friends and step by step he has never been embarrassed because of equipment.

Lu Li's cloak was far worse than this one.

Voodoo Cloak (Excellent Gold): Armor 45, Agility +30, Strength +16, Movement Speed ​​+6%, Special Effect 1: Increased stealth effect by 18%, Special Effect 2: Follow like a shadow, use, rush to the target with 40% acceleration , lasts for 3 seconds, the damage of the first attack skill after approaching the target is increased by 30%, the cooling time is 2 minutes, the equipment requirement is level 40, and the durability is 115/115.

It's just that Lu Li's cloak is part of a suit, so it won't be replaced for a while.

Unless he can find a better one to replace it, and he has to replace the entire suit. Without the suit attribute bonus, the parts of the voodoo suit are relatively average.

The biggest thing about the Phantom Cloak for him is Phantom Swiftness.

It increases the movement speed by 200%, lasts for 30 seconds, has a two-minute cooldown, and can only be used in non-combat situations. It seems to be a setting that makes this special effect rapidly depreciate, but it has no impact on his participation in marathons.

Thank you. This equipment is very good. How did you get it? Lu Li was curious.

The killing came out, the water elf said with some pride. As a female gamer who ranks alongside many great gods, she has withstood too many doubts. The public generally believes that her fame is mostly due to her appearance.

Didn't that poor guy delete his account and try again? Lu Li suddenly felt sympathy for the friend who was killed.

The Song of Everlasting Regret from the Prosperous Dynasty didn't know why he went crazy that day. He attacked me while I was leveling up and was killed by me. He lost this cloak. He is indeed a famous star racer, the water elf said to This means a great sense of accomplishment.

Song of Everlasting Regret from the prosperous dynasty was also a leader among thieves. His rise back then was a bloody one, and countless people paved his way to fame.

It's a pity that the prosperous dynasty has been in decline in recent years, and even their players seem to be unable to make progress. It is not impossible for the Song of Everlasting Sorrow to be counterattacked by the water elves while underestimating the enemy.

Didn't he ask you to go back? Lu Li asked with a smile.

I don't think so. It won't be a shame. When he became famous, I was still a newbie, the water elf smiled happily. Now she is constantly proving herself with facts.

I'll have someone compile Stratholme's strategy for you later, Lu Li hesitated for a moment before deciding to reciprocate the favor. Moreover, sharing the strategy would not affect their first kill. The last two bosses in the Undead Zone were even more difficult to deal with. And there are several bosses in the bloody area waiting behind.

Okay, the water elf raised the corners of her lips and did not refuse.

Then the two of them said goodbye. The game time was almost over. Before leaving, they agreed to do a mission together next time.

It was originally a very difficult task, but because of Lu Li's participation, the two of them worked together and there was no suspense anymore.

When he went online the next day, Lu Li first cleared the two regular tasks in the Plague Land, and then began to participate in the marathon promotion competition. If he can stand out in the three promotion rounds, he can be selected as one of the hundred candidates to determine the final winner. Three received generous awards.

Lu Li was determined to win the top two. If he couldn't get the legendary equipment first, it would be equally tempting for the second place to directly upgrade to a level.

The third place is said to be a combination reward of experience points and equipment. It is conceivable that this experience will not be as good as the second place, and the equipment is naturally far from the first place. Lu Li really has little interest in this.

Standing at the starting point of the track, with a loud blast of the starting gun, everyone rushed out of the starting line.

In reality, marathon running is a very popular long-distance running event in the world. The entire distance is 26 miles and 385 yards, which is equivalent to 42.195 kilometers. The track length in the game is longer, and the terrain has become extremely complex.

There are rugged mountain roads, muddy swamps, and deep waterways...

For the marathon, the game also specially designed a status bar for physical strength. Each participant has one hundred physical points.

The faster he ran, the faster his stamina dropped. Transforming into a leopard consumes more stamina than running in human form. The same goes for riding a horse. Flying consumes the most stamina. Otherwise, if Lu Li turned into a crow and flew to the finish line in one breath, wouldn't he be sure of victory?

The physical strength does not mean that if you use up 100 points, you will become useless. According to different conditions, the physical strength will continue to recover.

Standing still is the fastest way to recover. Depending on the state, there is almost no physical recovery until flying. Therefore, how to reasonably allocate time and progress has become a difficult problem for players.

However, the wisdom of players is endless. After their preliminary experience and subsequent summary, they have gradually formed a feasible plan.

Of course, the things compiled in such a short period of time are certainly not as good as the strategies brought by Lu Li, a reborn person. He has never participated in similar competitions in his previous life, nor has he studied it specifically, but some basic skills are heard from hearsay, and he is more knowledgeable than these people. Much.

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