The quasi-boss was lying down, so the mobs naturally couldn't make any waves.

Some of these monsters are over level 40, and some have reached level 50. Lu Li and Water Elf may not be able to block a hundred with two, but it is absolutely no problem to retreat calmly.

Lu Li picked up the dropped items and shouted, and the two of them used their concealment skills.

Handing in the mission is also very simple. Just teleport to Nanhai Town and then give the head to the waitress at the joint. The reward for this kind of mission with a reward for killing is quite generous.

The water elf received three strengthening stones, as well as generous experience and reputation rewards.

As a shared object, Lu Li only got experience and reputation, and the quantity was not as good as that of the water elves, but he was already satisfied, after all, he did not spend too much time and energy.

Ravenholdt Manor is an assassin organization whose main business is killing people.

As long as you are willing to accept it, you can often receive such assassination missions. Some are to kill bandits, such as today's Kalif Skobistin, some are to kill businessmen, usually paid by competitors, and some are to kill military officers.

The last reward is the most generous, and legendary level PVP equipment often appears.

Of course, it is very difficult to assassinate an officer. Even if a group of thieves work together, the probability of success will not exceed 10%.

The water elf gave Lu Li a strengthening stone. Seeing that she was very persistent, Lu Li was rude.

In fact, for people at their level, a strengthening stone is not worth anything at all. The main issue is attitude.

After the mission was completed, Lu Li and the water elf had to return to Darnassus to log off. Not long after leaving the teleportation array, they saw a large group of people pointing at one place. Lu Li glanced at it and felt speechless.

Because he knows the person in the center of focus, but he is not just wandering.

This person usually has a high rate of turning heads, but now hanging on his waist is a weapon that emits fire and is similar to a lightsaber in science fiction movies. People can't help but explore it at the first glance.

It is estimated that after hearing the news, some people came from other cities to watch the excitement. After all, the game time is almost over now, and most people have returned to the city from the wild and dungeons.

From time to time, people come over to ask what this thing is and where it came from.

Isn't that your team's Piao Ling? What weapon is he holding? Even the water elf was particularly interested.

Therefore, people are sensory animals. Everyone likes beautiful things, and most people have similar vanity, especially those who are not worried about food and clothing.

It's called Tibu's Fiery Long Sword. The dozens of monsters at the door of Stratholme's blacksmith shop can pull out heavy garbage cans. This weapon can be pulled out from inside, but don't expect too much, you're out of luck. You may not be able to steal it even if you steal it for half a year, Lu Li did not hide it.

This is a big secret, and the water elf knows its value very well. Looking at the scene on Piao Ling's side, he obviously did not reveal the true situation.

Thank you, I'll let someone try it later, the water elf said gratefully.

You're welcome, Lu Li didn't care much. Tibu's blazing sword was just an ornamental thing. Even if he knew the secret, it wouldn't affect his strength. With so many players in Dawn, it was too easy to discover such a secret. .

By the way, you participated in the marathon, right? The water elf suddenly asked about this while wandering on the streets paved with green trees and vines in Darnassus.

Yes, why did you also participate?

No, I heard from people in the guild that you participated. Since you participated, you are probably going to win the championship.

I'm not sure, let's try and see if we can win the championship.

Druids are too perverted. It's hard for other professions to have a chance, but I guess you should have hope. The water elf counted Lu Li's advantages with his fingers: You can fly, you can also transform into a leopard, and you can also become a leopard. Children of the forest...

Lu Li was a little attracted to her white and slender fingers.

No matter how dull and ignorant a person is, once they reach a certain age, it is instinct to be attracted to the opposite sex.

Unknowingly, Lu Li's gaze on the water elf had a look of surprise, and this feeling would accumulate little by little over time.

What's wrong? The water elf said for a while but got no response, so he pushed Lu Li curiously.

It's okay. I'm just thinking about something. I'm a little dazed.

So the water elf felt unhappy for a moment. This person was really a bit too much. He didn't listen carefully when talking to him, and could actually get distracted when he was getting along with him. This was an experience he had never experienced when he was so old, but with Lu Li he became A common meal.

Although you have so many advantages, I heard that Tong Yanwuji is bound to win the championship, the water elf gave Lu Li a small blow.

This is normal. Many people are determined to win the championship, Lu Li said nonchalantly. The implication was that although Tong Yanwuji wanted to win the championship, he may not be able to do so with me.

He has a skill or special effect with a short cooldown, which is acceleration in cheetah form. His cheetah form is the same as yours, and he can also fly, but the distance is shorter.

These are all secrets. How did the rich woman know?

Lu Li finally paid attention to it. If the son of the forest could accelerate in his cheetah form, he would indeed run faster than himself. And when did Tong Yanwuji learn to fly?

As far as Lu Li knew, he and Hachi-chan were the only ones who could fly at the moment.

However, after thinking about it, I didn't think it was impossible. The Shuguang game is so big and the opportunities in it are all kinds. It's not all he can know about. It's normal for others to have adventures.

Do you have any better suggestions? Lu Li knew that the rich woman would not talk about this matter for no reason.

I have a cloak that I can lend you, the wealthy woman said, feeling proud. During the Huaying Cup, Lu Li relied on the equipment he borrowed from her to defeat the Glory City in one fell swoop and became the dark horse champion of that year.

What are the conditions? Lu Li asked.

In your eyes, am I the kind of person who cares about everything? The water elf gave him an angry look.

Okay, lend it to me and I'll give it back to you later, Lu Li changed his mind. This was indeed a big favor. After all, it involved a very good legendary equipment.

Even if the water elf said that there was no need to pay any conditions, Lu Li would still return the favor once there was a chance to repay it.

Whether others want it or not is one thing, but whether you want it or not is another matter.

Lu Li actually thought that the water elves would ask for Stratholme guides. Even if their guild's MT level was relatively low, if they had guides, they could still hope to defeat several elite difficulty bosses.

The water elf directly traded for a cloak.

It is white and very soft to the touch. The first impression is that it is probably not useful. After all, thieves have a low-key style.

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