The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 844 Black Face (please vote for me)

I... Sesame-filled dumplings were stunned for a moment when Lu Li asked him. He really thought that this piece of equipment was destined to be its owner from the moment it was displayed.

How about we start bidding now, Lu Li nodded.

Azure Sea Breeze, who was in charge of bidding, began to signal those who wanted to bid. This was a pure auction, and whoever paid the most took it.

Those who are usually more popular may not need too many points, but no matter how popular you are, you cannot make the entire guild's opponents of the same profession give in for you.

After all, the more points you use this time, the more likely it is that other people will get the equipment next time the same profession appears.

However, in the end, it was Tangyuan with sesame filling who spent more than 800 points to win this piece of equipment.

In fact, this is already a low price. After all, no one in the guild is willing to risk offending an awesome alchemist. Maybe one day they will need to ask for potions from him.

The last time I killed the evil priestess, I got 600 points for a piece of golden druid equipment.

After getting the equipment, Tangyuan with sesame filling handed the equipment to Maomao Aizhirou: You can use this equipment first, and then return it to me after the game is over.

Maomao loves meat and is very happy. Others also think that Tangyuan with sesame filling is a kind person.

The person who secretly raised the price a few times just now looked ashamed. Why don't we have such a consciousness?

In fact, as long as people think about it, they will understand everything. The better the team performs on the stage, the better the guild will develop, and the benefits will naturally increase.

The Sword of Judgment never treats its subordinates harshly, but its elite members can only earn one-half of the salary of Jiangnan nobles.

In the final analysis, economic strength determines the superstructure.

The fourth piece of equipment is a dark gold grinding tool called the Frozen Belt, which is one of the famous equipment of the blue dragon Azoregus.

The level required for this mold is a bit high, and Lu Li is still a little behind on casting. However, he has a top-quality casting hammer, so it is impossible to give this piece of equipment to others.

If he made this mold into perfect dark gold, it might be able to match the properties of legendary equipment.

Then Blue Dragon also revealed a tailoring blueprint - Pattern: Bottomless Bag.

The bottomless bag is an advanced version of the spirit pattern cloth bag. Although there is not only this kind of eighteen-slot backpack blueprint, it is the only one that can be made with just a few pieces of rune cloth and a few pieces of molten dog leather. come out.

Materials are easy to obtain and cheap, which means that players of Sword of Judgment can start to popularize this kind of eighteen-slot backpack.

Of course she would not give this kind of drawing to Sanyue Yu. How could she have time to make backpacks for the people in the guild? With a scale of hundreds of thousands of people, it would take her several days to finish it even if she was busy from morning to night.

There are specialized tailors in the guild who are responsible for such tasks.

Finally, there are three rare materials. As usual, they are the property of the guild, which is why most guilds are keen on challenging wild BOSS.

I gave all these materials to Lu Li, Root Hao San interjected, Perhaps you don't know that the props that transformed the BOSS just now were all made by the ores that Lu Li exchanged for points in the guild.

As expected, it's Boss Lu Li, he's really awesome!

If you don't accept the boss being turned into a chicken, I won't accept it. From now on, we will only accept boss Lu Li.

Give it to Boss Lu Li. Without these transformation tools, it's impossible for us to kill the blue dragon.

There is a harmonious voice in the guild, that is, the Sword of Judgment is a new guild, and the members are relatively simple, so there will not be too many disputes over interests.

However, it is not that there are no harmonious voices. Root No. 3 had dealt with a guild member before, the one who did not listen to Lu Li's command and caused the others to die.

He also has some friends in the guild.

After Root Number Three kicked him out, some people followed him immediately, and a few others stayed until now, either because they didn't have time or because they had some other purpose.

At this time, their voices were particularly harsh.

One of them said angrily: If you want to blackmail something, just say so. The props made with things in the warehouse will be blamed on everyone, right?

Even if you don't count the cost of three rare materials, it's just bad!

Such a person immediately attracted a lot of scolding, but some people still began to murmur in their hearts, thinking about whether there was some truth to this statement.

What are you talking about, Dunima, just kick him out, said Fat Monkey, who was already hot-tempered, but now he heard them talking more and more unpleasantly, and he couldn't help it on the spot.

When he said this, he also turned on the mute, and he was the only one speaking in the entire channel.

It shows that although this person is irritable, he is definitely not stupid. Today's performance can explain everything. He first used delaying tactics to trick the thief Wu Qin who discovered that they were fighting the boss, and then he banned him again before explaining.

You can check the guild's access records. Take a look at how many points Lu Li spent on getting those stones. You can measure for yourself whether he took advantage of the guild. And then there are other materials that come with it. This transformation prop only costs seventy or eighty gold coins. Seventeen were used today, and Lu Li spent a total of 100,000 real-life coins to defeat this BOSS. Do you think these three rare materials are worth 100,000 yuan?

Did Lu Li get any equipment today?

Without his command today, we have to rely on our conscience to decide whether we can survive this BOSS.

These two idiots just now are XX's friends. XX disobeyed orders and killed so many of us. If we didn't settle the score with him, it would be an advantage to him. You actually dare to mess around here. Don't forget that you signed a contract. If we find evidence that you deliberately caused trouble, you can be held legally responsible...

Gee, even Lu Li wanted to applaud this guy.

This is more than just using your brain, your brain is really easy to use.

In fact, Fatty Monkey really wants to complain, this is all just as he said it, third brother, you are not kind, you don’t want to act such a bad face, so you asked me to show you, I am now the leader of the mage group, and I am also a person with dignity. Yes.

In any case, the two who wanted to stir up trouble did not dare to speak.

Not everyone can go out of their way to save a friend, not to mention that their friend is indeed in the wrong, and being kicked out of the guild without any accountability is considered merciful.

Lu Li was naturally not polite either, he accepted these three rare materials.

They are all good things. Although they are not as much as the cost of 100,000 real coins he spent to fight the BOSS, rare materials cannot be measured simply by gold coins. Some rare materials have a price but no market.

Two of these three items are only produced by Blue Dragon. At least for a short period of time, you can't buy them even if you have money.

Among them was the tendon of an adult blue dragon, which seemed to be a cooking ingredient. Xiao Bajiang looked at Lu Li eagerly and wanted Lu Li to feed this thing to her elf dragon.

Of course Lu Li wouldn't do this, because the adult blue dragon's tendon couldn't be eaten. It was a rare material, but it was also a mission item.

Just for this thing, many hunters begged grandpa and grandma to take them to fight the blue dragon, just because the mission reward is a legendary hunter weapon with good attributes that make other professions drool.

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