The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 843 Legendary Claw

Wu Qin felt regretful in his gut. He felt that if he had tipped off the news earlier, even if he could not intercept the BOSS, at least their president would not be so pale.

It’s hard to get off the tiger!

They all arrived at this boundary, and both sides could see each other, but a system announcement stunned Free Sky.

Of course I wouldn't be willing to go back like this, but what can I do if I'm not willing to go back?

The Sword of Judgment is not an ordinary new guild. Although it was established not long ago, they have been fighting against the Jiangnan nobles for half a month, and their defeat has not been revealed at all.

Someone once observed that as soon as the players of Sword of Judgment came online, they went to find the players of Jiangnan Nobles to PK. People who didn’t know thought they were in love, but except for a few people in Jiangnan Nobles, 90% of the players were Started to hide and walk.

Although the new guild has various disadvantages, the new guild has the spirit of the new guild.

The Jiangnan nobles have been in trouble these days, and it is said that they have entrusted Weiyu Pavilion to make peace, hoping to end this long-lasting guild war.

How dare He De of the Free Sky say that he is better than the Jiangnan nobles, not to mention that the conflict to vent their anger will not bring any benefits. They can only pretend to come here to see the scenery, say hello with a smile, and then go their separate ways.

Lu Li received information from the perimeter security personnel and was not surprised at all by Free Sky's retreat.

It was Fat Monkey's previous delaying tactic that impressed him. Although this tactic was rough and simple, it was already remarkable for a person with a hot temper to start thinking about things with his brain instead of taking action directly.

After the first kill is obtained, it is natural to distribute the spoils.

Can Meng did his part to touch the corpse in the spotlight of everyone.

Someone once did a related experiment, allowing several people who usually have good luck to touch the corpses of similar monsters with Can Meng. After thousands of words of repeated experiments, the total value of things Can Meng got was twice that of the second place. Even higher.

The lucky value cannot be seen, but it does exist.

For mobs, the comparison is not very obvious. When this probability is magnified to the BOSS, the improvement of an equipment level is several times the difference.

Almost all guilds have dedicated people who touch corpses. Others must stay away after the battle. It is not uncommon for people who casually touch corpses to have some guild points deducted, or to be kicked out of the guild at worst.

Lu Li was not sure whether the blue dragon Azuregos could produce legendary equipment.

But the probability should be quite high, after all, it is the first kill of the wild BOSS.

Eskadael's left paw!

When the word legend came out of Can Meng's mouth, the entire Sword of Judgment boiled.

Lu Li was a little disappointed, but it was not obvious. After all, this piece of equipment was indeed a top-quality piece of equipment. A shaman could reach level 60 with this piece of equipment.

Eskadael's left claw belongs to the enhancement shaman, that is, the equipment of the melee shaman. It is more physical output, and its main characteristics are slowing down and bleeding.

This piece of equipment has a total of three special effects, two related to slowing down and one related to bleeding. Any profession that is entangled by a shaman equipped with this weapon will feel that life is worse than death.

This piece of equipment should be equipped first on Luoying Memories. She is an active player of the Sword of Judgment. For this reason, she can kill everything instantly.

In fact, thieves can also use it, but Lu Li is used to daggers, and the two daggers he has now suit him perfectly. Even if he encounters better equipment, he will choose a short sword, but it is not smooth to use the claws.

Typhoon, a dark gold sword with both hands.

It comes with a large whirlwind with special effects, and does not share the CD with the warrior's whirlwind skill. With this weapon, the warrior can use the whirlwind twice in one cycle, and the knight can also play a whirlwind as a warrior.

Of course, the damage of the special effects version of the big whirlwind is not as good as the warrior's skills that have been upgraded five times.

This equipment, Azure Sea Breeze, is not used and Moonlight doesn't like it. He feels that the skill of Big Tornado does not require too many times. The key is to see the timing of using the skill. Therefore, the Typhoon Great Sword naturally becomes something that everyone can bid for.

Although it is not dark gold, the two-handed sword has always been a popular weapon.

So the players of the Sword of Judgment who can equip such weapons are going crazy. Lu Li can only lament that these bumpkins have never seen the world. Don’t the points cost money? Have you ever calculated how much a piece of unique gold equipment is worth in this way? Real currency.

But having said that, when the atmosphere is heated, who will care about it?

Anyone who dares to bid like this is someone who is not that short of money in real life. In the game, spending a lot of money to grab the equipment you like not only increases your strength, but also makes you look good.

A berserker with the ID name Yi Ren Lei Luan Zhi Rou took a picture of the big sword.

Lu Li was immediately impressed by this person. This mad warrior, nicknamed Xiaorou by his friends, was also a warlike master. He seemed to often fight the battlefield with Yue Guang, Fat Monkey and the others. It was said that his level was very good.

Not only did he use up his own guild points to take this piece of equipment, he also borrowed a lot from other people.

It is not that the guild points of the Sword of Judgment cannot be borrowed, but half of them will be lost during the transfer process. In other words, if one hundred points are transferred, only fifty points will be received.

Under normal circumstances, no one will borrow points.

Yi Renlei Lao Zhirou obviously bought points from other people at a high price, and he seemed to be a wealthy player.

The third piece of equipment is also dark gold, but this time it is not a weapon, but a cloak - the Blessing Cloak. Dark gold cloaks are very rare. Even Lu Li currently only uses a gold cloak, but his is a magic cloak. Poison suit, there is no way to compare.

The appearance of the dark gold cloak made everyone red-eyed, but it was a pity that the red and fruity warlock exclusive made other magic systems vomit blood.

Why, it is obviously a legal output cloak with very popular attributes, and its various special effects are also suitable for other professions. Why did Mao add a warlock exclusive after the equipment requirement level?

There are many similar situations in Dawn. The more advanced the equipment, the more it appears.

Those who are qualified to compete for this piece of equipment are the warlocks in the guild. Among them, Tangyuan with sesame fillings has the most points. Because he often pulls people in during team activities, especially in the trial tower, he died several times in order to overcome many obstacles. times, so it is a well-deserved leader in the standings.

It stands to reason that priority should be given to Maomao Ai Meat, whose equipment is still in the grassroots stage. She is a new player of the Sword of Judgment.

But Lu Li had to consider the idea of ​​glutinous rice balls with sesame filling.

If everyone strives to give away the equipment they want to others and only thinks about others, then I am afraid it only exists in novels and political documents.

Lu Li didn't think he had the personality charm to be grateful to others for giving up their interests.

Tangyuan with sesame filling belongs to those who have followed him for a long time. If he does not consider the interests of the other party at all, then the people below him will think that he is unkind and unjust and cannot share wealth for a long time.

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