The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1545 The smell of bird poop (second update)

But Lu Li would still pull all his troops over.

The purpose is simple, grab monsters!

There are so many undead in the Hand of Tyr. Only when players kill these monsters will their equipment explode and their reputation will increase.

If they were all killed by the dwarves and the Silver Hand Paladins, and had nothing to do with him, Lu Li, then he was working so hard and sacrificing more than a dozen jars of wine, could it be that he was just trying to get Tirith O. Fording's friendship?

And fighting side by side is the easiest place to cultivate friendship.

After all, carrying guns together, going whoring together, and sharing stolen goods together are the three major ways to sublimate friendship.

As long as Lu Li's people participate in the battle for Tyr's Hand, at least two of these three will be achieved. Therefore, Lu Li stated righteously that he would contribute to the attack on Tier's Hands, and not letting him use his hands would be a sign of looking down on him.

The two great lords of Hearthglen and Eagle's Nest Mountain were very moved, and naturally they would not oppose his request for a battle.

Tirion Fordring did not have many men around him, and Lord Maes Dracrip was reluctant to let his Wildhammer dwarves go to charge into the battle.

Of course, it was impossible without any manpower. A dozen Wildhammer dwarf warriors participated in the team.

A dozen Wildhammer dwarves, a dozen Silver Hand paladins, and the BOSS-level figure Tirion Fordring are the elite fighting force for this Hand of Tyr war. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, just in case The captured paladins were moved, and Tirion Fordring decided to set off immediately.

Xue'er, you help dispatch the manpower here, and I'll have someone pull you over there, Lu Li hesitated and refused the water elf to follow.

Why, isn't Piao Ling here? The water elf was puzzled.

You don't need to go there with so many people, just a left hand and glutinous rice balls. Three people were needed to start the door, and Lu Li was just right. However, this was not the main reason why Lu Li didn't let the water elf follow. Lu Li sighed and said, That secret The road is gradually filled with bird droppings, and even the undead probably don’t want to step in.”

As soon as he heard that it was all bird poop, the water elf's face immediately turned pale.

Even imagining it made her feel scared. No wonder Lu Li wouldn't let her follow him. She would rather face a powerful monster.

Cain's left hand and sesame-filled glutinous rice balls were worse. They didn't expect that Lu Li's trust would bring such consequences. Even if all sensory experiences were turned off, what they saw with their eyes and what they stepped on was still there. It's so disgusting that I can't stand it.

The Paladins are fearless and have a strong will. How can they frown because of such a trivial matter.

As for the Wildhammer dwarves, they have long been accustomed to this smell. If they are allowed to sit in these piles of excrement and eat, they will probably enjoy it.

The group of people trudged and sneaked through the mud-like bird droppings, with densely packed griffins in the sky.

The proud griffon has become a symbol of the Alliance's unyielding spirit. Now the griffon has become the main tool of transportation for the Alliance. You can see the shadow of the griffon at flying points in every corner of Azeroth. They carry the Alliance warriors on their backs. They soar to every corner of Azeroth.

In fact, griffons were native to the eastern region of ancient Kalimdor. After the Well of Eternity cataclysm, their habitat was severely damaged and their numbers were greatly reduced. Most of the griffons that can be seen today, except those raised by the major kingdoms, come from the Alterac Mountains and the Hinterlands.

The dense forest mountain wall that Lu Li and the others passed was where the griffons' nests were concentrated.

Although the number of such creatures is not as good as before, the concentration on such a cliff can at least be described as overwhelming.

Griffins are very powerful creatures, and with their air superiority, even the undead natural disasters don't want to provoke them. Moreover, griffins cannot be infected by the plague - at least Lu Li has never seen a griffin infected by the plague.

230 years before the opening of the Dark Portal, the Wildhammer dwarves, who had experienced the War of the Three Hammers and the First Dark Iron War, had to reluctantly abandon their homeland because their country was cursed, and went north to the continent of Lordaeron. Lan settled down. In local life, these dwarves from the southern mountains gradually integrated with nature and became best partners with the griffons living here.

It was from this time that the Wildhammer dwarves used their superb technology to make it possible for gryphons to carry people, and spread this technology to all parts of the Eastern Kingdom through Khaz Modan's Bronzebeard brothers. At this point, gryphon knights also began to appear in in people's field of vision.

It can be said that without the permission of the Wildhammer dwarves, even if Lu Li and the others knew about this passage, it would be in vain.

Gryphons will tear apart any outsider who intrudes into their territory.

I will never come to this place again, the sesame-filled glutinous rice balls couldn't help but say, I guess I won't be able to eat for at least three days.

Wiruca, Yuanzi, can you stop saying the word eat here? Cain suppressed the desire to retching with his left hand: Lu Li, you are so unkind, you actually asked me to follow you, why me, why!

Where does all this nonsense come from? Just don't look down at your feet. Look at how blue the sky is and how fresh the air is... Lu Li flapped his wings and landed on the head of a paladin's horse, pecking lazily. He flicked his blood-red feathers.

That's right, this guy can't feel the nausea of ​​bird poop at all, because he turned off the smell experience and turned into a crow flying.

The passage was very long, some belonging to the habitat of griffons, and some sections had to pass through caves, streams, and even a small section of swampland. The group trekked for more than an hour through the mountains and forests and entered the Plague Land.

In an open and hidden terrain, Lu Li and Tirion Fordring temporarily parted ways. The NPC went to the front to detect the enemy's situation, while Lu Li was responsible for summoning his 20,000 troops.

The 20,000 people come from the three alliances of Sword of Judgment, Weiyu Pavilion, and Wushuang City. Although they are not all elites, they are at least full-level characters with good equipment. Otherwise, the Plague Land has been strengthened. The monster cannot cause effective damage at all.

First, a warlock who could summon teleportation gates was brought over, and several more teleportation gates were built.

This will increase the speed of recruiting people. Even so, it will take a lot of time for 20,000 people to appear in the Plague Land.

Commander Lu Li was commanding from the sky, so he could gain a broader perspective, while all the specific team leading tasks were delegated.

Piao Ling, you need to lead people to move in the direction of the Holy Light's Hope Chapel, and then spread them out in a fan shape at the edge of the Demon Blade's Scar. Don't let any undead have a chance to escape. Weiyun Danyue leads people to spread out at Lake Mirada. Direction, watch the crossroads of Kaolin, do not allow the undead to enter, and do not allow the undead to go out... Lu Li began to divide his troops into formations. His main target was Tyr's Hand, but he also had to be prepared for reinforcements from natural disaster forces in other directions.

The last time he surrounded and killed the Demilich, the way the Demilich summoned the undead left him with lingering fear.

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