The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1544 Secret Passage

If that's the case, then we win the bet, right, Lu Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes, elves, and your companions, is there anything the Wildhammer dwarves can help with? Lord Maze Dracrip never thought that he would lose in the place where he is best at. He was only beginning to get nervous now, as he didn't know what kind of request Lu Li would make.

We want to use the passage to get to Tyr's Hand in the Eastern Plaguelands, Lu Li said.

Hand of Tyr? Lord Mez Delacrip tilted his head and stared at Lu Li. After a moment, he scratched his beard impatiently: That is not a good place. It was just overrun by the undead a few days ago. He died. Many people, what are you going to do now?

What do you think of the undead, Lord? Lu Li asked.

How else to look at it, those damn things shouldn't exist at all, Lord Maze Delacrip said without hesitation.

So, my dwarf friends, aren't you worried that the plague will spread to Eagle's Nest Mountain? By then, all the dwarves in Eagle's Nest Mountain will look like that, Lu Li continued to ask, his The assumption was so vicious that several dwarves in the hall frowned.

They are not interested in this place, and they cannot come here, Lord Mez Delacrip said confidently.

Not interested? Lu Li laughed as if he wanted to hear a joke: Is there any place in this world that natural disasters are not interested in? The Lich King is a person who wants to destroy the entire continent. Why can Eagle Nest Mountain be independent of Aize? Outside of Lars Continent, there are targets that are more attractive to them and easier to capture, so Eagle Nest Mountain can remain peaceful, my lord...

Lu Li stepped forward and whispered into Lord Maze Delacrip's ear: If the undead at Tyr's Hand discover the secret passage, do you think they will let Eagle's Nest Mountain become independent?

How do you know? No one else could hear what Lu Li was saying, but they clearly saw Lord Maze Delacrip jump up.

As if someone had stepped on his tail, he looked at Lu Li in horror, as if Lu Li had turned into a monster with a plague that would corrode the entire Eagle's Nest Mountain.

It doesn't matter how I know. My lord, your indifference makes me heartache. You could have saved those lives, but you just watched them lose themselves in the hands of the undead, Lu Li said, I look down on you. Expression, such contempt made the proud Wildhammer dwarf blush and drop his head.

I am Lord of the Wildhammer dwarves, and there is only so much hope left for my people, Lord Maes Dracrip argued.

Once what I said happens, this hope will be shattered. By then, your lord, you may be able to be appreciated by that person. He is good at turning powerful warriors into death knights, Lu Li bluntly exposed his hope. Foam.

I believe you have your own purpose in saying these words. Okay, Elf, you have convinced me, and now I am all ears. Lord Mez Delacrip has lived for too long, and he realized Lu Li's purpose after calming down a little. .

Tyr's hand cannot fall into the hands of natural disasters, otherwise something will happen sooner or later. Maybe tonight, or maybe tomorrow morning. What will appear in front of you then may be the traitors of the Cult of the Curse. They will be in the Eagle A plague spread across Nest Mountain, turning all the Wildhammer dwarves into undead dwarves...

Damn it, I also know that the Hand of Tyr cannot fall into the hands of the Scourge, but now it is already in the hands of the Scourge, Lord Metz Dracrip said angrily.

We need a base, and if possible, we are willing to guard this barrier for the Eyrie, Tirion Fordring, who had been silent, suddenly said.

Lu Li turned around in shock and looked at Old Fording with some confusion. He originally planned to persuade the dwarves to help capture the Hand of Tyr, and then they would achieve the goal of rescue, but the hot potato of the Hand of Tyr was naturally made by the dwarves. People worry themselves.

In fact, after this battle is over, the Scarlet Crusade will enter the Hand of Tyr under the leadership of General Abbendis.

As a result, the Hand of Tyr will become one of the base camps of the Scarlet Crusade. They have fought against the undead natural disaster for many years in this lonely and small place by the sea and the Holy Light's Hope Chapel.

The Holy Light's Hope Chapel is backed by the paladins of the entire alliance, and why is the Hand of Tyr safe and sound behind the enemy's rear?

Naturally, the dwarves of the Eagle's Nest Mountain provided support. They supported the Scarlet Crusade weapons and food through secret passages, so that these lonely Scarlet Crusaders not only did not starve to death, but were still alive and well. This is also The reason why Hand of Tyr can become a holy place to farm money.

Now, it seems like the game's progress has shifted.

Tirion Fordring actually wanted to occupy and defend Hand of Tyr, so Lu Li was not worried about being unable to bear it. After all, Hand of Tyr was just a very remote town, insignificant to the Scourge of the Undead, and the main force of the Scourge was We are currently fighting against the coalition forces of the Alliance and the Horde, and we will have no energy to invade on a large scale after the two sides are done fighting.

Moreover, even if Arthas comes in person, Tirion Fordring, a great paladin burdened with a heavy fate, may not be afraid of him.

When he gets the Ashbringer, even Arthas will have to lose.

Just a few of you? Guarding Tyr's hand? Lord Metz Dracrip said distrustfully. Lu Li and the water elf looked fine, but looking at the others, it was clear that they had fallen into despair.

This is Tirion Fordring, Lord of Hearthglen and leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand. Lu Li stood up and solemnly introduced Tirion Fordring's identity. There was no need to say anything else. Tirion Fordring's identity is enough to explain the problem.

Sure enough, Lord Maze Dracrip stood up immediately after hearing the name Tirion Fordring, and he solemnly saluted the old Fordring.

As people grow older, it seems that only someone with rich experience like him can understand the various decisions made by Tirion Fordring and appreciate his hardships and difficulties, so he made a decisive decision: If Hearthglen can defend If Tyr’s hand comes, Eagle Nest Mountain will provide full support.”

First, we need to use your secret passage to knock down this place, Lu Li said with satisfaction as he picked up his wine glass and took a sip. Most of his plan was completed.

As long as he persuades the dwarves to lend them a passage, the rest of the matter is actually not difficult. Now he has not only convinced the dwarves to lend them a passage, but he has also brought in strong reinforcements. Even without his 20,000 people, the brave Wildhammer dwarves can still Help him cleanse Tyr's Hand of the undead.

The Wildhammer dwarves have been based in Eagle's Nest Mountain for many years. Not only have they made this place impregnable, but they are also considered to be experts in their clan.

Let them fight the Lich King, they will definitely not be able to defeat it, but it will be easy to defeat Tyr.

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