The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1538 The rise of mercenaries

As long as the city wall does not collapse, the City of Glory cannot set up a resurrection point in the fortress. This is a very fatal problem. Otherwise, Xiao Mo can let people sneak into the fortress to set up a resurrection point, and then everyone will be resurrected in the fortress after they die in battle. Even if it is forced You can win the fortress even if you fight hard.

The Sword of Judgment once again defeated the City of Glory and defended the Black Coast Fortress.

Their Ashenvale Fortress was defended more smoothly. Although Seventh Heaven launched continuous onslaughts, when the Ancient Tree of Knowledge showed its power and countless saplings were summoned, no matter how powerful the onslaught was, it was difficult to achieve success.

These saplings have low HP and average attack defense, but they can't stand up to their numerical advantage.

Especially when the two sides were fighting fiercely, this seemingly not very powerful force instantly reversed the balance, leaving Seventh Heaven completely powerless to fight back.

Lu Li and the others won the battle against Glory City. Everyone grabbed the opponent's equipment from each other. After all, they really didn't make any money from the equipment, but Piao Ling and the others made a lot of money from the battle with Seventh Heaven. After all, they were the masters of the whole thing. Eighty people in Seventh Heaven were wiped out by the group, and at least twenty pieces of equipment were earned in this battle, most of which were legendary.

The two fortresses of Sword of Judgment not only steal the show.

It has also brought huge economic benefits. Player fortresses are very attractive, and more people will naturally generate economic benefits. As long as you defend the weekly fortress battles, you will basically get money.

Unfortunately, after the next system update, the fortress war will become biweekly. New maps will be opened with a certain probability at the beginning of each month, and there will be a fixed siege war in the middle of the month.

Reducing the frequency seems to be easier, and the income is correspondingly reduced.

There is no doubt that the water elves have defended their territory. After all, they are fighting against themselves. However, their joint attack on the Scarlet Banner ultimately ended in failure, which means that the Scarlet Banner has defended their newly acquired territory.

It is said that their battle was very fierce. The walls of the Blood Banner were breached and they had to retreat to the fortress Crystal.

The two sides fought fiercely around the fortress crystal.

In order to defend the water elves in the fortress, the people of the Blood Banner fought hard. Many of them lost more than one piece of equipment. Some of them were unlucky and almost lost everything. Fortunately, they brought spare equipment in their backpacks, otherwise they would not be able to fight at all. .

Although the water elves did not defeat the fortress, they picked up a lot of equipment. At least they did not lose money.

The most unexpected thing about this fortress war is not that the Sword of Judgment withstood the pressure of the Glory City to defend the Black Coast. Anyone who heard the details of this battle later would not be able to help but pity the City of Glory and feel sorry for the Judgment. I lamented the shamelessness of the sword.

If you can think of things like blood vines and use them to defend the city, the defeat of the City of Glory will not be unjust.

And the Capital of Glory is not without its bright spots. They almost defeated the fortress, if it weren't for the glutinous rice balls with sesame fillings lying dead all the way to support them.

The most unexpected thing was actually that the Jiangnan nobles actually defeated Tanaris.

That's right, Dawnwings lost Tanaris, which they just grabbed last week.

They made a deal with the original Wushuang City Badge Soul Eater and spent a lot of money to get this land. Unfortunately, they lost it before they could warm it up.

And it was snatched away by Jiangnan nobles.

The Jiangnan nobles did have a glorious time. At that time, they had many powerful players such as Tong Yan Wuji and Xing Meng Qingwu. They were among the top three regulars in the professional league. With their large number of people, they had the highest ranking in the Chinese region. Second only to the City of Glory.

Unfortunately, they have been going downhill in the past two years.

When the Sword of Judgment rose, they acted as a stumbling block. They thought they could make the Sword of Judgment fall, but they accidentally became a stepping stone.

The tree fell and everyone pushed, and several large clubs took action against Jiangnan nobles.

They probably felt that since the Sword of Judgment relied on competition and first kills, there was no way to suppress them, so they might as well kill this old club. In this way, the original competitive situation was finally maintained.

In this way, Jiangnan Nobles became the most unlucky club this year.

Even the racers walked away, and Tong Yanwuji defected to the banner of his mortal enemy, which made Jinse Wushang almost vomit blood.

In the fortress war, the Jiangnan nobles also tried to restore their status in the world by defeating the Sword of Judgment. Unfortunately, Jinse Wushang, although he did not want to admit it to his death, finally accepted not to go against Lu Li, but only to face him. It is an iron rule that you must be unlucky.

They changed their target to the once defeated general Dawn Wings.

The Jiangnan nobles are all leaders in the mercenary world. The four major mercenary groups have jointly formed a team. This team does not accept any command from Jinse Wushang, and only a small number of its members are the core elites of the Jiangnan nobles.

Some people once mocked them as a rabble before the war, and Dawn Wings probably thought so too.

However, the result was beyond everyone's expectation. Jiangnan Nobles defeated Dawn Wings and became one of the five clubs in Dawn that occupied the fortress.

Some figures in the mercenary world began to appear in people's sight. Their strong personal strength and strong material strength also made major clubs secretly frightened. Just like what Lu Li knew in his previous life, organizations like mercenary groups began to Attracted and attracted by major clubs.

Although they are said to be the four major mercenary groups, there are actually many more powerful mercenary groups. After all, there are too many players in the game Shuguang.

Lu Li also planned to find someone to cooperate.

The Life Professional Alliance was an organization that had already made its mark. Lu Li met one of its founders, Hansi Liuli, when he was on a wanted mission in Redridge Mountain. Since then, the Sword of Judgment has never lost contact with them, and the Sword of Judgment was acquired from them. materials and finished products, and help them do some tasks that require combat, or help them kill some scum who bully them.

That very pornographic and violent guild was destroyed by the Sword of Judgment for the Life Professional Alliance.

Lu Li planned to cooperate with them at a deeper level. He even intended to package some personnel related to the life profession into the life profession alliance, which would not only get rid of some of the burden, but also make room for the expansion of combatants.

Accordingly, the Life Professional Alliance will be fully responsible for the logistics of the Sword of Judgment.

Lu Li's three former landladies, Xiao Xiong Huanhuan and Yang Liu Yiyi, will enter the Life Professional Alliance as representatives of the Sword of Judgment and take up leadership positions to ensure that this organization will not suddenly abandon the Sword of Judgment one day.

This is a collaboration in life and career.

In terms of combat profession, his former friends were the gangsters in the slums, including Bugs and Xiao Hei.

They formed a mercenary group. In addition to the gangsters, they also recruited killers from the small camp of Death Ghost Hands. They could also be said to be desperadoes. They would help the Sword of Judgment deal with some shady matters.

With the behind-the-scenes support of the Sword of Judgment, after nearly a year of development, Chongzi and others are no longer what they used to be.

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