Here we are, someone is coming up, was the voice of March Rain.

March rain?

City wall!

Lu Li instantly understood the current situation. Xiao Mo's people had indeed sneaked into the fortress, but they did not come to smash the crystals. In other words, they were originally going to smash the crystals, but on the way there they discovered the ambush Lu Li and others had set for them. , so he turned around and went to the city wall.

There were only thirty people left on the walls of the Sword of Judgment.

If they go up there with twenty or thirty people or even more, the consequences will be...

Do you want to retreat to the fortress crystal?

Lu Li made a decision in a very short time: In March, you command everyone to hold on. You don't have to give up the chariot, but the city wall cannot fall into their hands!

March Yu didn't speak, but Lu Li could hear her commanding the remaining personnel on the city wall to defend. She used the chariot as a barrier to hinder players in the City of Glory. When she first entered the game, she was as fast as a wolf. The frightened and crying girl shouldered the heavy responsibility of commanding a fortress war.

There are actually not many people in the Glory City, only forty or fifty people, and the remaining people are controlling the chariots below.

They had to smash down the city wall to win the final victory. Otherwise, even seizing the city wall would be useless. After all, Lu Li and others could drive them down with just one call of reinforcements.

The resurrection point for people in the Glory City is under the city, while the resurrection points for Lu Li and others are on the city wall.

Lu Li did not rush back from the Fortress Crystal with his people, as that would be too slow. He actually had a faster method, which required glutinous rice balls stuffed with sesame filling.

Warlocks have many weird skills, one of which is called Hellfire.

This is a range-based, continuous damage that will cause damage to you and enemies about 10 yards around you every second. At full level, it will have a base damage of nearly 200, which is affected by the spell damage bonus. If the damage of this skill Kill the SS himself. The equipment durability will not be reduced after the SS dies, so it is often used in teams to commit suicide to save repair costs when the team has no hope.

The sesame-filled glutinous rice balls first turn red into blue, converting part of the health points into magic points, and then use the flames of hell.

He quickly committed suicide. After his death, he chose the resurrection point on the city wall to resurrect. After resurrecting there, he immediately opened the summoning gate. There were already casualties on the city wall, and these dead people happened to be resurrected next to the sesame-filled dumplings.

They used the summoning gate to directly summon the people on the fortress crystal side.

The resurrection point on the city wall was not far from the battle location, and everyone quickly joined the battle on the city wall.

At the beginning, the City of Glory had the advantage, and the Sword of Glory’s chariots were quickly beaten to pieces, with varying casualties. However, as more and more people from the Sword of Glory joined the battle, the City of Glory People in Du couldn't hold it any longer.

Okay, jump off the building, Xiao Mo gave the order to retreat.

The remaining Glory City players jumped off the building and left.

Come when you want, leave when you want, how can such a good thing leave Xiao Mo behind!

Lu Li suddenly got behind Xiao Mo, gave him a sneak attack, and then used various skills on his opponent for free. He has been paying attention to Xiao Mo and has been waiting for this moment. As long as Xiao Mo is left behind, the morale lost due to the defeat of the chariot can be restored.

However, Xiao Mo did not lack the ability to release the control. He released the control easily, and then a frost nova froze Lu Li in place.

Thieves are the kings of control, and mages are never so different.


A figure bumped into Xiao Mo diagonally. It was the warrior's charge skill.

There is a small stiffness after the mage releases the skill. It is very short-lived and can be almost ignored in normal combat, but in front of someone like Yueguang, this small stiffness is enough for him to grasp.

Xiao Mo is not worried, he still has the ability to release control, and his flash has cooled down.

As long as he uses a flash immediately after releasing the control, he can jump out of the city wall and return to his camp.

However, a shocking scene happened.

Yueguang hit Xiao Mo with a charge. It didn't knock Xiao Mo out as everyone thought, but knocked Xiao Mo away in a very exaggerated way.

He chose the right angle for his charge, and the collision sent Xiao Mo flying out of the city wall.

Please note that it is not flying out of the fortress, but flying into the fortress.

Jumping down with Xiao Mo, there was still moonlight, like maggots on the tarsus. He rushed towards Xiao Mo and shouted loudly: Lu Li, you don't have to come down, just leave it to me.

Okay, Lu Li casually stopped a Glory City player who wanted to jump over the city wall, and handed Xiao Mo to Moonlight with confidence. He believed that Moonlight could entangle Xiao Mo - at least he wouldn't let Xiao Mo run away. Now Xiao Mo Mo Yueguang used an enhanced charge to rush into the fortress. Even if he was given a pair of wings, he would not be able to fly.

The player who fell into Lu Li's hands could have run away, but when he saw Lu Li controlling Xiao Mo, he wanted to stay and protect him. Now that he was in Lu Li's hands, it was difficult for him to leave.

This player was quickly taken care of.

Xiao Mo inside the fortress has not been dealt with for a long time. After all, he is a well-matched opponent.

Lu Li also had to admire Xiao Mo. An ordinary person would probably not be able to calm down and fight if he was trapped in the enemy's territory like this.

For an opponent like Yueguang, he can catch the flaw if he panics just a little bit.

The battle just now seemed evenly matched, but in fact the Sword of Judgment suffered a big loss. After all, all their chariots were smashed. If there were no chariots on the city wall to defend them, the chariots of the City of Glory could pull it back. The closer the tank is, the higher the damage is.

But in terms of personnel, the Sword of Judgment did not suffer too many losses.

The glutinous rice balls with sesame fillings came back too quickly, and the City of Glory couldn't retreat in time, and even Xiao Mo was left behind.

Moonlight finally defeated Xiao Mo. After all, Xiao Mo's blood volume was not satisfied. He had just experienced another battle and many of his skills were still on cooldown.

He left behind a Mage T2 suit part, which was a good harvest.

The next battle was more fierce. The chariots of Glory City moved forward, and the range of the city wall they could hit increased, and they could also hit people on the wall.

In addition to being beaten on the city wall, the Sword of Judgment also had to divide its troops into two places and dedicate some people to defend the fortress crystal side. After all, it had already happened that the City of Glory could enter the fortress.

Time passed little by little, and the Glory City once again sneaked into the fortress. They seemed to want to raid the fortress crystal.

After Lu Li sent people to support the Fortress Crystal, he discovered that they were just attacking in the east and the city wall was the real target. When Lu Li and others returned to support the city wall, the people from the Glory City responded and fought at the Fortress Crystal.

Fortunately, there are glutinous rice balls with sesame fillings to go back and forth, and the people in the ruling room can always provide timely support.

The time for the fortress battle is over, and the Sword of Judgment finally defends the fortress. In the final analysis, everything is in vain if the city wall cannot be knocked down.

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