The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1509 Time and Burning

It’s not the passage of time, it’s not acid, it’s not ignition, what else is there to ask for?

Although the burning is also very troublesome, the damage is 1,500, the magic burn is 1,500, and the attack interval is extended by 400%.

However, the current blood volume of players is basically above 3,000 to 4,000. The damage of 1,500 is not enough to be fatal. Since it is not fatal, treatment can be added. What is more troublesome is magic burn, which is used by mages and warlocks. It would be painful to do this, let alone a profession with less magic.

Fortunately, this skill can be used every thirty seconds.

Moreover, its scope of action is in a straight direction, that is, before and after the BOSS. Only people on this line will be hit. Not all players will have 1,500 magic points burned.

There are certain signs before the skill takes effect, and some players with quick reactions can avoid it in advance.

In addition, Chromaggus began to change color at this stage.

Different colors correspond to different resistances. Players must choose attack skills based on resistance. If it is shadow resistance, shadow priests and warlocks must use non-shadow attack skills, otherwise beating the BOSS will not be more powerful than scratching an itch.

Everyone was a little stunned when they saw the BOSS changing color at first, thinking that the BOSS was holding back some big move.

Only Lu Li here knows what skills Chromaggus has. For ordinary players, they don't know what will happen in the next second, and even if something happens, they may not be aware of it at all.

A process of discovery is required.

Then, without Lu Li reminding them, they discovered the change in resistance caused by the BOSS's discoloration. When the two skills were thrown at the BOSS, the difference in damage was obvious.

Soon the second AOE also came out - it was the passage of time!

Lu Li sighed silently in his heart, but this was expected. Even the daughter of the system could only easily defeat Qi Gou, the BOSS. The Time Lapse AOE is the most difficult to deal with, not because it does high damage, but because it stuns the target and clears the hatred.

When time passes and when time does not pass, they are two completely different concepts.

Without the passage of time, Chromaggus is a BOSS with slightly more debuffs. As long as the debuffs are contacted in time, it is no more difficult than the previous BOSSs.

But as time passed, things changed. This skill put him on par with the little red dragon.

But luckily it wasn't time plus ignition, or time plus acid, otherwise the difficulty wouldn't be much worse than the little red dragon. Lu Li and the others don't have the strength they had when they fought the little red dragon. At that time, they all had the dragon slayer's roar buff. The powerful self is a little swollen.

You'll know what's going on as soon as Time takes action, and the group will be wiped out in just a thought of the BOSS.

The three MTs were all a little confused at the time, and a group of melee and even long-range professions were affected. Stun is a very fatal thing in a BOSS battle.

This skill is too powerful, Azure Sea Breeze was still frightened after being resurrected.

Good fight, just pay attention next time. Basically, all the skills he should have were figured out, and the effect of each skill was clearly understood. Lu Li was already very satisfied with the first time he played like this.

The hourglass is used so quickly, Piao Ling said helplessly: Actually, there is no need to use the hourglass when the BOSS's health is 20% at the beginning. Just save a little if you can. I feel that the BOSS is not difficult. It seems like there are many areas where everyone needs to work together to give their best.”

You're right. If you think it's okay later, you can use one less hourglass, Lu Li agreed.

If you encounter time plus ignition or acid, Piao Ling probably won't find the boss difficult. The rest of the hourglass is not useless at all. People behind it can use it when they download the dungeon.

The second time I also entered the second stage smoothly.

The difficulty in the first stage is to remove the pain of dragon blood in each profession in a timely manner - even if it cannot remove all of them, it is best to remove the ones that pose the greatest threat to everyone. In addition, it is necessary to maintain a certain output. After all, due to the magic burning The reason for its existence is that the BOSS often changes its resistance, so everyone's output opportunities are not unlimited.

A large number of Lu Li's current pioneering team are racers, and they are also star racers.

Lu Li, March Rain, Moonlight, Fatal Golden Pants, Death of Green Orange, Star Girl, Water Elf, Mosquito Eater, Only Half a Cigarette Left, Full-time Assistant...

More than ten racers are very rare even on the competition field.

The output of the racers is not necessarily better than that of PVE masters such as Huadi Liqing, but they have quick eyesight and quick hands and a strong sense of operation. This kind of easy removal of debuffs is their specialty, so in the second battle, there is no such thing in the first stage. Anyone dies due to debuff.

Lu Li originally stood a little far away, but when Time Lapse appeared, he just stepped forward to take advantage of this skill.

Time lapse: Stun, the target's blood volume is reduced by 50%, temporarily loses part of the hatred, and permanently loses part of the hatred. After the effect, part of the hatred and 50% HP are restored.

First there was a brief stun, and then Lu Li's blood volume suddenly dropped by 50%.

Lu Li activated his explosive skills and set the completion level as high as possible - his enhanced sneak attack was already stronger than the normal skill output. If the completion level was set high, it would be even more powerful than the finishing move. Under normal circumstances, He didn't dare to use it like this. After all, once the BOSS was OT, he could be killed instantly even without the group being destroyed.

Because he had to command, Lu Li's output was originally very low, especially his damage per second, which basically ranked last.

But now, his instant damage has jumped to the first position, and the total damage is also slowly accumulating. According to this posture, it is estimated that he will be in the forefront in a few minutes.

Lu Li, what are you doing? Be careful not to OT, Azure Sea Breeze, who had just taken over the BOSS from Youxingtianxia, ​​was frightened by him. He had just accumulated a certain amount of hatred, and everyone else had slowed down to give him time to accumulate hatred. Some He even stopped, but Lu Li did the opposite.

Look at my hatred, Lu Li said calmly.

After everyone paid attention to the hatred value, they discovered that Lu Li's hatred value was still at the bottom, although his damage per second was already alarmingly high.

Melee physics professions can take advantage of this passage of time, which will clear up a certain amount of hatred, Lu Li said.

Everyone suddenly realized that it seemed that this skill had certain benefits.

However, when the effect of the skill disappears, some of the hatred will still be replenished. At this time, you should pay attention. If you are still as lazy as before, Qigou will teach you how to behave.

Lu Li obviously would not make such a mistake, and he did not forget to remind others.

Everyone just felt that he was observant and would not suspect anything.

The two AOEs made everyone miserable, but it was nothing more than miserable. As long as they could continue to squeeze out some magic points, the group would not be wiped out.

At this time, you can see the advantages of good equipment. Whenever everyone feels that a few treatments are about to be finished, they can always come up with some new magic values, especially March Rain, Tong Yan Wuji, Star Girl, and Night Color. , use the most appropriate skills to treat, treat at the most appropriate time, and preserve as much strength as possible.

As for Hachi-chan...

She doesn't seem to worry about magic. It is said that her new head can not only rebound damage, but also restore 20% of the magic value every five seconds, which is a perfect perpetual motion machine.

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