The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1508 The red hand opens the monster

Master Feng, let's activate the monsters, Lu Li's heart was not as calm as on the surface. He hoped that the two AOE skills that came out immediately would be more friendly.

I'm on it, the blue sea breeze licked the corner of his mouth, eager to try.

Wait! Lu Li quickly called out to Azure Sea Breeze. He walked to Can Meng's side with a slightly moved expression: Mengmeng, go up and beat him.

What? Can Meng's round eyes widened, and her expression was extremely frightened. Why should she, a weak little hunter who needs pets to protect her, be allowed to provoke the BOSS, and she was still a little girl.

Listen to me, go up and attack the monsters, and then mislead the monsters to Mr. Feng. Remember to fake death, Lu Li coaxed.

Okay, Can Meng nodded and agreed. There was no precedent for hunters to attack monsters before, but it was definitely not the current situation where the BOSS was lying in the middle of the hall. Since Lu Li asked her to do this, the little hunter was quite obedient. .

An arrow hit the BOSS's toenail, and the seventh BOSS, Chromaggus, slowly opened his eyes.

It lowered its gaze slightly, its flaming eyes fixed on the little hunter.

The little hunter rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, as if he had died suddenly. At this time, the BOSS turned his attention to Azure Sea Breeze. Who made Can Meng mislead Azure Sea Breeze before he died?

So Azure Sea Breeze caught the BOSS at the location indicated by Lu Li.

Okay, let's get started, Lu Li nodded with satisfaction, signaling Can Meng not to continue pretending to be dead and to get up and work quickly.

The reason why he asked Can Meng to activate monsters instead of the more reliable Azure Sea Breeze was because he hoped that Can Meng's little red hand could exert some power, at least not to the point where time would pass by randomly and the body would be ignited.

If these two skills were randomly obtained, Lu Li and the others would not have to work hard this week.

Many guilds saw the Seven Dogs (the seventh BOSS, looks like a dog, hence the name) when the new CD was released, and immediately gave up on Black Wing Lair because of the two AOE skills of Time Lapse and Ignite the Body. The two bosses are no longer fighting.

Only a few powerful clubs have the strength to play time and light.

Even if this BOSS is weakened in the future, it is not certain that many guilds will dare to use these two skills of the BOSS head-on.

There is a jingle about this copy.

The three natural goalkeepers, time plus ignition, Nefa red and blue, all played this week.

Time and Ignite here are talking about the two skills of Qigou. Of course, if it is Ignite Body and Corrosive Acid, it is still possible to finish it in a week, because these two skills have more Ts.

Can Meng is a little red hand with a high luck value. Lu Li, with the mentality of what if he has it, simply let Can Meng play monsters.

Chromaggus is mainly resisted by the Warrior T. Its normal attacks are relatively average. If it does not enter the enraged state and has no debuffs on it, a MT at the level of Azure Sea Breeze can reach the T from the beginning without even using any damage reduction. Tail - The premise is that the BOSS will not use time lapse skills.

Time lapse: Stun, the target's blood volume is reduced by 50%, temporarily loses part of the hatred, and permanently loses part of the hatred. After the effect, part of the hatred and 50% HP are restored.

This skill does no harm, but it will confuse the hatred, and combined with igniting the body, if no one takes the hatred back quickly, basically few players other than MT will die.

The first thing that appeared was not AOE, mainly the five Dragon Blood Pains.

I... One [Dragon Blood Pain: Bronze] plus [Dragon Blood Pain: Green] killed three people, including a priest. What else could Lu Li say? He was helpless. This was just the beginning. , it seems normal that no one reacted.

He was actually wrong. He thought that the initial [Dragon Blood Pain: Bronze] did not necessarily need to be lifted with the hourglass. Anyway, the BOSS was pulled very steadily and there were no AOE skills.

But he ignored one thing. [Dragon Blood Pain: Bronze] can stun the player for three to four seconds. During this period, the player cannot move. Even if other debuffs are added later, the player may not die. There must be a premise, which is this Several people's blood volume is relatively full.

Standing, please pay attention to your positioning. Don't let anyone stand next to the MT. Lu Li held back his temper. This BOSS's AOE skills have not been used yet, so he cannot mess with things now.

Take your time, this is just the beginning, Piao Ling seemed to be aware of Lu Li's fear of this BOSS, and he tried to calm Lu Li's emotions.

No matter what the background of this BOSS is or what tricks it has, everyone must try it out bit by bit.

Now we know that [Dragon Blood Pain: Bronze] must be released immediately. If the person hit by the attack is not satisfied with the blood volume and is hit by other Dragon Blood Pains, he will most likely be killed by several people at once, just like the three people just now. Same.

Pay attention to the people who turned blue... Paladins, priests, druids, remember your own missions, and the mobile ones will also help take a look, Lu Li continued to direct.

[Dragon Blood Pain: Blue] is simply fatal to the magic system. The movement speed is reduced to 70%, the casting speed is reduced to 50%, and the magic value is reduced by 350 points every 1 second. This debuff is the most harmful besides bronze. Although it will not cause direct damage, it will consume the magic value of the legal system, and will also make the player unable to keep up due to the reduction in movement speed.

It’s not like there weren’t BOSSs that could add debuffs to players in the past. At that time, we had to react quickly and take measures, but this is the first time that we can give players so many types of debuffs in such a dense manner.

The druid, paladin, priest, and the mage who came into contact with the curse were all stunned by Lu Li's command. They were also concentrating on preparing to use skills, but every time they seemed to be a little slow.

Moreover, they often neglect their own tasks, such as output or blood increase.

Enraged, the BOSS is reading a message to enrage, holy shit, I'm out of mana, Bearded Zazai was very depressed. He was the so-called man who turned blue. It took two seconds after he was hit to get rid of the magic. The hunter profession doesn't have much mana to begin with, and with the consumption of previous output, now it can't even release a Ningshen Shot.

No matter what kind of BOSS it is, hunters have the task of paying attention to whether the BOSS will anger them.

Once anger occurs, hunters like them need to take action, just like mages must pay attention to undoing the curse.

Mengmeng, get ready, shoot him! Lu Li shouted.

Canmeng released this skill and successfully appeased the BOSS. Once angered, it would basically mean the group was wiped out. In the first stage, this was the most direct and effective group wipeout situation.

Insert a blue totem into the beard. Next time, remember to take the medicine directly. You two hunters should not use skills to output. If you don't have any blue, use the viper nail to absorb the blue. Keep an eye on the BOSS. Don't do it. Let it irritate me, Lu Li breathed a sigh of relief. The three deaths in the front were actually not a big deal. He didn't plan to defeat the BOSS the first time. What he was most afraid of was that the BOSS would become angry and violent. Then he could basically start over. .

Both hunters should use flat shots, which are normal attacks without any magic consumption.

Their pets can be output at will, which ensures that the hunter still has a certain amount of output, and Lu Li also specially made a plan for people to watch them and immediately help them get rid of them once they turn blue. The hunter can't stand the trouble with so little magic.

After all, everyone is a team that has been baptized by the little red dragon, so there is no big problem in really cooperating. Although many people died in the middle, they finally entered the second stage steadily.

Frost burns!

Causes 1749 points of frost damage to all enemies, absorbs 1749 points of mana, and extends their attack interval by 400% for 15 seconds.

The first AOE skill came out, Frost Burn, which made Lu Li feel a little relieved.

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