The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1383 Delay Tactics

The few people brought by Torrent hesitated for a while, but finally took a big step back, until they retreated to a position that would not affect the performance of the two racers.

Jungle environment!

Neither thieves nor hunters are actually afraid of this kind of terrain, and the pet Torrent brings is a rare color-changing leopard, which is only refreshed once a week. There are only a few in the entire game, and most of them are killed as soon as they are refreshed. .

In order to catch this rare pet, the Storm Legion dispatched thousands of people and cleared the refresh area to ensure that no one would fight with the torrent, and also to ensure that some people would kill monsters to vent their anger because they could not catch it. In fact, most of the rare pets in the game They are less likely to be caught, because some people can’t catch it themselves, and they won’t let others catch them. There was a very cute Dudu bear pet in a previous game, and it was basically in a state where people would catch it as soon as it was refreshed. Killing situation.

The chameleon has two unique skills, one is its powerful stealth ability, and the other is that he can spit flares.

Its flare is different from that of the hunter. It is a flying ball, while the hunter throws it on the ground, similar to a bonfire. The same thing is that both can emit fire and can illuminate within a certain range. See surrounding stealth units.

Lu Li was the first to enter stealth and widen the distance. He would not underestimate this potential player of the Storm Legion, let alone the chameleon's restraint effect on thieves.

The chameleon highlighted a flare, and the direction was obviously predicted. At least, Torrent or the chameleon thought which direction Lu Li should avoid. The white light ball rushed past quickly, illuminating a bright passage. All stealth units within this light range will be exposed. Finally, they hit a book and then exploded. The scattered white light has an anti-submarine effect.

It was indeed a magical skill. This was the first time in Lu Li's life that he had seen a color-changing leopard use this skill.

Unfortunately, the Chameleon Leopard was destined to return in vain, because Lu Li was no longer in that place.

Lu Li was no longer anywhere on the ground, and he was not sneaking. He was just condescendingly watching the performance of the hunter and his pet below.

He was squatting on a branch!

Just now he distanced himself, and immediately jumped to the other side of the big tree next to him. The escape skill in the designated direction has such effect, provided that the body is flexible enough and does not hit obstacles or disturb the leaves. Don't jump on it and fall off either.

The chameleon can spit out one flare per minute, and coupled with the hunter's own flare, it can be said to be a 360-degree, blind-angle restraint against thieves.

However, after both flares went out, Torrent still found nothing. He finally panicked, and the roles were reversed. During the waiting period, he was bound to become Lu Li's prey, and it was enough that the two flares with perfect trajectories failed to work. It can be seen that the other party is obviously much smarter than him.


Where is he sap me? This is unscientific. The light of the flare has not dissipated. As long as I get close to me, it will be illuminated.

Could it be that Lu Li's concealment effect was so abnormal that he could ignore the hunter's flares? He was just panicked just now, but now he is terrified. Torrent frantically called for help in their own chat group: I was sapped by Lu Li, but I can't see his person. I'm standing next to the flare now. What's going on? Are there any thieves who won't be discovered by the flare?

Could it be that Sap's casting distance has been lengthened and its skills have been strengthened? Wendelian asked.

It's impossible, no matter how long it is, it can't be this long. If the strengthened skill of the sap is that strong, the hunter will not be able to survive. And I have heard that the effect of the strengthened sap should be a deep stun. The first attack will not Will wake up, Torrent's research on thieves is thorough.

Maybe it's behind your back, Wendelian also felt strange.

Three people are watching for me. There is no one behind me. If there are people, they will be caught by the flares, Torrent said anxiously. Although Lu Li never took action, this kind of waiting was torturing Torrent's heart and destroying his self-confidence.

In conspiracy theory terms, Lu Li might not be thinking about defeating an opponent, but torturing him.

There are no front, rear, left or right, and I never thought anyone could escape from the ground. Above, look at you! Wendelian shouted in the chat room.

Torrent raised his head and saw a black shadow filling his vision. He remained in this position and was sneak attacked. Looking back, the reason why he didn't react in time at that time was probably because he was frightened. The black shadow would often visit his nightmares in the next few days.

Lu Li originally planned to control the torrent and then kill the chameleon leopard.

What surprised him was that Torrent didn't react immediately, which made him immediately change his mind. As long as you don't react, a set of skills can take away half of your life even if you don't die.

Fixed targets are the easiest to produce special effects, and the stun has never stopped.

Brother T, Brother T, what are you doing? Although the three onlookers were frightened by Lu Li descending from above, their intuitive experience was far inferior to that of Torrent himself, so they reacted faster than the person involved. .

Torrent woke up with a start and quickly released his control to fight back.

In front of an opponent like Lu Li, any mistake would be fatal. His blood volume at this time was even less than one-third, and he still had to withstand a new round of burst damage from Lu Li.

A freezing ice spear shot from a distance, but missed just as it was about to hit Lu Li.

The chameleon spit a flare to the left where Lu Li disappeared, and Torrent threw a flare to the right, trying to illuminate the disappeared Lu Li. Unfortunately, he didn't get the expected harvest at all, and there was no one on the left or right.

How could he run so fast!

The newly arrived mage was stunned for a moment, and then headed towards the place where Lu Li originally stood. Unfortunately, this remedy was a bit awkward, and there was no one left at the place.

His guess was not wrong. Lu Li did not move when he disappeared to dodge the ice gun. He had already calculated that the Torrent and Chameleon Leopard's flare skills had cooled down, and according to ordinary people's inertial thinking, the thief would either flee to the left or to the right. escape.

There were a lot of people coming, including two star racers, Yuntianye and Wendelian.

In addition, there are some other professions, including mages, warlocks, and berserkers. This is obviously the lineup that came to surround and kill Lu Li.

Brother Yun, you shouldn't do anything. This is a one-on-one battle between me and him, Torrent felt a little uncomfortable watching everyone use their skills randomly. He knew that his mission was to hold Lu Li back, but he He was seriously engaging in PK with Lu Li again, feeling that the battle just now should be sacred and should not be interfered with.

Don't be stupid, kid, that's Lu Li, Wendelian patted his head angrily: You may one day defeat him openly, but definitely not now, and you were provoked by him.

Alas, I lost miserably, Torrent said a little frustrated.

It doesn't matter if you lose. At least you dare to fight him head-on. Yuntianye gave up and continued to search for Lu Li. When his first ice gun failed to hit Lu Li, it meant that they had no chance of keeping Lu Li. See Lai Luli had been on guard against such sudden attacks.

In fact, Yuntianye's timing was a bit wrong. If they could wait for Torrent to control Lu Li a little, they would have more hope.

But there are not many opportunities like that, and the most likely result is that Torrent is killed, and they still can't keep Lu Li. Now, although Lu Li has run away, Torrent has also been successfully rescued. This is the wild, and experience will be lost if you die. Dropping equipment.

If there was any loss, it would be that Torrent's self-confidence was severely damaged by Lu Li.

This is very troublesome, but they have no other choice but to wait for Torrent to slowly recover on its own. They believe that Torrent is not that fragile, and if his mental quality is too poor, he will not be able to reach this stage today.

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